Top 10 dangers that threaten us in summer

Summer and the vacation period is the time when we want to enjoy nature and freedom. We travel, we change the environment, we try new things. And, unfortunately, we often underestimate the dangers that lie behind a carefree vacation. There are many more or less surprising situations. What to watch out for in summer to avoid tragedy, and at best, trouble? We have prepared for you a list of the top 10 dangers of the holiday.

  1. Watch out for the sun in summer! Sunbathing without skin and eye protection can cause skin cancer, heat stroke and eye damage
  2. Be careful with food. In summer, it takes little for bacteria to develop in foods. You could end up with food poisoning
  3. The road traffic accident is the number one killer this summer. It is worth following certain rules to avoid it
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page


Compliance with safety rules while swimming – both in the sea, in the lake and in the hotel swimming pool – is the basic condition to avoid drowning.

Lifeguards remind you that you cannot feel safe in any water: neither in the river we bathe in since childhood, nor on the same piece of sea that we have been visiting for years, nor on the lake. – You can drown anytime and anywhere, even in shallow, seemingly well-known reservoirs – warns Radosław Wiśniewski, rescuer of the Masurian Volunteer Rescue Service with 22 years of experience. – Saying that you can drown in a tablespoon of water is not a cliché, it is absolutely true »- he adds.

The lifeguard reminds that the only sensible place to swim is one where there is a qualified, trained lifeguard who can not only notice that someone is drowning, but also professionally pull him out of the water and help him. The Government Center for Safety (RBC) reminds you to never enter the water after drinking or intoxicating drugs, and to wear a life jacket when you plan to go boating, kayaking or pedalo.

The RCB also advises not to run hot into the water, not to swim far from the shore on the mattress, not to enter the water immediately after a meal, and to follow the instructions of the lifeguard.

  1. «You can drown in a tablespoon of water. It’s not a cliché ». How Poles are sinking?
  2. Can you deal with emergencies? Check before you start your vacation! QUIZ


Anyone can suffer from heatstroke. It is enough to expose the sun for too long, especially with an unprotected head and neck, to lead to disaster. Because heat stroke is a life-threatening condition.

– Before it happens, first we can observe the symptoms of heat weakening, which often occurs, among others, in people who work physically. First there are muscle cramps in the abdomen or limbs, known as heat cramps. This is a signal that we should get out of the sun as soon as possible, hide in a cool, airy room and start taking more fluids – warns the internist Joanna Pietroń. This may be followed by pain, dizziness, nausea and fatigue. Heat stroke can even result in impaired consciousness, delirium and coma.

In the event that people staying in high temperature notice that their well-being is worsening, they have nausea, vomiting, heat cramps, and despite hiding in a cooler place and the passage of time, their condition does not improve, a doctor’s help is necessary. – The more disturbing symptoms we notice, the sooner we should seek help in the hospital – warns doctor Joanna Pietroń.

In preventing heat stroke, the most important things are:

  1. on hot and sunny days, wearing light and airy clothes appropriate to the working conditions,
  2. ensuring adequate (permanent) ventilation of overheated work rooms,
  3. supplying personnel, especially those working on hot days or in an overheated atmosphere, with a sufficient quantity of cool drinking water,
  4.  wearing a hat when working in bright sunlight.

Also read:

  1. Learn How To Help A Person With Heat Stroke
  2. What happens to the human body when it’s hot? Better check it out

Eye damage

Excess sun can be harmful to the eyes, so ophthalmologists remind you to use sunglasses in summer (but really regardless of the season), necessarily with a UV filter. – We should not leave the house without them, because thanks to the glasses we protect our eyes against the harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiation – reminds the ophthalmologist Prof. dr hab. n. med. Jakub Kałużny. – Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light may increase the risk of cataracts and other eye diseases (pterygium – benign conjunctival hyperplasia, age-related macular degeneration, melanoma or conjunctivitis) – explains the expert.

The ophthalmologist pays attention to choosing sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent. UVA and UVB radiation. – When glasses do not have the proper filters, the pupils dilate instead of constricting, which causes more harmful sunlight to enter the eye through the cornea – explains, advising that when buying glasses, information about the power of the UV filter. – The best glasses have a UV 400 filter that absorbs 100% of harmful radiation. Full sun protection is provided by glasses with an anti-reflective coating and a polarizing filter – he tells Medonet.

  1. Ophthalmologist: glasses like this can do more harm than good

Skin cancer

Every year, skin cancer is diagnosed in over one million people worldwide. There are several of the most common types of skin cancer. Melanoma is considered the most malignant (it quite often metastasizes to the lymph nodes, bones and lungs). Melanoma is also one of the easiest cancers to diagnose – it develops on the surface of the skin, most often on exposed parts of the body. Detecting it when the disease is not yet advanced, and the doctors’ actions are limited to cutting out the birthmark, allows to cure almost 100% of the disease. sick »- recalls« Czerniak Academy ».

