Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow

At the moment, zoos are the only way to get acquainted with the animal world. This is a real treasure trove of natural wonders. Only here a person can see a predator, feed exotic birds or watch monkeys.

Although there are several different opinions on this. One of the most popular:The zoo is evil“. But people do not think that for many animals the cage is the last chance to stay alive. In zoos, many baby animals have been raised, which were left without parents or found themselves in another difficult situation. Of course, each case is individual, and life in the menagerie can hardly be called happy.

In order not to be disappointed and not to become a witness to the torment of animals, choose zoos where all conditions are created for the inhabitants. They have impressive territories, and animals live there no worse than in the wild.

In this article we will talk about the largest zoos in Moscow.

10 Petting zoo “My little world”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow Recently, petting zoos have become very popular. “My little world” gives you the opportunity not only to see the animals, but also to touch them. Children will be delighted. A large number of domesticated animals are represented here, such as goats, guinea pigs, sheep, geese. There are also exotic ones – lemur, kangaroo, turtle.

Visitors can feed the animals, stroke them, and take photos. Zoo employees make sure that the attitude towards the inhabitants does not go beyond what is permitted. However, this place has a double reputation. Some guests were satisfied, while others argue that animal care is not fully carried out.

9. Contact zoo “Forest Embassy”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow OwnersForest Embassy» position it as an interactive educational platform. They claim that the animals here are not locked in cages, but move freely around the territory. It’s not worth getting upset. Each of them has its own place – a paddock, cages also have a place to be.

One way or another, anyone can stroke the animal, communicate with it, treat it with goodies. The “range” is the same as in any other petting zoo: sheep, rabbits, turtle, parrots, peacock, roe deer…

There is a small play area for children. While the children communicate and have fun, parents can relax a bit. The reviews for this place are pretty good. Still, if you love animals, you should understand that contact with people is unlikely to bring them much pleasure.

8. Petting zoo “Gorki”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow If you pay attention to the work schedule, you get the feeling that in “Gorki» Animals are treated much more humanely. The “working day” of animals is from 8 to 17, it lasts 9 hours (in other places over 13 hours). Residents are given the opportunity to fully relax.

The petting zoo is one of the best, only it is located not in the capital, but nearby, in the Kolomensky district (Gorki village). It can be called unique, as animals live in nature. Visitors have the opportunity to feed, caress, examine all the inhabitants. Riding school, bird yard – there is definitely something to do here.

Interesting fact: The zoo provides a service – guardianship of animals. You can choose any animal and support him morally and financially. The zoo is a socially important object, but often there are problems with financing, so they are solved in this way. This is a great option for people who, for whatever reason, cannot keep pets at home.

7. Petting zoo “White Kangaroo”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow The zoo is designed for children. “white kangaroo“invites you to a fairy tale. The guides are dressed in animal costumes, so that a goat or a kangaroo will tell visitors about the life of the inhabitants.

In total, there are three such zoos in the capital, each of them presents certain animals. Alpacas, peacocks, meerkats, mini pigs… Whom is there!

The largest zoo is located in the Vegas Crocus City shopping center, its territory occupies 500 square meters. Here you can see rare expositions: an ant farm, crocodiles, tropical animals. The Secret World deserves special attention. You can watch animals leading a nocturnal lifestyle in their natural habitat.

6. Zoo “Exotarium”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow «Exotarium” is located on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. 2nd and 3rd floors of the Animal Island pavilion. This is not an ordinary zoo, here are reef fish (about 100 species) – the inhabitants of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Sharks, lionfish, butterflyfish… A huge variety of species. If you decide to visit the Moscow Zoo, take the time and money to visit the Exotarium.

5. City farm at VDNKh

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow A picturesque farm located in the center of the capital. This is a live exhibition designed for children. For them, master classes and competitions with small prizes are regularly held here.

Otherwise, this place is not much different from their own kind. Animals are kept in enclosures. These are goats, sheep, rabbits, etc. City farm at VDNKh has a good location, so she does not experience a lack of guests. True, few of them are satisfied after visiting the zoo. There are many claims: overpriced tickets, non-observance of order, neglected animals.

4. Contact zoo “Zveryushki”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow In this petting zoo you can see more than 30 species of animals, and these are not only the classic rabbits and goats. White fox, kangaroo, llama, mini piggy, kinkajou flower bear.

Excursions are conducted in a playful way; experienced employees with their stories about the life of animals will be able to interest even the most notorious naughty. Animated performances, master classes – a paradise for children. At the petting zooLittle animalsThere is always a festive atmosphere. It will not be boring.

3. “Exotic Park”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow In “exotic park» you can see even the most exotic animals. Predators and ungulates, primates, birds, rodents. Clean enclosures, well-groomed animals, no smell in indoor areas, reasonable prices – there are many reasons why visitors come back here more than once.

Some animals can be fed special food. Cages of predatory animals are equipped with warning signs.

2. Zoo “Planet of the Apes”

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow One of the largest zoos in New Moscow. It is located in a quiet and peaceful area, surrounded by a forest, but getting here is not difficult. Buses and taxis run regularly.

Rodents, small predators, ungulates… There are a lot of animals. If you want to know in advance who lives in the zoo “Planet of the Apes”, look at the site, everything is detailed there. Fans of primates should definitely visit this place, there are more than 20 species of them.

In the zoo you can not only see animals, but also relax. A play area is organized for children, there is a cafe.

1. Moscow Zoo

Top 10 biggest zoos in Moscow Moscow Zoo is an ecological park with an impressive history. This is the first menagerie in Russia, it was opened in 1864. It contains about 8 thousand individuals (1132 species of world fauna). Mammals, amphibians, invertebrates, reptiles, birds and fish.

If you want to see as many animals as possible, choose this zoo. It is included in the top 10 most visited zoos in the world and ranks 4th in terms of area in Russia.

The Moscow Zoo has a convenient location, not far from it there are two metro stations. You can talk about this amazing place for a long time, but it’s better to see everything with your own eyes. If possible, visit the zoo on a weekday. There are a lot of visitors here on weekends.

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