Top 10 Diet Pills

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Excess weight is most often the result of malnutrition against the background of insufficient calorie consumption. Anyone who has a lot of high-calorie foods in their diet and at the same time leads a hypodynamic lifestyle can get overweight. Obesity often affects alcoholics, as well as those exposed to chronic stress. This problem does not pass by even children and every year it becomes more and more urgent.

The problem of excess weight, which is getting worse from year to year, encourages pharmacologists to work on creating effective weight loss products that would have a softer formula. This would allow not only to actively burn fat, but also less harm to the health of losing weight. Those who want to use such weight loss products should first of all understand how they work.

Types of drugs for weight loss

It is possible to achieve the ultimate goal and get rid of extra pounds with the help of various means that affect the body in different ways. All of them can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Fat burners. They do not literally “drown” fat, but help speed up the metabolism. Often the mechanism of their action involves stimulating the activity of the thyroid gland, which begins to produce thyroid hormones in large quantities (“natural fat burners”).

  2. Anorectics (appetite suppressants). These tablets have a different mechanism of action. But first of all, they depress the center of hunger, and activate the satiety center in the brain.

  3. Medicines with cellulose. They usually swell in the stomach, giving the illusion of satiety. A big plus of such drugs is that they can cleanse the digestive tract of toxins.

  4. Nutritional supplements. The composition of such funds may contain vitamins, minerals, as well as plant extracts, which effectively help in the complex fight against excess weight.

  5. Diuretics and laxatives. When using such drugs, a person receives a plumb line when weighing due to dehydration of the body. This is a very dubious method of losing weight.

No pills can be called magic. They can only have an auxiliary effect, which is primarily expressed in suppressing appetite and speeding up metabolism. The best results can be achieved if you review your diet and increase physical activity. In our review, we will look at the best anorectics and fat burners that accelerate the process of losing weight.

Rating of the best diet pills

Nomination Place Name of product Price
The best anorectics for weight loss      1 Reduxin      1 440 ₽
     2 Prozac      530 ₽
     3 Cefamadar      1 360 ₽
Best fat burners for weight loss      1 Xenical      830 ₽
     2 Glucophage      180 ₽
     3 Clenbuterol      120 ₽
The best combined dietary supplements for weight loss      1 Doppelgerz Beauty Slim Complex      460 ₽
     2 Turboslim appetite control      530 ₽
     3 NOW Diet Support      2 160 ₽
     4 Solgar Chromium Picolinate      1 100 ₽

The best anorectics for weight loss

For weight loss, appetite suppressants are often used – anorectics. When taken, weight loss has the greatest effect in the first six months. Appetite suppressants are intended for short-term use.


Rating: 4.9

The Russian manufacturer Promomed produces the drug Reduxin. It contains 2 active ingredients: sibutramine (increases the feeling of fullness and reduces the need for food) and microcrystalline cellulose (adsorbs and has a detoxifying effect). This drug is suitable for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 and more. Reduxin is produced in two dosages: 10 mg or 15 mg of sibutramine.

The drug is a relatively small blue (10 mg + 158,5 mg) or blue (15 mg + 153,5 mg) capsules. The daily dose of Reduxin is 1 capsule. It should be taken in the morning (on an empty stomach or during breakfast), without chewing and with a glass of water. At the beginning of treatment, it is enough to take 10 mg per day. After 4 weeks, the dose may be increased to 15 mg/day. Reduxin is not recommended to be taken for longer than 3 months in a row. The drug must be sold in a pharmacy only by prescription.

According to reviews, Reduxin is very effective in the first month of use and gives good plumb lines when weighed. With it, the appetite completely disappears, so you need to remind yourself to eat at the right time. The instructions contain a long list of possible side effects, but most often consumers complain of constant dry mouth and thirst. And this tool noticeably wears out the cardiovascular system.




Rating: 4.8

The French drug Prozac is not directly related to the means for the treatment of obesity, but it can affect appetite. The active ingredient in it is fluoxetine. It is an antidepressant, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. At the same time, with its help, it is possible to reduce uncontrolled eating. This is due to the fact that increased concentrations of serotonin affect the satiety center, suppress the feeling of hunger.

Prozac is an opaque, yellow-green hard gelatin capsule. Each of them contains 20 mg of fluoxetine. The daily dose of Prozac is 1 capsule. It is better to use it in the morning. If necessary, every week the dose is increased by 20 mg. The maximum daily dose can be 60 mg, which is divided into 2-3 doses. However, 40 mg per day is sufficient for effective appetite suppression. Prozac can be taken for 4-5 weeks, and the withdrawal is done gradually with a gradual dose reduction.

