Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

Each country has its own attitude towards representatives of non-traditional orientation. Somewhere homosexuality is considered a crime, gays are persecuted, punished and even executed.

But there are countries in which non-traditional orientation is treated normally. “Lucky” can officially register their relationship and even adopt a child.

The American Institute of Public Opinion (a fairly reputable organization) decided to conduct a survey, during which the best countries for people with a non-traditional orientation were identified.

1000 people from each country were interviewed, after which a conclusion was made about the number of representatives of non-traditional orientation in the territories of different states.

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

However, based on this information, it is possible to understand which countries are leaders in the number of gays. Of course, no one talks about the exact figures, they are rather arbitrary.

10 Uruguay

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

It is not surprising that the country made it to this list, since same-sex marriages have been legalized here since 2013. Such families have the right to adopt and are no different from traditional ones.

9. Malta

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

Here, the law on legalization was adopted relatively recently, in 2017. Although gays and lesbians used to live well too.

People have long been accustomed to representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation and treat them as equals.

8. Australia

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

In 2017, Australia joined the ranks of countries allowing same-sex marriage. Before the adoption of the law, voting was held, in which everyone took part. Every resident of the country could send a postal ballot.

62% of Australians agreed that same-sex marriage is OK. Except churches and religious organizations still have the right to boycott same-sex unions.

7. Belgium

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

One of the most progressive countries in relation to sexual minorities. Same-sex love has been allowed here since 1795. Such couples received the opportunity to formalize their union in 2003.

6. Ireland

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

First country to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. 62% voted in favor of changing the constitution, and in 2015 the law was passed.

5. United Kingdom

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

In 2003, the UK passed a law protecting gay people. Same-sex unions were legalized in 2014.

Here, gays are treated very well, their rights are not infringed. Surely this will surprise a Russian person, but in the UK they annually hold the Mister Gay beauty contest.

4. Spain

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

Not everyone was happy about the new law allowing same-sex unions. About 60% voted “yes”, but adherents of the Roman Catholic Church were strongly opposed. Representatives of the authorities managed to convince them that same-sex unions are not harmful to society.

3. Canada

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

Canada legalized same-sex marriage in 2005. Unlike many other countries, future spouses do not need to live in Canada to register their relationship here.

2. Iceland

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

In this country, non-traditional couples got the opportunity to legalize the union in 2010. One of the first to use this opportunity was the Spanish Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardouttir.

1. Netherlands

Top 10 countries in the world by the number of homosexuals

The most liberal country in relation to gays and lesbians. In 1811, a law was passed to protect their rights; in 1998, gay people could legally formalize their relationship.

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