Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

The Japanese have always been famous for the fact that if they took up the industry, then the products turned out to be reliable and undoubtedly of high quality. However, next to this indisputable fact lies another phenomenon that clearly characterizes Japan. After all, it is from the Land of the Rising Sun that we annually hear about the inventions and developments of high-tech items that have a strange … no, even too strange a purpose. There is even an official name for such devices – “Chindogu”. If you suddenly remembered the legendary Tamagotchi, then rather crawl out of the Stone Age – this is almost the most harmless thing that the Japanese thought of. Technology has stepped forward a long time ago, and today we present ten truly crazy things that could only be invented in one country in the world. Beware, after reading this, you may want to purchase a pair of these chindogus.

10 Tubes for eye drops

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

Opens the hit parade at first glance, even a useful little thing. At first sight. The sockets for eye drops are glasses with two through funnels, through which, in accordance with the idea, the drug will fall exactly on the surface of the eye. Very cool! It’s just a pity that this has never been a problem anyway (are you going to miss the bottle by the eye?). Everyone will say that the real obstacle is frequent blinking in anticipation of a healing drop. This device not only does not solve the widespread trouble, but only exacerbates the problem, since our droplet now has to drain down the funnel and hang a little just above the eyeball.

9. Animal chairs

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

This idea looks more interesting from the point of view of practicality. The structure of such furniture is as follows: a frame with four wooden legs is sheathed with artificial fur on top. The tail attached at the back (again made of fur) finally makes us think that the Japanese wanted to make a chair in the form of an animal. We can say that they even succeeded (the torso really looks realistic), but the absence of any identification marks in front remains completely incomprehensible. That is, it turns out a headless animal (or a developer?), Because of which the piece of furniture looks extremely ridiculous. But at least you can sit.

8. Radio controlled mop

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

Well, well, well, apparently something really useful is brewing. The Japanese made sure that the overly lazy contingent did not wallow in the dust of their own home. The device comes with a mop and a control panel, very similar to the joystick from an old SonyPlaystation. Damn, surprisingly this thing works great! Indeed, you can get comfortable on the couch and watch how the floor begins to become cleaner. There is only one small problem – both the remote control and the mop are powered by batteries, which can exhaust their resource just when the miracle assistant is in the most inaccessible place in the room.

7. Hugging arm pillows

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

Based on the fact that demand creates supply, I would really like to look at those who want to sleep in an embrace with a plush piece of the human body – this is what our next device looks like. A pillow with a hand has been created supposedly for single girls who cannot fall asleep without hugs. Agree, it’s a rather strange feeling when you are hugged, but no one is breathing nearby. An even stranger feeling should be experienced by the visiting parents of such a girl (unless, of course, they are the inventors of this). Seriously, any adult store can provide much more for a sound and healthy sleep than this hug pillow.

6. Umbrella tie

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

Yes, it really is an umbrella, elegantly attached to your neck at the top, with a handle dangling from the bottom in an absolutely stupid way. Try sewing the top of your tie onto your umbrella and tying it, what will it be like for you? However, let’s not be so categorical, because this invention has at least a couple of useful functions – an umbrella is always at hand, and you certainly won’t leave it on the bus. By the way, in order to teach a chatty colleague a lesson (well, or just play a joke on him), now you just need to find the button to open the umbrella, and a surprise for your friend is guaranteed. But seriously, this thing is at least really practical, unlike half of our list.

5. Cat face mask

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

No, no, a cat masquerade with Whiskas and valerian has nothing to do with it (so far anyway). But you can easily scare someone or cheer with the help of such a mask – it depends on the situation. However, we are dealing with a Japanese invention. Just a carnival mask with a cat face print? Fi, mauvais ton. It doesn’t matter if our mask is also cosmetic, with various effects for the skin, including cleansing and smoothing wrinkles. The result is ambiguous. Since this little thing, pulled over the head, does not look too cute, it remains only to rely on its beneficial properties for the skin.

4. Nose shaper

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

If you have certain claims about the appearance of your own nose (let’s say you think that you have a huge potato or a whole trunk), then it is not at all necessary to take up a knife or run to a plastic surgeon. At least, the inventors from Japan think so – they assure that a special clothespin on the nose with holes for breathing will certainly solve your problem. Moreover, all you need to do is put on a miracle accessory every day for 15-20 minutes. If we take into account the softness of the nose, then perhaps there really is some effect, but it will have to be maintained exactly daily.

3. Cap for sleeping on the subway

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

This invention is definitely for people without complexes. Well, who else can doze off calmly, having a helmet on his head, fixed to the wall of the car with a device that is extremely reminiscent of a plunger? Although, remembering your own morning desire to sleep on the way to work or study … Yes, let there be a helmet and a plunger – if only to snatch half an hour of closed eyelids, right? In addition, with this device, you should not worry that you will oversleep the desired station. Indeed, for greater external absurdity, there is a sign on the helmet where you can enter the name of the stop so that you are pushed at the right time. It is possible that in the near future the position of an alarm clock will appear in the Japanese subway.

2. Box for storing cat whiskers

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

Do not believe it, but the purpose of this elegant-looking box is really to … store the cat’s whiskers that your pets have lost. Japanese policeman? Not that word! Do not even try to understand the logic of the inventors, you just urgently need a mustache storage box. Well, okay, okay, there is such a sign that a monetary addition awaits the one who finds the cat’s whisker, but there you should put the fallen off part of the animal in your wallet. In the end, no one canceled witchcraft and love potions either. And, finally, the surest argument for storing a cat’s whiskers is that it will suddenly come in handy, everything is needed in the household.

1. Facial trainer

Top 10 Crazy Japanese Inventions

Remember the adult store mentioned just above? So, the device crowning our list would certainly not be lost on the shelves of such establishments. But in fact, in fact, it looks like a very useful simulator for facial muscles, according to developers from Japan. The object to be placed in the oral cavity is designed to protect the face from the appearance of wrinkles, smooth existing ones, tighten the skin, and also prevent the appearance of flabbiness and sagging of the epidermis. Well, Japanese women are known to look very young for years. Looks like their secret is out now.

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