Persons who have tried to lose weight with Prozac note that it completely suppresses appetite (this is clearly felt on days 2-3), which makes it easy to tolerate a low-calorie diet when losing weight. At the same time, this drug provides a surge of strength and energy, improves vitality, and normalizes sleep. Among the undesirable effects of Prozac, consumers often highlight headache, nausea, and diarrhea. The drug is exclusively prescription.




Rating: 4.7

Homeopathic German tablets Cefamadar are indicated in the complex therapy of obesity. The main active ingredient of this drug is an extract from the dried bark of the root of Calotropis gigantea (Madara). It stimulates the appetite and satiety control centers. This slimming agent gently affects the body, does not cause a diuretic, laxative effect and does not affect the thyroid gland.

Cefamadar tablets are round, convex on both sides, white. They are not very big in size. They do not have an unpleasant taste and smell. They can be chewed or swallowed whole. The daily dose for adults is 1-3 tablets. It is advisable to take them 1 piece 10 minutes before eating low-calorie foods. If in the evening there is a sudden hunger, then you can dissolve 2 tablets once. The recommended duration of use of the drug Cefamadar is 1 month.

From the reviews it follows that Cefamadar reduces appetite quite well, but does it gradually. A stable result is felt towards the end of the first week of use. With such homeopathic pills, it completely stops pulling on harmfulness and rapid saturation occurs during the main meals. Many people like that the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease over time. Cefamadar does not cause side effects.



Best fat burners for weight loss

Among pharmaceutical preparations, there are no those that would be directly positioned as fat burners, but their mechanism of action, among other things, makes it possible to achieve such a result. In terms of “fat burning”, such active substances have proven themselves well: orlistat, metformin, clenbuterol. In the last two, the main purpose is not related to weight loss at all, but these pills are widely used for these purposes.


Rating: 4.9

The Swiss drug Xenical belongs to the inhibitors of gastrointestinal lipases. It contains a substance – orlistat, which acts in the lumen of the stomach and small intestine. It affects the enzymes that break down fats. They lose this ability, so fewer calories enter the body and over time, extra pounds begin to go away.

The release form of Xenical is turquoise hard gelatin capsules. When swallowed, they do not cause discomfort. Each capsule contains 120 mg of orlistat. Xenical is recommended to be taken 3 times a day, 1 piece during the main meals or no later than 60 minutes after them. If there are no fatty foods during meals, then Xenical can be skipped. The drug is suitable for long-term use and retains its effectiveness.

In the reviews of some, they boast that in a month of using this weight loss product they managed to get rid of 5 or more kilograms. But at the same time, everyone complains about frequent trips to the toilet. This, of course, can be a godsend for those who have suffered from constipation, but for many, such frequent bowel movements are a great inconvenience. The reaction from the gastrointestinal tract will not be as pronounced if you reduce the intake of fatty foods.




Rating: 4.8

The French drug Glucophage is primarily intended for diabetics. But its active substance has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, delays the absorption of glucose in the intestines, so it is often used for weight loss. Metformin not only reduces the intake of glucose from food, but helps the body break down its own fat, using it as an energy source instead of glucose.

Glucophage is a white, round (dosage – 500, 850 mg) or oval (1000 mg), film-coated tablets, convex on both sides. They are packaged in blisters. For weight loss, Glucophage is recommended to take on average 1 tablet (500 mg) 3 times a day with or before meals. Or he is prescribed 2 tablets (850 mg) for a month. With a high intake of fast carbohydrates, diarrhea may occur.

According to reviews, Glucophage is a working drug for weight loss, but it is important to combine it with a low-carbohydrate diet. If you refuse fast carbohydrates for the duration of treatment and slightly increase activity, then in a month you can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. At the same time, you need to be prepared for intense thirst and frequent trips to the toilet if the diet is not followed. And also in the first days of using such tablets, severe nausea may appear. You can get rid of it by reducing the dose.




Rating: 4.7

The Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Sopharma produces Clenbuterol. Its active substance of the same name belongs to selective β2-adrenergic stimulants with a pronounced bronchodilator and secretolytic effect. It is primarily used to treat bronchial asthma. But since it is able to trigger lipolysis by activating the sympathetic nervous system, it is often used for weight loss.

Clenbuterol is a relatively small, round, flat tablet with a score line on one side. Each of them contains 20 micrograms of the active ingredient. Men for weight loss should take 120-140 micrograms (6-7 tablets) per day, and women – 80-100 micrograms (4-5 tablets) per day. The duration of the course should be 14 days. In the future, the addiction of receptors develops, and the effectiveness of the tablets becomes lower.

