TOP 10 books about the meaning of life and how to find it

Good day, dear readers of my blog! I recently published articles on the search for my destiny, and today I decided to invite you to read books with meaning about life.

I have created a list of books that make you think about values, actions, aspirations and desires. Since the meaning of life is different for everyone, each author brings his idea, his thoughts and reflections accordingly. And in the variety of options, an insight about one’s own destiny can arise. In the process of reading, you will be able to feel whether the thoughts of another suit you or not. These philosophical and life books inspire a life full of feelings, real and eventful.

We have already discussed the meaning of life in more detail in previous articles. Let me remind you:

List of articles about the meaning of life
  1. What is the meaning of human life and how to find it
  2. 10 tips for finding meaning in life in your 30s and beyond
  3. TOP 25 quotes about the meaning of life and finding it from the greatest minds of all time
  4. TOP 12 films to change the way you think about the meaning of life

And now you have mine:

TOP 10 books about the meaning of life

1. Viktor Frankl «Say yes to life — a psychologist in a concentration camp»

It tells the biographical story of Victor himself, about how he spent several years in a concentration camp. His idea is that a person is able to survive in any inhuman conditions, if only he has something to live for. He had a great desire to see the eyes of his granddaughter, thanks to this desire he was able to cope with all the torment and terrible events.

2. Anatoly Nekrasov “Your ticket for the exam of life. 102 responses to…”

A step-by-step and accessible explanation of the purpose of each person. Anatoly argues that the ability to set a goal and understanding the meaning of our existence distinguishes us from other creatures.

3. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy «Confession»

This is not psychology, not an essay, but a diary of a highly spiritual person who was worried about the essence of being. Lev Nikolaevich simply described his path of searching for the meaning of life and the complexity that arose in the process. It is presented in a very simple and human way.

4. Hans Fallada «Everyone dies alone»

A very strong novel about the life story of a simple married couple during the Nazi Reich. It is about how, during a doomed and senseless struggle, to overcome your fear and still remain human and preserve your dignity.

5. Hermann Hesse «Steppenwolf»

A novel about the search for oneself, when the protagonist risks looking inside himself in search of the truth. Herman was able to easily convey the stages of personality development and the process of its formation. This creation is for those who doubt and live through a difficult period of crisis. It prompts those who are disappointed in themselves and the surrounding reality to think about their value.

6. Antoine de Saint-Exupery «The Citadel»

A great philosophical work on how to find yourself despite ups and downs, war, death and difficult conditions. How to still become mature, allow yourself to feel, live betrayals and maintain faith in God. The image of the protagonist is very similar to the boy from the work «The Little Prince», only already grown up, wise and conscious. Despite the complexity of the questions, Antoine was able to clearly describe his opinion about the path of self-development of the individual and the search for meaning.

7. Chingiz Aimatov «Plakha»

This is a work about the reality of life, without embellishment and fiction. About the high level of responsibility of each for their actions and the quality of the days lived. It intertwines the fates of people and animals who are faced with cruelty and injustice. Reading can change your worldview and consciousness.

8. Erich Maria Remarque «Spark of Life»

This is not just a book, but stories from the life of prisoners of the Nazi camps during the Second World War. The author succeeded in conveying the idea that if a person has absolutely nothing left, and he is already on the verge of death, the spark of life is the only thing that helps him cope and survive against all odds.

9. Richard Bach «Illusions»

This story is about freedom, your inner freedom. It is read in one breath, while giving serious food for thought about one’s own chosen path and destiny. The story of the pilot who met the Messiah will help you believe in yourself and look at life circumstances differently.

10. Alexandre Dumas «The Count of Monte Cristo»

A very strong book. It is read simply in one breath. The hardest fate of the protagonist, Edmond Dantes, will not leave any reader indifferent. This is a man who has survived everything: love, hatred, imprisonment, betrayal. But, nevertheless, this did not break him, he did not give up. A book about the power of the human spirit. In it you can see that for each person there is his own meaning of life. Good or bad, but he is. If you have not watched the movies or series based on this novel. So I recommend that you read the book first. You will not regret it.


If you want to add to the list or dispute any books, please write in the comments.

I also recommend that you look at my list of books on personal growth. Here is the link: “TOP 10 books for personal growth for a person who wants to develop”

Happy reading, dear reader! The list of literature that helps to reconsider one’s life orientations is not limited to these authors and works. But this top contains exactly those works with the help of which it is possible to turn the worldview and live a lot of emotions, sometimes contradictory and very bright. I wish you to find your way and your place in this life.

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