TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading

The pace of the modern world makes us more and more nervous and we lack time for a healthy lifestyle. More and more people complain about various health ailments, which are most often the result of an inadequate diet and lifestyle. For this reason, more and more books deal with the subject of health and diet, which has an undeniably large impact on our health. Check which books are worth reading!

TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading – «Sugar Detox»

«Sugar Detox» is a guide written by Agata Lewandowska. The book is aimed at people who love sweets and cannot imagine a day without a candy bar or at least a piece of home-made cake. The author debunks many myths related to sugar and healthy eating. By reading “Sugar Detox”, you will quickly realize how harmful sugar is and whether you can actually become addicted to it. An additional advantage of this item is a sample menu for 8 weeks, which will make it easier to wean from sugar. This book is a source of many interesting recipes and tips that will allow us to permanently introduce changes for the better into our daily diet.

The “Sugar Detox” item is available on the portal.

TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading – «When a child weighs too much. Obesity diet therapy »

The item is intended for parents whose children are struggling with the problem of overweight. The authors, Anna Piekarczyk and Katarzyna Olejniczak, have included in this guide a number of tips and guidelines that will help parents take care of their children’s health and implement healthy eating habits. This is a great way to find the motivation to act. While reading, you will learn about the causes of excess weight in children, its health consequences, the most common dietary mistakes of parents, and the principles of creating healthy menus.

Guide «When the baby weighs too much. Diet therapy for obesity »you can buy on the portal

TOP 10 books worth reading about healthy eating – «Collagen diet. Health, youth and beauty in 28 days »

Collagen is essential for your well-being and appearance. Unfortunately, few people know what to eat to get the right amount of it. The collagen diet has recently been very popular and popular. Collagen has a positive effect on muscles and joints as well as the appearance of the skin, bowel function, strengthening immunity and many other health issues. The author of the book is Josh Ax. Thanks to it, we will learn what exactly collagen is, how it works and what role it plays in the human body. In addition, we will learn about good sources of collagen in the diet. The book is undoubtedly a collection of many valuable tips and clear tips that will help you stay healthy and look beautiful for longer.

Buy the book «Collagen Diet. Health, youth and beauty in 28 days »on and check how collagen will affect you.

TOP 10 books worth reading about healthy eating – «Vegetables that heal. Recipes for health and immunity »

We all know that vegetables are healthy and should form the basis of a healthy diet. However, despite this, many people still use them too rarely. Unfortunately, most often we eat vegetables as an addition to the main course or sandwiches. That is why it is worth reading, for example, the book «Vegetables that heal. Recipes for health and immunity ». The author of the book is Agata Lewandowska. This publication is a collection of proven vegetable-based recipes. These are both soups and main courses, but not only. There are also ideas for interesting snacks, homemade juices and cocktails. In addition, we will learn about the properties of the most popular vegetables and learn what to eat to fight the most popular diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension. The book will allow you to quickly take care of our health.

«Vegetables that heal. Recipes for health and immunity »you can buy today at

TOP 10 books worth reading about healthy eating – «Insulin resistance. A healthy diet and a healthy life (extended edition) »

«Insulin resistance. Healthy Diet and Healthy Living (Extended Edition) »is the next edition of the best-selling guide, which has been improved and further extended. The guide deals with very important issues related to the impact of insulin resistance on our health. This disease can, for example, make it difficult to lose weight, fatigue, lack of strength or concentration. The author, Dominika Musiałowska, explains in her book what insulin resistance is, how it affects health, how it can be treated and what changes in lifestyle are worth introducing to improve our health. The book is full of diet and exercise tips for insulin resistance. In addition, the author explains what can be done to prevent the development of insulin resistance in children.

Buy the book «Insulin Resistance. Healthy diet and healthy life (extended edition) »on and make changes in your life today.

TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading – “Homemade silage that heal”

The health-promoting properties of silage have been known for a long time. Undeniably, they have many advantages that are worth taking advantage of for health. The authors of the book are Magdalena Jarzynka-Jendrzejewska and Ewa Sypnik-Pogorzelska. In their book, they emphasize that silage is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and probiotics. Thanks to this, they support the work of the digestive and immune systems. The book contains as many as 80 recipes for unique vegetable and fruit silage. In addition, there are also ideas for their use. Interestingly, this publication contains not only traditional recipes for silage made of cabbage, cucumbers or beetroots, but also pickled zucchini, green beans and root celery. We will also learn that you can pickle even plums and apples.

The book «Home silage that heal» is available at

TOP 10 books worth reading about healthy eating – “Treat gastric ailments with your diet”

Gastric ailments are the bane of our time. More and more people are struggling with flatulence, abdominal pain or a feeling of heaviness. Additionally, constipation, vomiting or diarrhea may also appear, and stomach problems may even lead to hemorrhoids. Although these problems may appear sporadically, they can also be a sign of more serious health problems, such as acid reflux. This book is intended especially for those who struggle with such problems. The author not only advises on how to deal with these troublesome ailments, but also suggests what to pay attention to in order to consult a specialist in time. There are also proven recipes in the book to help alleviate the problem.

You can buy the book “Cure gastric ailments with your diet” at

TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading – “What’s on our liver?”

The liver is a very important organ. Unfortunately, ailments and diseases related to the liver are quite embarrassing, because they are primarily associated with alcoholism. Samuel Didier’s publication combats this stereotype. It emphasizes the crucial importance of the liver to our health. In addition, it lists the real causes of cirrhosis and discusses issues related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The author also explains the mechanism of liver regeneration, the impact of diets on the body, as well as doubts related to the hepatitis C vaccine. The book contains a decent dose of knowledge conveyed in an accessible language.

The publication “What’s on the liver?” available

TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading – «St. Hildegard. Spelled detox in 7 days »

The book written by Marek Zaremba presents the healing power of natural medicine of St. Hildegard. According to numerous opinions, it is a way to live a healthy and happy life. Today, many people are very interested in the natural lifestyle, fasting and a healthy diet. By reading the book, we will gain knowledge about man, his soul, relationship with nature and God’s love. The publication contains a lot of valuable health advice, recipes and information about certain herbs and spices. In addition, it contains tips on how to perform a 7-day spelled detox. Thanks to it, you can restore health and immunity, cleanse the body of toxins, improve the functioning of the endocrine system and concentration.

Buy the book «St. Hildegard. Spelled detox in 7 days »today at

TOP 10 books on healthy eating worth reading – “Strengthen the intestines”

The author of the book is Marek Zaremba. In her book, she emphasizes the role of a proper diet in rebuilding and maintaining a healthy gut. According to him, by eating in a certain way, we can not only clean the intestines, but also strengthen immunity and prevent the development of allergies, diabetes, obesity and autoimmune diseases. In this publication, we will find many useful tips on how to improve the condition of the intestines, and therefore the health of the body as a whole.

Buy Marek Zaremba’s book, “Strengthen your intestines” at

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