Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

Horror movies are one of the favorite genres for movie fans around the world. Zombies, aliens, vampires have always scared and continue to scare us. Today we will talk about bloodthirsty creatures with sharp teeth. Our next top, which presents movies about vampires. The list of the best includes pictures that fully convey the atmosphere of despair and hopelessness inherent in films of this kind.

10 Hunger | 1983

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

The debut film of the legendary director Tony Scott. The film is about a love triangle between two vampires and an ordinary girl. The picture is made in the Gothic style, which was very liked by the audience and critics. But “Hunger” was scolded for its long running time. As a result, the film did not pay off at the box office. For some time they forgot about him … until the release of “Hunger” on video cassettes. After that, he gained a cult status. For lovers of blood and lesbian love, the picture that opens the top of the best vampire films is a must-see.

9. Dracula: pages from the diary of a virgin | 2002

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

Looking at such an unusual name for the picture, it seems that this is another fake of the cult film “Dracula”. But no! The 2002 film is rightfully considered a worthy adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel. The film was originally made for Canadian television. But the audience liked it so much that it was decided to release it in wide American distribution. The picture can be described in one sentence: “Dracula with Asian roots dances ballet in silent films.” If this annotation did not interest you, then you are not a fan of vampire films.

8. Vampire Hunter Dee: Bloodlust | year 2000

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

A steampunk film set in a post-apocalyptic world. Already interesting! This is exactly what the audience of the United States, Japan and the Old World thought, making the picture a hit at the international box office. The film, directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, will immerse the viewer in a wonderful noir atmosphere, surprise with spectacular battle scenes and tell a beautiful love story. The picture that showed the world that vampires can also be graceful takes the 8th place in the list of the best films about bloodsuckers.

7. Lost guys | 1987

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

In his film, Schumacher changed the image of vampires. Now they are not mysterious loners, but rampant bikers and rockers, huddling in packs and enjoying life. The picture tells about two brothers, one of whom became a vampire. And the second hired two bloodsucker hunters to kill his brother or save him. The picture, which occupies the 7th place in the top of the best vampire films, will delight the viewer with its unpredictable plot.

6. Addiction | 1995

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

This vampire movie is not for everyone. Ferrara made a dark film, steeped in Nietzsche’s philosophy. This, coupled with a difficult to understand plot, closed the film’s way to a wide release. But critics were delighted with “Dependency”. The film even received a nomination for a prize at the Berlin Film Festival. In Addiction, vampirism is shown as a disease, an epidemic, like AIDS. And the main culprit of the virus is the urban intelligentsia. For fans of non-standard films, Addiction, which occupies the 6th place in our list of films about vampires, is a must-see.

5. From dusk to dawn | 1996

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

In the film “Dracula” the vampire is presented in the form of a sort of philosopher-intellectual. But in the picture of Rodriguez, everything is completely different. Vampires are dirty, scary creatures that live in roadside bars. They only need to be killed, burned or strangled, otherwise they will eat you. In Rodriguez’s film, which occupies the middle of the ranking of the best pictures about bloodsuckers, there is a lot of obscene language, eroticism, and childish jokes. Therefore, he was given an adult rating. But, despite this, “From Dusk Till Dawn” received a cult status and collected at the box office.

4. Dracula | 1992

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

Francis Ford Coppola was expected to be a dark gothic film, but not a scary love story. In the painting “Dracula” the vampire is presented as a romantic and sensual nature. Oddly enough, this image is close to the book original by Bram Stoker. But in the early 90s, everyone managed to wean themselves from such harmless vampires. Therefore, a flurry of criticism poured on the director. He was accused of the cloying picture, its sweetness and fabulousness. After a quarter of a century, we can say that Coppola got a masterpiece picture of the legendary vampire. Rightfully 4th place in the top of the best films about bloodsuckers.

3. Dracula | 1931

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

“Dracula”, released 85 years ago, now looks with laughter. And this is understandable: special effects are outdated. But at the time, this film, which took bronze in the ranking of the best vampire films, caused the effect of a “bomb exploded”. He had an astronomical budget ($350). The audience liked the picture so much that for several decades the creators churned out continuations of the popular original. The image of Dracula performed by Lugosi has become a cult. It is he who is considered an exemplary bloodsucker.

2. Interview with a vampire | 1994

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

A cult film based on the novel of the same name by writer Anne Rice. The woman carefully and scrupulously reacted to the transfer of her creation to the big screen, so she wrote the script herself. Neil Jordan talked Tom Cruise into playing a negative character for the first time. And he took the famous Brad Pitt for two main roles, and, while small, Kirsten Dunst, who played the role of a wise vampire, imprisoned in the body of a child. This role of the actress is considered one of the best in her entire career. The result was a hit that tells about how complex and cruel the inner world of a vampire can be. From the picture, which occupies the second place in the top of the best films about bloodsuckers, the viewer will learn how the worldview of an ordinary person differs from a vampire outlook on life.

1. Noosferatu, a symphony of horror | 1922

Top 10 Best Vampire Movies

Horror movie classic. Despite the fact that the first movie about vampires was released in 1912, it is Noosferatu that is considered to be the film that started it all. Even years later, this film is considered one of the scariest horror films ever made. In “Noosferatu”, which took 1st place in the list of the best films about vampires, Count Orlok appears before the audience, who looks more like a terrible hunchback than an elegant vampire. But Max Shrek plays his role so strongly that you somehow forget about the inconsistency with the image of a vampire.

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