TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

Despite being able to listen to audiobooks, people are still reading, and that’s a good thing! Fortunately, the world is not without creators, and they are happy to indulge us from time to time with their works.

The Silent Patient is a book that attracts for several reasons: an intriguing plot (the work belongs to the detective/thriller genre), well-written characters, and the writing style of author Alex Michaelides.

The narrative itself attracts by the fact that the author explains to the reader psychologically moments and cause-and-effect relationships. So, if you are interested in psychology and like to “dig” into the wilds of your psyche, you should take note of the book.

By the way, Michaelides is a Greek by origin, and was engaged in the study of psychotherapy. When a person knows what he is talking about, it is especially pleasant to read him, because you begin to trust him.

If you are inspired by the work of a talented author, savoring page after page, we offer you a list. Will you find a story in it that will capture you from the first lines? We’ll see!

10 The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. Stuart Turton

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

The puzzling yet perfectly organic mix of Groundhog Day and series like Quantum Leap makes The Seven Deaths of Evelina Hardcastle special and original. in front of you the debut novel by Stuart Turton, in style more reminiscent of detective stories about Hercule Poirot.

The story is told in the first person. For a long time, the reader does not understand who exactly is telling this story, since the author himself does not know who he is due to amnesia. The main character is forced to live the same day several times. But here, not everything is as primitive as in the film “Groundhog Day”.

Every day the hero reincarnates into a new character, waking up in a new body. He remembers everything that happened before, but is forced to fall again on the same day in order to catch the killer of the title character.

9. Eight perfect kills. Peter Swanson

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

A few years ago, a Boston bookseller posted a list of action-packed detective stories on his blog.. Each describes a brilliant crime, and most importantly – it is impossible to solve.

The list featured familiar classics: Strangers on a Train, Agatha Christie detective stories, The Secret History, and so on. There were only 8 novels, and Malcolm Kershaw named the list “The Eight Perfect Murders”.

At first, the novel is reminiscent of “The Bookseller’s Diary” – about our contemporary book dealer. After the detective plot begins – both literary addictions and the blog of the co-owner of the bookstore were involved in the perfect crime.

An FBI agent visited Malcolm’s store, because someone began to repeat the murders – the criminal follows the list, wanting to repeat in reality each of his ideal murders …

8. Here and now. Guillaume Musso

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

Guillaume Musso clearly declared himself! An unknown author sent a manuscript to the publishing house, and the next morning he woke up famous. How did he do it? His first book “Here and Now” sold over 2 million copies. Today Guillaume Musso is one of the most widely read authors not only in his native France, but throughout the world.

Lisa and Arthur see each other only once a year – all year he is looking for his beloved, and she counts the days until she meets him. Lisa dreamed of becoming an actress, and in order to pay for her studies, the girl got a job in a bar in Manhattan.

There one day she met Arthur – they immediately fell in love with each other. But Arthur is an unusual person … He fell into a trap called “time”. Will Lisa be there to help him get out of her?

7. Everything you say. Gillian McAllister

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

According to readers, “What You Say” is not much like a detective story, rather the novel is a continuous stream of consciousnessin addition, punctuation errors were noticed. If you’re not a picky reader, give it a try, maybe you’ll like it.

After returning home, Joanna felt a strange sound in the house. She immediately thought it was the man who had molested her at the bar. Perhaps he followed her … The girl hears steps, he is about to approach, and she must make a choice.

Joanna pushes the man sss and then realizes he needs help. What choice will she make – call an ambulance or run away from home and leave him for dead?

6. City of women. Elizabeth Gilbert

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

Elizabeth Gilbert is already familiar to many from the world bestseller Eat, Pray, Love, so when City of Women came out, her fans immediately decided to read it. This book draws in the reality of what is happening – the author shows life without embellishment, so difficult, but with joyful events.

The story is told in the first person of a woman who, with regret and pleasure (the second more often), looks back at her youth, which she spent on the stage.

Gilbert tries to understand the characteristics of true love, and also explores female sexuality and the limits of moral liberty. “City of Women” is a book-confession that is read in one breath.

5. Dizziness. Frank Tillier

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

If you are not afraid that you will feel dizzy from the events in the book “Vertigo”, then go ahead – to read it! Before you is a book – a puzzle about cold, survival, hunger. It will pleasantly surprise you with its twisted plot and captivate with its atmosphere.

Jonathan Touvier, the hero of the novel, wakes up chained to a rock in a cave, from which it is also not possible to get out, because the entrance is littered … Around him is darkness, cold.

Nearby, he sees his dog and two strangers – one, exactly like him, is chained to a rock, and the other moves in an iron mask, to remove which means to die. This is how the situation is – if a man crosses the red line, the mask on him will explode. The prisoners are trying to figure out why they are here and is there a way to get out?

4. Just a shadow. Karin Gibel

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

Do you like exciting psychological thrillers? What do you think about the work “Just a Shadow” by Karine Gibel? The title, you see, is tempting, but is the plot so good? Many readers, they said, “went crazy” along with the main character.

Successful policeman Benoit Laurent finds himself behind bars in a gloomy and cold basement. Soon he will find out why he ended up in this terrible place. He is going to be executed as a pedophile and a murderer.

The role of the judge was taken over by a red-haired girl who uses the most sophisticated torture to help extort a confession from Benoit to crimes … Why is he here? Who framed him?

3. And fires are smoldering everywhere. Celeste Ing

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

Celeste Ing did her best to create her work. The book “Fires Smoldering Everywhere” is interesting for the dynamism of the plot and the fact that you cannot stand aside – you empathize with the heroes. The novel begins with a fire, at first it is not known what happened, but later we begin to find out the answers to questions.

A family lives in a small town: mom, dad and four children. Parents have everything planned, but life changes, and then they begin to understand that their life laid out on the shelves cannot remain so.

Mia Warren, an artist who appears in their lives, brings chaos into the orderly life of the family. The daughter of the Richardsons has everything, but she lives in a cage made of rules, and the artist has nothing, but she is free as the wind. What will the collision of two different worlds lead to?

2. Paper ghosts. Julia Hiberlin

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

If you are going to read the book “Paper Ghosts”, then redo all the important things first, because it will literally absorb you … This book combines both a psychological drama and a kind of “road movie” and a detective story. In her company, you are unlikely to get bored.

Grace is sure that 12 years ago her older sister was killed. And she even knows who is Karl Feldman, the photographer. He managed to get an acquittal in court. Now he lives in a rehabilitation center – it’s hard to think something bad about a harmless old man …

However, Grace sees Carl’s “dementia” as a clever pretense… Is she right or wrong about him? What if this old man saves the main character?

1. The one. The only one. John Marrs

TOP 10 books similar to The Silent Patient

In the annotation to “The One. The only one.” it is said that before us is the future hit of Netflix. Wait and see! Such a loud statement at least forces you to read the description of the book. I would like to note that the idea of ​​​​the work is new, no one has written this before.

Look at your partner and honestly answer yourself the question: “Is he the one and only?” According to official data, as of January 3, 2021, approximately 7 people live on Earth – what if the person who suits you 836% lives somewhere in North Carolina, and you think that the only one is near you …

There is a way to check! A gene for perfect compatibility has been discovered. All you need is to pass a DNA test, and then the program will “find” your ideal partner. What if your ideal partner is a serial killer or your gender? Refuse?

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