Consumers speak well of Clenbuterol diet pills. They love that this powerful fat burner protects muscle fibers from destructive processes. Also, people taking such pills note that with them their appetite decreases and the endurance of the body increases. Against the background of other fat burners, Clenbuterol is well tolerated. But for many, at the beginning of treatment, it causes heart palpitations and tremors in the limbs.



The best combined dietary supplements for weight loss

Various pharmaceutical companies produce a large number of nutritional supplements that are designed to promote weight loss. They may contain individual components (chromium picolinate, L-carnitine, garcinia cambogia, alpha lipoic acid), but more often they are already available with a combined composition. Such pills are able to suppress appetite, help reduce fat mass, make the body more resilient.

Doppelgerz Beauty Slim Complex

Rating: 4.9

The German dietary supplement Doppelherz Beauty Slim-Complex contains: conjugated linoleic acid, L-carnitine tartrate, chromium chloride, green tea extract, MCC. This product is involved in lipid metabolism, reduces body fat and promotes muscle growth. It should also increase stamina and performance. Dietary supplement is allowed for use from the age of 14.

This German weight loss product is a rather large white capsule with a pearly sheen. They are quite problematic to swallow. The daily dose for adults is 3 capsules. They are recommended to be divided into 3 doses and consumed during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Be sure to drink the supplement with plenty of water. You should not take such a dietary supplement in the evening, otherwise you may experience problems with sleep. One pack is enough for 20 days of use.

Beauty Slim-Complex cannot be called a super effective tool for losing weight, but in combination with a healthy diet and sports, it speeds up this process. Along the way, you can improve the condition of the skin and become more energetic, cheerful. This product is generally well tolerated, but some report an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth within 30 minutes of swallowing the capsule.



Turboslim appetite control

Rating: 4.8

The company Evalar produces dietary supplements Turboslim appetite control. This weight loss product contains chromium, green tea extract, L-carnitine, hoodia extract, soluble dietary fiber, peppermint oil and the sweetener mannitol. With this product, the feeling of hunger is noticeably suppressed. This dietary supplement helps control appetite in the evenings and makes it easier to stick to a low-calorie diet.

This weight loss product from Evalar is a small, biconvex white chewable tablet. They have a pleasant mint flavor with hints of green tea. Adults chew up to 3-4 tablets per day. Reception is divided into 3-4 times and combined with eating. One package contains 20 tablets, so it is not enough even for 1 week of use.

This product from Evalar acts on the body very gently. It reduces appetite, but not as radically as Reduxin. With this supplement, it is much easier to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, because with the systematic chewing of such tablets, it stops pulling on sweets and overeating in the evenings. This dietary supplement is usually well tolerated and does not cause severe side effects. Although due to mannitol, if abused, it can provoke diarrhea.



NOW Diet Support

Rating: 4.7

The popular Now Foods brand launches Dietary Support supplement. It contains: 3 B vitamins, calcium, iodine, chromium, L-carnitine, extracts of forskolin, garcinia, green tea, bearberry. These components stimulate fat burning, help reduce appetite, activate metabolism, increase endurance during training.

Now Foods Diet Support is available as a standard size vegetable capsule. They are swallowed almost without problems. BAA is placed in a plastic white jar. The product is recommended to take 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. It is best to take it after a meal with half a glass of water.

In the reviews, consumers note that NOW Diet Support is an excellent tool for losing weight. Individuals who have taken this supplement report that they have less appetite, especially in the evenings. Also, this product noticeably gives strength and endurance for active training. Some are confused only by the fact that during the use of this supplement they have increased sweating.



Solgar Chromium Picolinate

Rating: 4.6

The American brand Solgar produces the additive Chromium Picolinate. The microelement here contains trivalent and biologically active. This dietary supplement normalizes lipid metabolism and reduces blood glucose levels. It is designed to reduce hunger and regulate appetite. This element also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.

Solgar Chromium Picolinate is available as standard size capsules. Each of them contains 500 micrograms of chromium. They are placed in a dark glass bottle in the amount of 120 or 180 pieces. There are usually no problems with swallowing them. The manufacturer recommends taking dietary supplements 1 piece 1 time per day. It is best to do this with meals. The product is well tolerated, but some may experience nausea, dizziness, flatulence at the beginning of treatment.

There are predominantly positive reviews about the additive Chromium Picolinate. Those who have tried to achieve weight loss with the help of this dietary supplement note that it effectively suppresses cravings for sweets. However, this does not happen immediately. The maximum effect develops towards the end of the third week of regular use of this remedy.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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