Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

Roads in Russia are an absolutely inexhaustible topic, which is not discussed except in a manger. A whole legend. “There are two troubles in Russia …”, “We are invincible, because the enemy will not get through to us”, “We pay taxes, but where are the roads?”, “The asphalt has melted along with the snow” – it seems that it will not be possible to move away from the catchphrases that have become catchphrases never. The duty layers of the driver’s mat are comparable in size to the layers of the earth’s atmosphere, and if you put them together in one big sound, which is usually squealed, then people would be born and die under it from generation to generation. The number of suspensions left on the roads of Russia is enough for a separate starry firmament, where punched wheels and bent disks will be planets and their satellites. Okay, it’s actually not all that bad (and this is no longer a joke). However, let’s still digress from philosophy and lyrics, get into the car and drive around our country in search of 10 cities with the most dead roads. Will we get there?

10 Volgograd

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

This city is the undisputed leader in our sad list of the length of the roadway, which is in a deplorable state. Over 350 kilometers of Volgograd roads are hardly suitable for traffic. The most acute situation is observed at the Samara junction, as well as on the streets: Rokossovsky, Khoroshev, Third Longitudinal and Kuban. Statistics say that about half of the accidents in Volgograd are associated with poor-quality asphalt pavement. Police say 80% of the region’s roads are dangerous. What if even D. Medvedev during his visit did not hesitate to recognize the roads of Volgograd as dead.

9. Vladivostok

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

Surprisingly, the most right-hand drive city in Russia is also here. It is even more surprising how Japanese women lovers generally cope with the task of driving along some streets, where a whole wheel or a small log can easily fit into a road hole. So, on Snegovaya Street there is a famous pit, the depth of which (about 20 cm) clearly exceeds the clearance of cars, and the government BMW of the Long version will fit in there in width. Things are not much better with the canvas along the streets: Seryshev, Lenin, Pervomaiskaya, Ukrainian and Tukhachevsky. In total, there are about 90 kilometers of bad roads in Vladivostok.

8. Eagle

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

The proud name of the city is not projected in any way on the situation with the roadway. Residents here have to be “proud” of 155 kilometers of dead asphalt (and in some places it doesn’t exist at all). In the most disastrous situation for drivers is Megevoy Lane – there are huge potholes. Although from time to time public utilities pour rubble into the pits, this solution does not look very effective for 20-centimeter ditches. Potholes are also famous for several other Oryol streets: Northern Park, Metallurgists, Cosmonauts and Razdolnaya. By the way, “in some places there is no asphalt” – this is about the state of affairs on Kuznetsova Street, where it really evaporates along with snowdrifts in some areas.

7. Kondopoga

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

We bet not everyone knows that this city is located in Russia (and, in principle, that it exists)? True, the town in Karelia is not covered with the best fame – Kondopoga gained some fame in the mid-2000s due to ethnic conflicts. However, back to the topic. To dispel doubts due to an atypical name for Russia, just look at the roads in the city. This is where everything fell into place. The settlement has 13 kilometers of potholes and potholes located on both banks of the Kondopoga Bay. Modest at first glance, the figure instantly becomes a disaster when you find out the area of ​​u11buXNUMXbthe town – only XNUMX square kilometers.

6. Shadrinsk

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

Again a small city, this time located between Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. However, in our list, Shadrinsk has to coexist completely with other regions. As for the state of affairs regarding roads, 11 kilometers of the canvas are considered unsuitable for traffic in the town. It is curious that this distance includes a whole street, which, in addition, also bears the name … Avtomobilistov. The site on Proletarskaya Street is also considered problematic, which from time to time is included in the annual urban repair plan, but either falls out of there at the last moment, or is actually repaired with invisible nanotechnological tools.

5. Nalchik

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

In terms of good and smooth roads, you will not go far in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria. Here, about 40 kilometers of the roadway is in poor condition. The street with the exotic name Luxembourg takes the drivers most “warmly”. The absurdity is that the roadway here has actually just been repaired. However, due to the meager amount of asphalt used, the road was again covered with pits and potholes in the first year. The streets of Simirenko, Abidova, Dagestanskaya, Balkarova and Semashko are also not distinguished by an even canvas and bring a nightmare to the suspension of cars of local drivers.

4. Kovrov

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

On the streets of the city of military glory, in the Vladimir region, sad sighs and heart-rending squeaks of car suspensions are also heard. About 40 roads of Kovrov are in disrepair, and the total length of the broken canvas is 39 kilometers. The figures are rather big against the background of the fact that the area of ​​the town is estimated at 54 “square”. The situation is most sad on the sections of Stroiteley and Mayakovsky streets – potholes and pits hardly make it possible to gain at least some decent value on the speedometer. The road situation is a little better on Elovaya and Belinsky streets.

3. Tver

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

The Tver regional center does not allow to gain momentum. The percentage of broken roads here is indecently high – in the city there is a total of 170 kilometers of asphalt, stuffed with ditches, potholes, pits and other surprises. It seems that drivers here will simply refuse to believe their eyes if one day in Tver all the roads will suddenly be smooth and even. Tupolev Street stands apart: local residents unanimously assure that it is possible to overcome the road here only on a tank. Another road attraction in Tver is a pit located on Lunacharsky Street. The dimensions of the “crater” are really impressive – 15 centimeters deep and 2.5 meters wide.

2. Orsk

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

What can be known about this city in the Orenburg region (of course, if you do not live there)? But Orsk is in the top ten of the Russian rating in terms of area (621 square kilometers), a large amount of industry is concentrated here (metallurgy, automotive production), there are many universities in the city. Well, as you might guess, Orsk also has bad roads. True, in this case there are not so many of them – only 36 kilometers of canvas with epicenters on the streets: Kamennaya, Stanislavsky, Vyazemskaya and Belyaeva. Perhaps the most modest indicators from our today’s rating.

1. Makhachkala

Top 10 cities in Russia with the most dead roads

This time, our list is crowned not by the leader, but by the record holder. The fact is that in the city of Makhachkala a road pit was discovered, the dimensions of which are 6 meters in length and 3 meters in depth. In such a ditch, not only BelAZ will “scoop up”, these dimensions are more than enough for a comfortable stay for one person. However, Makhachkala is present here not only because of one pit (in any case, it will certainly be covered up), the general situation with roads in the capital of Dagestan leaves much to be desired. The worst situation with asphalt is on the streets: Gadzhi Alibegov, 7th Dachnaya, Yaragsky, 6th Rodnikovaya and Gamzat Tsadasy.

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