Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows

When series began to be shown in Russia, many women were crazy about them. Beautiful love stories. On the way, the heroes will face many trials, they suffer, but at the end of the series they get what they wanted. Of course, in life everything is much more prosaic and simpler, and women cannot live without romance and feelings.

But if you seriously get carried away by the series, you soon stop enjoying them. Even if you periodically watch them, there is a feeling of deja vu. It seems that all this has already been shown, and more than once.

Indeed, why invent something new if there are scenarios that have been proven over the years that the viewer will definitely like. It is worth a little remake of the plot, and the new series is ready.

Below is a rating of the most common stamps in the series.

10 The heroine is expecting a baby from her lover, but he hides a lot from her

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows Such a story will be interesting to every woman. Of course, if she does not watch it for the hundredth time. The girl falls in love, then realizes that she is pregnant.

The man according to the script is either a bastard or dead. With the second option, everything is clear. Here the main character can only sympathize. The second option is much more difficult. He may be married, in which case you should not worry, at the end of the series his wife will die, and he will go to the main character. If he cheats on her, the main character will definitely be supported by his friend.

Still, series with such a plot will always be popular, women love to look at the suffering of others. They realize that their life is not so bad and, at least for a short time, forget about their problems.

9. Modest girl and the “star” of the school – the best couple

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows Everyone knows that the most beautiful and richest boy will definitely go to a modest girl. Another option is a successful businessman who got fed up with model-looking girls and decided to marry a provincial girl from the village. It doesn’t matter that she is poorly dressed, he will buy her the most expensive dress. The lack of education of a handsome man also does not bother, the main thing is that she has a pure soul.

Why is this serial stamp so loved by women? It’s simple, many of them were brought up on fairy tales. Remember “Cinderella”?

Girls want to forget about their gray existence and find themselves in a fairy tale. In life, this very rarely happens.

8. A provincial comes to conquer the capital

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows How many series have been filmed on this topic! A girl from a village or a small town comes to the capital. She meets a prince from a fairy tale, but something bad happens and she is left alone.

She needs to overcome many trials: lack of housing and work, hunger and cold, bullying by colleagues, arrogant harassment of surrounding men (the bosses of these girls are especially unrestrained). AT At the end of the series, she gets what she wants. He will triple his job, buy an apartment, get a residence permit and meet his prince again.

Unrealistic? Yes, but very interesting.

7. The child will solve all problems

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows It was Russian and foreign TV series that taught women how to get out of the situation with the help of pregnancy. If a man does not love, it is worth getting pregnant, and he throws the whole world at her feet. True, not always. In some cases, he leaves the woman alone with her misfortune.

She has two ways: to become a single mother or to send the child to an orphanage, or somewhere else. In any case, at the end of the series, the man realizes that he did wrong, finds a woman, they go to the orphanage and take their adult child.

By the way, it’s very convenient, you don’t need to spend money on diapers and stay awake at night. For some reason, children in this case meet their lost parents with open arms. Nobody cares about their feelings.

Actually, this is a very bad idea, you should not tie a man to pregnancy.

6. Any rival of the heroine is an evil bitch

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows The main character of the series is a kind girl, but her rival is a real fiend. This woman loves only herself, and from the prince she needs only money and status.

Of course, not all rivals are like that, some love the main character. All of them have one thing in common – a dishonest game. They try to take possession of a man by hook or by crook.

The most popular way is to get a man drunk and say in the morning that she is pregnant. He will have to marry, and the good girl will be left with nothing.

Anything happens in life, but even female bitches are not capable of what they show us in the next series.

5. The heroine quarrels with her beloved, loses her phone and cannot restore contact with him

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows This serial stamp makes viewers think about the mental abilities of the main character. If events take place at a time when no one has heard of mobile phones, you can trust the scriptwriters.

But if it’s the XNUMXst century, doesn’t she know that there are cell phone shops where she can get help? If a girl lost her phone, why can’t she restore the SIM card?

Probably, the creators of the series hope that the viewers will be so amazed by the ongoing events that they will forget about everything and will not focus on such trifles.

Still, you don’t have to worry too much, the story will end well. After 25 years, they will meet, and a romantic relationship will begin between them again.

4. A provincial girl faces bandits, but the protagonist saves her

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows And again about a provincial woman who came to conquer the capital. As soon as she gets off the train, plane, bus, misfortune immediately befalls her. They rob her, beat her, try to rape her.

By the way, in every Russian series, all the surrounding men cannot pass by the main character. They all want to rape her. In foreign series, this happens less frequently.

Let’s get back to our story. A beautiful man, rich and handsome, comes to the aid of the girl. He saves her, and love breaks out between them.

It is a pity that in real life you can rarely meet such a hero.

3. Going crazy is the way!

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows Another serial cliché. The girl (yes, we are talking about that very provincial woman) cannot cope with the problems that have piled on her, and most importantly, with the indifference of the protagonist.

She has no choice but to go crazy. In addition, she can go blind, deaf, break both legs. Surprisingly, the main character will immediately realize that he has lost the treasure. He will come to her, will beg her for forgiveness, confess his love. Then the girl’s health miraculously restored.

It is unfortunate that the method does not work in real life. Who needs a blind, deaf and crazy woman? That’s right, nobody.

2. The province is a hopeless place in which there is nothing

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows Of course, the series will show not only the capital, but also the province. This is a remote village, in which there is nothing.

Even if this is a small town, it lacks shops, beauty salons and other benefits. Therefore, the main character does not know how to walk in heels, wear beautiful clothes. She does not know how to behave in a restaurant, and she has not even heard of the rules of decency. As a rule, a girl will meet a kind woman who decides to teach her everything she knows herself. And she knows a lot, a lot.

1. Love is women’s tears

Top 10 Common Stamps in TV Shows When watching the series, one gets the feeling that love is only tears. The main character suffers because of love, constantly crying. She was not happy for a single day, only grief and suffering. And all because the main character is a bastard or died.

Each love story consists of three periods. The first is candy-bouquet, two weeks of happiness. The second is trials, this period lasts for 20 or even 30 years. The main character will have to go through betrayal, illness, loss of a child, drug addiction. In the third period, fate will reward her for suffering, she will meet her beloved again, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. It turns out that he revised his behavior or staged death. It doesn’t matter anymore, because everyone is happy. Only true feelings will stand the test of time.

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