See also:

  1. Five atypical signs of skin cancer
  2. A simple “detector” for melanoma. The “ABCDE” principle can save your life

Solar radiation is the most dangerous and serious factor in the development of neoplastic skin lesions. Therefore, in prophylaxis, it is necessary to limit the skin’s exposure to UV rays as much as possible, including

– the use of protective formulations with a UV filter, such as, for example, Indeed Defense 30 available on Medonet Market;

– wearing appropriate protective clothing

– limiting the time spent in sunny places in favor of staying in the shade.

Food poisoning

Summer is a time of picnics and eating outside, and food may be exposed to high temperatures for too long. To avoid food poisoning, follow basic food storage and use-by guidelines.

In summer, salmonella poisoning occurs more often than in other seasons of the year. During this time, we more often eat foods in which this pathogen may exist – such as ice cream or cream cakes.

Salmonella poisoning is usually characterized by an acute onset accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. In most cases, patients recover without specific treatment. However, in some cases, especially in children and the elderly, the disease can be dangerous due to dehydration, which can become severe and life-threatening.

Preventing salmonella infection is simple. It is enough to take care of hygiene and thoroughly wash all products with which we can become infected with the bacterium. If we eat meat, we should subject it to a thorough heat treatment, i.e. cook, fry and bake as much as a given type of meat requires. It is very important to wash your hands regularly, after using the toilet, when walking home after a working day, and in many other situations.

Road accidents

Are you going on vacation soon or will you be returning from there? Remember, traffic on the roads increases dramatically during the summer holidays – the risk of a tragedy will also happen.

– The most important thing a driver must remember – always, but especially before a long journey, is rest. We sit behind the wheel when we are asleep, reminds doctor Bartosz Fiałek. – A lack of concentration is responsible for the large number of accidents. I do not mention the use of psychoactive substances, because it should be obvious to everyone (although unfortunately it is not, for example, the recent tragic accident near Stalowa Wola) – he tells Medonet.

– If we have hours behind the wheel ahead of us, let’s not forget about breaks. Let us not underestimate the fatigue that appears while driving, let’s stop, let’s walk for 15-30 minutes, change the activity to improve concentration, he advises.

Of course, some will need to rest after two hours of driving, others after four – this is an individual matter. – However, everyone who is driving should be aware that breaks are necessary to maintain attention on the road. This basic rule, which is very simple, can save our health and life as well as other road users – emphasizes Bartosz Fiałek.


During the summer heat it is easy to dehydrate, i.e. a situation when there is not enough fluid in the body to function properly. We do this by drinking too rarely (dehydration also occurs as a result of excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea). What might the consequences be?

heatstroke – If you do not drink enough fluids during vigorous exercise and heavy sweating outdoors in high temperatures, you may experience heat stroke. As we have already explained, this condition can threaten our life and health.

urine and kidney problems – prolonged or repeated bouts of dehydration can cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones and even kidney failure,

seizures – electrolytes such as potassium and sodium help transfer electrical signals from cell to cell. If the electrolyte levels are abnormal, normal electrical messages can get mixed up, which can lead to involuntary muscle contractions and, sometimes, to unconsciousness

The symptoms of dehydration vary depending on whether the condition is mild or severe. Symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration include, but are not limited to, dry mouth, increased thirst, decreased urination, pain and dizziness. In the case of more severe dehydration, in addition to the above symptoms, there may also be, inter alia, low blood pressure, fast heart rate and breathing, dark urine. Severe dehydration requires immediate medical attention.

Make sure you have water on hand when you will be in the heat for long periods. Also, don’t forget about the children – they often won’t ask for water because they don’t feel thirsty. Remember to take frequent breaks to sip water during summer activities for children.

  1. Who is at risk of dehydration?
  2. Do you really need to drink that much a day? Physiologist and nutritionist explains

Insect bites

Insect bites can be annoying and itchy. They can also be serious if they bring about an infectious disease such as a disease such as Lyme disease. This summer prevent bites and insect-borne infections by using a good repellent wearing long pants and long sleeves where there may be large numbers of mosquitoes or ticks.

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Unprotected sex

Summer often brings thoughts of romance and new love adventures. While the spontaneity of such a summer romance is exciting, the risk of an STI, including HIV, is very real. Before embarking on any summer adventure, find out how to protect yourself from these types of surprises.

See also:

  1. Diagnosis of venereal diseases at home
  2. Embarrassing diseases are not only transmitted sexually. Here are other routes of infection


Every year, many people are affected by fireworks. Some of them are so serious that they have to go to the emergency room. Avoid such fun effects by leaving the fireworks to the professionals.

If you want to organize a firework display in your own backyard, use common sense and keep children away. Remember that fireworks and firecrackers are pyrotechnics. Before you “fire” them, make sure that they are not damaged, and be sure to read the manual. It should also be remembered that the person firing fireworks should be sober.

Improperly firing fireworks or firecrackers may result in injuries to the arms or face. Read what to do if we witness or attend such an event.

Read also:

  1. Warning for recoveries and those vaccinated against COVID-19. Important in summer!
  2. Sunstroke. “A person has the impression that one foot is already in that world”
  3. Sun and alcohol? This popular summer combination can be dangerous

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