Top 10 cities located “on the edge”

Many at least once in their lives thought about how to leave everything and go as far as possible. Perhaps it was to such dreamers that the idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbbuilding cities at the very edge of the cliff, in high mountains, belongs. Now such sights are very popular among tourists.

This article describes 10 cities that are “on the edge”.

10 Arcos de la Frontera (Spain)

Top 10 cities located on the edge In this small town, tourists are very attracted by the beautiful white houses that are located above the abyss. With the help of such walls, residents are saved from intense heat.

The center of Arcos de la Frontera is located in Plaza del Cabildo, in the old part of the area. Travelers are very attracted by the castle, which was built by the Moors in the XNUMXth century, the town hall, the church of Santa Maria de la Asuncion.

There is a Gothic cathedral built in the XNUMXth century. Outside the village there is a convent of the XIV century.

9. Rocamadour (France)

Top 10 cities located on the edge This city is located above the Alzu mountain river, next to a limestone cliff. It became very popular when the remains of Saint Amadure, a Christian hermit, were found here. This happened in the XNUMXth century. As for the exact date of the founding of Rocamadour, no one can name it.

The statue of the Black Madonna and the chapel of Notre Dame were erected in this city. On two of its streets there is a museum of old toys, office buildings, cafes.

Everyone can get to the holy place with the help of a staircase with a large number of chapels. The relics of Amadur were destroyed during the French Wars of Religion, and only parts of the bone have survived to this day.

8. Cuenca (Spain)

Top 10 cities located on the edge Cuenca is located at an altitude of 0,8 km, it is located between two rivers. The most interesting sights of this city are a large number of original old houses, museums of abstract art, science, a baroque town hall, a cathedral, a monastery of the Order of Santiago.

Cuenca is a very picturesque place, but for many it may seem illogical and bizarre. The city seems to be flying, looking at the sky. Many joke that he ignores the laws of gravity.

7. Monsanto (Portugal)

Top 10 cities located on the edge This city is built at an altitude of 0,8 km, it is located on a granite rock. The number of people living in Monsanto is no more than 1000. To create ceilings and walls in local buildings, many people from this city use stones. Looking at such houses, it is very difficult to catch the difference between cobblestones and a residential building.

In the middle of the XIV century, the Brotherhood of Mercy appeared in these places, and after that people began to settle here. In the XII century, the king handed over this city to the Templars: they were supposed to build a fortification here.

Enemies stormed the castle, but then there was an explosion in the warehouse where the ammunition was located, and the fortress was almost destroyed. Only ruins remained of the castle.

6. Castelfulit de la Roca (Spain)

Top 10 cities located on the edge This place is located on a basalt rock. Castelfulit de la Roca seems to hang over a dangerous abyss: it is located on a narrow rocky plateau. From the avalanche, basalt appeared, from which all residential buildings in this area were erected.

There is only one street in this village. The Church of San Salvador is its main attraction, it is built on the top of the mountain. This church was built in the XNUMXth century.

Tourists note that in these places there are a lot of cats, as well as vegetable gardens that are located in the lowlands.

5. Santorini (Greece)

Top 10 cities located on the edge Santorini is a Greek archipelago located at an altitude of 0,3 km. Here are such attractions as the ancient quarters, the ruins of residential buildings of the first Christians, the archaeological museum, the church of Aiu Mina.

The Church of Pangea Bishops is one of the most ancient sights of the archipelago. This is a shrine that belongs to Orthodoxy.

In the XVIII century, the monks built the monastery of the Prophet Elijah: it was erected at an altitude of 550 m.

4. Setenil de las Bodegas (Spain)

Top 10 cities located on the edge This settlement is located at an altitude of over 500 meters and covers an area of ​​over 80 square meters. It was built in basalt rocks. The streets and buildings of this settlement seem to be crushed by rocks. It is on the edge of a cliff. Around it are herds of pigs, grapes.

Travelers note that the atmosphere here is very mysterious: there are practically no people on the streets, there is ringing silence around. The city is famous all over the world for its delicious chorizo ​​sausage.

3. Manarola (Italy)

Top 10 cities located on the edge This beautiful fishing town is located next to the Ligurian Sea. It is located on a rock. In Manarola there is a church that was created in the XIV century.

In the eastern part of the city there is a central square, and in the west there is a small harbor. Around Manarola there are grapes: they grow on almost all slopes.

There are no beaches in this settlement, but at the same time there are a large number of harbors for boats and caves that are under water. If you want to be near the water, you will need to go up the stairs, built several centuries ago.

2. Bonifacio (France, Corsica)

Top 10 cities located on the edge This place is located on the cliffs of white limestone, it is located next to the Mediterranean Sea. Bonifacio’s most popular attractions are the Aragonese Steps, old graves, and the city’s citadel.

Once it was possible to get into the city only through a drawbridge, but now they get to the Chapelle Saint-Roch church.

Many tourists also want to see the watchtower, which was built at the end of the XII century, the monastery of Saint-Francois, the bastion of L’Etendard.

1. Ronda (Spain)

Top 10 cities located on the edge Andalusia is a part of Spain that can be called the most unusual, very original. The city of Ronda is located in this area. The inhabitants of Rome, Arabs and other peoples participated in its creation.

Ronda is located at an altitude of over 700 meters. It was in these places that bullfighting arose: the first bullring was built in the city of Ronda at the end of the XNUMXth century.

The main attraction of these parts can be called the New Bridge, which connects the two gorges. In the middle of the bridge is a building with one window. At the present time, this building houses a museum, and earlier there was a prison.

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