Top 10 European TV series of the last decade

Statistics show that the bulk of television series come to us from the US and the UK. However, other European countries also often delight the audience with very talentedly filmed serials.

Thrillers, crime or social dramas are in the greatest demand now, although sometimes other genres occupy leading positions in the tops in terms of popularity, because the main thing in this business is an interesting script, talented actors and … high-quality dubbing.

Here are 10 of the best European series produced in recent years.


Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The TV series tells about the everyday life of Nissen high school students. It vividly describes the problems faced by a large number of adolescents.

In the first season of the television series, Eva is the central character. The girl faces a difficult relationship with her boyfriend, Jonas.

In the second season, Noora becomes the main character. Now the focus is on her relationship with high school student William.

Isaac is the main character of the third season. This guy is trying to understand who he is attracted to: girls or guys. As a result, he tries to build a relationship with a guy who suffers from bipolar disorder.

Each new season of the series focuses on specific topics, ranging from problems of intersexual communication, sexual identity, psychological abuse, homosexuality, and ending with the mental health of adolescents, their religious feelings and propensity for forbidden love.

9. To the call of grief | 2012

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade In a provincial French town, which communicates with the outside world only through a narrow mountain road, very strange events begin to occur: people who died several years ago return home.

They come into the house as if they weren’t dying at all. They have no idea that years have passed since their death. Their physical shell somehow remained intact and their memory does not fail them: they remember their loved ones and their lives until death.

What caused such a mass resurrection? And how can yesterday’s dead feel alive again?

8. Marseille | 2016

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade Steeped in corruption, the mayor of Marseille has been in office for a quarter of a century. However, now he will have to go through difficult elections, where his main rival will be his own protege – a young, energetic politician full of ambitious goals.

7. Isabella | 2011

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The film is dedicated to the biography of the famous ruler of Spain, Isabella of Castile. The first season tells about her early life. Isabella was forced to leave her mother and come to the court of King Enrique IV the Powerless, so called because of his infertility. The future ruler immediately involuntarily becomes involved in palace intrigues.

Her biography will be very rich: there will be resounding successes, and deadly disappointments, and great achievements, and unbearable losses. Wars, deaths of loved ones, betrayal of subjects – many trials befell this woman, who was destined to go down in history forever.

6. 1864 | 2014

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The TV series tells about the war between the alliance of Prussia and Austria with Denmark. The two brothers went to the front line and took part in the bloodiest battle in the history of Denmark.

5. Trap | 2015

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade Near a small town they find the body of a man who was brutally murdered. At the same time, this town is enveloped in a powerful snowstorm, because of which the inhabitants are practically cut off from the outside world. As a result, local law enforcement agencies have to manage only on their own, and the population of the city has to worry about the threat of becoming a victim of a serial killer, but also because of the raging elements.

4. Beau Sejour Hotel | 2016

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The creators of the series offer to look at our world through the eyes of a ghost. 19-year-old Kato Heaven woke up in a bathtub full of blood at the roadside hotel Beau Sejour. After some time, she realizes that she is no more, and her own dead body lies in the bathroom. Definitely, the girl became a victim of a brutal killer, while she herself cannot remember what exactly happened.

Now Kato decides to find the killer at all costs. The heroine tries to investigate to the best of her ability, while she discovers that five people can see her. Further, it turns out that each of these characters somehow interacted with the main character on that ill-fated day.

Now Kato has to figure out if any of these people could be the killer, or are these people just pieces of a complex puzzle?

3. Young dad | 2016

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The central character of this multi-part film is 47-year-old Cardinal from the USA Lenny Belardo, better known as Pope Pius XIII. He managed to become one of the youngest popes ever to ascend the holy throne. He was able to occupy this position with the help of the intrigues of powerful cardinals, who chose him as a compromise option.

2. Darkness | 2017

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The tranquility of a small town in Germany, where people live a quiet, measured life, is disturbed by terrible news – a local teenager has disappeared. Due to the fact that this boy was considered very difficult, and his family was considered dysfunctional, the locals tried to distance themselves from this tragedy.

But, unfortunately, after a while, another disappearance occurs – this time, 11-year-old Mikkel, the son of a policeman, disappears in the forest. Now the townspeople are very worried about these mysterious crimes. These stories especially excited the elderly residents of the town, because something similar had already happened in 1986 …

1. Babylon-Berlin | 2017

Top 10 European TV series of the last decade The film takes place in 1929 in Germany – just at the time of the decline of the Weimar Republic. The central character of the series is the police inspector Gereon. He was called from Cologne to Berlin to sort out the blackmail case.

He begins the investigation in tandem with his partner Bruno. As they delve into this case, every day they have to deal with the dark side of their work: drugs, political crimes, violence and nascent Nazism.

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