Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The ocean has attracted people since ancient times, when people had no idea about the world order, seas, land and stars. From the beginning of navigation, it became clear that the world ocean behaves differently in different parts of the planet, from time to time grandiose waves appear on its surface. Today, the waves are a paradise for surfers from all over the world. Competitions are organized on the waves, and some achievements are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Speaking of waves as an element, the differences here are as follows: the longest, the highest, the most dangerous, the strangest, the most beautiful, the absurd, and so on. Looking at this phenomenon of nature from the shore, it seems that it will not cause any harm to a person. Unless you specifically look for “weather by the sea” and don’t chase the wave, which is what many do. For a modern ship, even the most terrible wave is unlikely to be fatal, unless the ship itself is a rusty vessel from the middle of the last century.

10 Guest Treez, CA

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The local Monterey County is known for its ideal golf courses, but extreme people from all over the globe come here not at all to drive balls with clubs. The waves of the local Pebble Beach are treacherous and fast, from low to medium heights. The maximum height in good “wave” weather will not exceed 5 meters. Adds adrenaline and the beauty of the waves themselves, at the ends of which peculiar curls form. There are a lot of stones here, so not a day goes by without injury for beginners and experienced surfers. The high speed of the water also makes its own rules: to “catch” Guest Trees and start sliding, athletes use special types of towing. In fact, few people manage to catch the wave on their own.

9. Banzai Pipeline, Hawaii

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The Hawaiian Islands are considered to be the birthplace of surfing as a culture and sports movement. In the north of the island of Oahu there is a three-beam reef, which is the reason for the formation of a wave twisted into a “pipe” here. Banzai Pipeline. The height of the shaft, on average, is 3 meters here, but on particularly successful days, surfers catch 10 meters.

The water reaches shallow water and “breaks” on the reef, which creates a kind of “pipe” inside it. Athletes love to run in these very pipes. The waves here are considered quite dangerous, especially in places with a shallow reef. The death of the famous pro Joyle can serve as a clear confirmation.

8. Nazare, Portugal

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The wave hunting season in this place lasts from mid-autumn to early spring. And there really is something to hunt for. The height of the shaft here easily reaches 30 meters – all thanks to the peculiarities of the seabed and strong gusty winds. The main reason for such a high wave is the underwater canyon, from where the energy is released.

Riding the waves requires special equipment – the water temperature here does not exceed positive 7-8 degrees. The most famous athlete who managed to conquer in At dawn – 24-meter wave, was the American McNamara. Its success haunts many wave lovers from around the globe.

7. Mavericks, California

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

Every self-respecting surfer knows about Half Moon Bay, located in northern California. And no wonder, because the shafts here easily reach a height of 20 meters at the peak of the ridge. Again, the relief features of the seascape and strong winds caused a high wave. Mavericks. But the wave does not always come when you expect it, more often you have to wait and track it down. Yes, the weather can make a difference. But the wait is worth it: riding the wave that is part of the Big Three is a real pleasure and victory for any professional. The ubiquitous American Clarke was the first to know about this place, and he called extreme people from all over the world here.

6. Teahupu, Tahiti

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The Chopu wave, as surfers call it, may not be the largest or most dangerous in the world, but certainly the most beautiful and clear in shape. And the whole point is again in the bottom topography: from just 1 meter, the depth abruptly, almost sheer, goes down 45 meters. The energy of the water hits this wall and a wave forms on its surface. Teahupuup to 7 meters high.

The beauty of the wave lies in the correct shape of the “pipe” into which it folds on its way to the shore. For more than 80 years, these places have been filled with professionals and amateurs in the summer. Many people come here for the fashionable hype and performance today.

5. Maiway, Hawaii

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

In general, Americans are lucky to such places. By the way, it was here that the famous TV series “Lost” was filmed. The place for catching a wave is considered prestigious, since luck happens only 5-6 times a year during the winter storm winds. World competitions among surfers are held here.

With experience and skill, as well as inhuman luck, you can ride the wave without towing. As recognized gurus say, catching a wave here is a great success, but riding its crest is the height of skill. If something Mayway also mentioned in one of the songs of the Beach Boys, a cult group for many, “Surfing in the USA”.

4. Shipstern Bluff, Tasmania

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The place is not for everyone, but many try to conquer the local wave Shipstern Bluff, which, in terms of power and danger, can compete with Teahupu.

It is easy for water to create a high wave here, so at the bottom it slides along a granite slab without encountering obstacles. And only then, all this frantic energy falls on the reef. As a result – a powerful shaft, inside which a beautiful stepped “pipe” is formed. But, not everything is so simple: this “pipe” passes just a few meters from the rocky shore. The slightest oversight, and the result is predictable. Only a few surfers can boast of conquering this ocean peak.

3. Dungeance, South Africa

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

From the middle of summer until the first days of September, one of the highest and largest waves on the entire globe “lives” here – Dungeons. The wave structure consists of a long wall with a double falloff. And next to it is a dangerous reef. But not only he is fraught with mortal danger. The wall itself inside the “pipe” can collapse at any moment, which almost guarantees a sad outcome even for a professional.

By the way, many come here just to watch the beauty of this deadly power from the shore. Even from here, goosebumps and adrenaline overruns are guaranteed.

2. Cyclops, Australia

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

“Unpredictable danger” – this is how the most experienced athletes call the local rampart. For this deadly risk, both professionals and amateurs come here every year. Funny moment: those who managed to ride the wave, as one say, that they would not risk doing it again. As for its “unpredictability”, this is due to the fact that the unreal power of water Cyclops suddenly crashes on a no less terrifying reef. How the wave will behave after the meeting – only Poseidon knows.

1. Ours, Australia

Top 10 biggest waves in the world in human history

The inhabitants of the Green Continent were lucky with the waves no less than their overseas counterparts from the “star-striped” country. Every Australian knows about Botany Bay, which is located near Sydney. Here, every summer, surfers hunt for a sharp and dangerous wave. Ourz. Its danger, like many others, lies in the reef on the way, on which all the fury and power of billions of hectoliters of water spills out. Daredevils are trying to conquer the crest of water literally 10 meters from the rocky shore – another article of the mortal danger of the local waters.

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