Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world

Travel is always discovery. However, when it comes to spending a few months living thousands of miles from home, you inevitably think about what we are going to find when we cross the border of the chosen country.

Popular lists of states with the best quality of life are published every year in the top 10. Compilers are based on data such as the population’s access to good paying jobs, food and housing, tuition fees, healthcare levels, or average per capita income.

However, other aspects such as political stability, equal opportunity, crime rates, job security or respect for the environment also play a huge role.

Whether you are going to study a foreign language abroad, work or just visit an interesting place, this article will help you make the best decision.

Do you want to know where it is better to live and which countries with the highest standard of living are in the top 10 on the planet? We present you the rating of states with stable economic development.

10 Norway

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world Norway is a good example of the high quality of people’s lives. This Scandinavian country is a leader in the field of labor equality between men and women.

The Norwegian education system is considered one of the best in the world and this explains the interest in all branches of knowledge of Norwegians of all ages. The average life expectancy of the local population, which is 82 years, is another important point.

In addition, we cannot lose sight of the natural beauty of Norway. Its fantastic fjords, lush forests and snow-capped peaks make this country a delight to the eye.

9. New Zealand

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world Those who, thinking about new Zealand, remember the landscapes of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, get a good idea of ​​the vast natural wealth that this country has. This state is an excellent example of harmonious coexistence between ethnic groups and almost opposite cultures (British, Maori and Asians).

New Zealand is politically very stable and prosperous economically. It is a parliamentary democracy with great social stability. The average life expectancy of the local population is 81,46 years and is one of the highest in the world.

8. Canada

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world The third largest country in the world in terms of oil reserves has managed to create an economic system that is between economic liberalism and the offer of wide social inclusion. Multicultural and innovative, Canada always among the top ten countries with the best quality of life because it has a competitive job market and an enviable academic level (several local universities are among the best in the world).

Canada’s 35 million people are justifiably proud of the incomparable richness of the environment – it’s not for nothing that Canada’s national parks are considered among the best in the world.

Many young people from different parts of the world decide to move to this country for a while because studying in Canada is synonymous with quality. In addition, a local student visa allows you to work while studying, so this is an ideal way to pay for expenses.

7. Iceland

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world Named multiple timesthe happiest country” in Europe, Iceland again and again serves as an example of constant social and economic progress. Its inhabitants receive protection from the state and the promotion of personal initiative in all areas, from work to creativity.

The average salary in this country is quite high, and social security is one of the best in the world. The Icelandic government is committed to sustainable energy and its 300 people strongly believe in the importance of caring for the environment and its many natural resources.

6. Netherlands

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world Netherlands ranked separately among the 10 countries with the best quality of life in the world due to their high per capita income ($49), well-established democratic values, and commitment to an open and multicultural society.

Founders of NATO and the European Union (EU), the Dutch are great protectors of childhood, education and academic preparation. The bicycle is the national transport and also a symbol of great respect for the environment.

Among other things, this Western European country is distinguished by a high level of tolerance towards representatives of sexual minorities, who here can freely formalize their relationship.

5. Sweden

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world Swedish lifestyle is booming all over the world. What the Swedes call “Lagom”, an expression that has no translation into Russian is a way of life in which simple things are the most important things in life.

Do you want examples? Spend time with family and friends, balance work and personal life, take care of the environment and stay connected with family… Lagom is just the tip of the iceberg in a country that has 8 out of 10 college-educated adults.

4. Australia

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world On this continent, the gross domestic product (GDP) is increasing at a rate of 3,3% per year. Medicine is available and free. The crime here is almost a joke, and the education system brings out the talent of students who are among the best in the world in terms of technology and innovation.

The spread of sports and healthy habits among Australians surprises tourists. Australians know how to perfectly combine work life with personal life and leisure. To top it off, they have countless natural wonders and unique animal species such as koalas and kangaroos.

On the other hand, Australia is also a very attractive place for young people from all over the world, as it allows you to work with a student visa.

3. Luxembourg

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world The high income level of Luxembourgers is one of the reasons why their country is on this list. The World Bank ranks this small European country in first place in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, with an unemployment rate below 2% and high levels of job equality.

Luxembourg – a key member of the main international organizations that advocate for equality and the protection of human rights. Local residents consider the protection of children’s rights, health care and access to education to be their main social achievements.

2. Switzerland

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world The neutral country is an oasis for lovers of high quality of life and stability, both economic and political. The Swiss have one of the highest per capita incomes in the world at $58.

Switzerland provides its citizens with a high level of health protection. Also, local residents can choose one of the best educational centers and universities for studying. Democracy and individual freedom are considered key values ​​here.

1. Denmark

Top 10 countries with the highest standard of living in the world Denmark is one of those countries that efficiently generates wealth and knows how to distribute it evenly among the population. Low crime rates, high employment rates and access to education and healthcare make Denmark one of the 10 countries with the best quality of life.

The Danish social security system does not allow Danes to be seriously affected by a difficult economic situation such as the global economic crisis.

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