Top 10 best tsunami movies

Despite the fact that humanity has taken a long step forward in the world of new technologies, it is unable to stop the processes occurring in nature. Some changes are natural and gradual, others occur spontaneously and are disastrous. They are called natural disasters. They are very difficult to predict and impossible to stop. Tsunamis are also referred to such irreparable elements. Huge waves ruthlessly wash away everything in their path, bearing huge, terrible losses. There are many films devoted to this topic in cinema. But we tried to find best tsunami movies list which are offered to the reader below.

10 2012 | 2009 year

Top 10 best tsunami movies

2012” (2009) opens the top ten disaster films related to terrible floods. December, 2012 The planet is waiting with horror for the predicted apocalypse. The strongest earthquakes begin to shake the planet, which push tons of water out of the seas and oceans, provoking deadly tsunamis. Rescue arks lined up near Everest. But will they help people save themselves in the conditions of the most powerful cataclysms? The protagonist of the film intends to save his family from death at any cost.

9. Signal 252: There are survivors | 2008

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Signal 252: There are survivors(2008) – Japanese thriller about one of the most terrible natural elements. A few weeks later, Tokyo is suddenly hit by an incredible tsunami. The coastal parts of the city are completely hidden under water. From under the water column comes a signal that there are survivors. The rescue team heads to the devastated area and, risking their own lives, conducts an operation to evacuate the trapped victims.

8. 2012: Tsunami | 2009

Top 10 best tsunami movies

In eighth place in the list of the best films about the tsunami is the Korean drama thriller “2012: Tsunami(2009). Masik lives in the resort town of Haeundae, where a huge number of people come every year to have a good rest. He is a former fisherman. After the death of his best friend at sea, when there was a powerful tsunami, he vowed not to go fishing again. Now he has his own small business – a fish restaurant. Meanwhile, one of the scientists sounds the alarm and tries to warn that soon the water elements will rage with the same force and sweep the coastal town off the face of the earth. However, they refuse to believe him, but in vain.

7. Tsunami: Survive at all costs | 2010

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Japanese dramaTsunami: Survive at all costs” (2010) ranked seventh among tsunami films. A drilling station is being installed near one of the coastal Japanese towns. A risky operation to carry out work on the high seas leads to the most terrible consequences. An incredible tsunami is approaching, which destroys the station. The rescue service reacts quickly to save the people left on the tower. But as a result of the raging elements, a fire breaks out on the tower and the chances of saving people are becoming less and less.

6. Day after tomorrow | 2004

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Action-packed fantasy thriller”Day after tomorrow” (2004) took its place among the best films about natural disasters associated with the tsunami. A global ecological catastrophe awaits the planet: at one end of the world, all living things will die from drought, at the other, water elements will demolish everything in their path, and then global cooling will come. A scientist is trying to warn the government about this. But the authorities are not going to take any action. Soon the apocalypse will overtake the earth. There are torrential rains, which are replaced by an incredible large hail. Overflowing with melt waters, the World Ocean wakes up and with all its might brings down tons of water streams onto land. Raging floods are suddenly replaced by a sharp cold snap. Mankind is on the verge of death, thereby paying for the destroyed ecosystem, which caused the cataclysms caused.

5. The death of Japan | 1973

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Fantastic thriller “The death of Japan” (1973) ranked as the fifth best tsunami film. Scientists suggest that in the future, Japan is threatened with complete submersion under water, due to tectonic shifts of the earth’s mountains. One of the scientists shares his discovery with the higher authorities so that they take measures to evacuate the population. But the government is in no hurry to take action. Soon, the strongest earthquake in history begins, generating an incredible tsunami that will plunge the land into the depths of the ocean.

4. 5th wave | 2016

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Fantastic thriller “5th wave” (2016), based on the novel of the same name by Ricky Yancey, ranked fourth among the films about global disasters, in which there are scenes related to the tsunami. Uninvited guests from outer space capture the Earth in order to destroy all life on it. Their main weapon is natural disasters that will take people by surprise. The first blow is delivered to the energy system and the de-energized civilization plunges into chaos. The next step in the destruction are tsunamis and deadly hurricanes that claim the lives of many people. But this is only the beginning of the war, humanity does not suspect what troubles are still ahead of them.

3. Wave | 2015

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Volna” (2015) – opens the top three most spectacular tsunami disaster films. Geologists discover a fault in the rock, which causes a tectonic shift and irreversible consequences. They are trying to warn people in time, but a raging 80-meter wave is already rapidly moving towards the village in order to wipe it off the face of the earth. At the very epicenter of a raging natural phenomenon is a geologist with his family.

2. Tsunami | 2006

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Fiction DramaTsunami” (2006) is another story about the loss of loved ones, the struggle for life in the face of natural disasters. Married couple Ian and Susie Carter are in search of their sixteen-year-old daughter, who disappeared during the raging tsunami. Another family is looking for a missing husband and father. And the Thai waiter Thana loses his family, who died during a terrible disaster. People come together to help each other. Inquisitive journalist Nick Fraser wants to find out the reason why the village was not warned of the impending disaster.

1. Impossible | year 2012

Top 10 best tsunami movies

Disaster movie based on real tragic eventsImpossible” (2012) tops the list of the best tsunami films of all time. The film is set in Thailand. It was there that in 2004 the married couple Maria and Henry went to rest with their children. There, a luxurious villa with access to the sea awaits them, where they will celebrate Christmas. Nothing foreshadowed trouble until the last minutes. The children and Mary and Henry enjoyed the heavenly place. In an instant, everything changes: a strange rumble begins to grow around. A huge tsunami wave has already burst into the city and begins to demolish absolutely everything in its path. The creators of the film very realistically managed to convey all the horror that was provoked by natural disasters. All family members miraculously managed to survive, they were able to do the impossible.

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