Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

Speed ​​reading is a set of techniques and methods for fast reading without losing the meaning of what you read. With the help of the skill of speed reading, it will take much less time to view one document, but the meaning will not be lost. Which is very important in our world, where speed and time play an important role.

Acquiring this skill is not difficult. Books on speed reading can help with this, as they describe in detail the methods and techniques.

The basic techniques are quite simple: increasing the visual scope of the text, memorizing words, reading superficially, quickly discovering the main meaning. It is possible to learn this on your own, resorting only to the help of literature.

We recommend you a list of the 10 best books on speed reading: top works in which you will find the necessary recommendations that increase your abilities in the field of reading and memorization.

10 Clairvoyant, John Witch

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Clairvoyant” is a book by John Witch, which is interesting in itself. It can be read rather than as a textbook, but as a developmental literature. Because the author added interesting and entertaining stories there, for example, about PhotoReading, about experimental methods of intelligence and special services, about sliding reading.

This manual contains a lot of interesting information with examples. With it, it will become much easier to find and allocate time for classes, even for people with a busy schedule.

9. Fast Reading in 10 Days by Abby Marks-Beal

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Fast reading in 10 days“- a book that is more like a set of techniques that speed up reading. But this is not a list of rules, but rather, correctly collected and conveniently presented information. The book allows you to try several different techniques and choose the one that suits a particular reader.

To make it easier to understand, the author has added some exercises after each chapter. As indicated in the title, the classes are divided into days and structured in such a way as to achieve the best result, but everyone can change the program for themselves if some exercises do not like or do not help.

8. Speed ​​reading, Marat Ziganov

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Speed ​​reading. A unique course on the development of rational reading skills» Marat Ziganov is the largest and most voluminous book dedicated to reading speed. It includes about a hundred different exercises, tasks and tests.

She can easily interest and captivate, even being just a tutorial. Moreover, it contains comments by qualified specialists, such as physiologists, linguists, teachers, sociologists. This amount of information is impressive and credible. This edition can rightfully be considered one of the most informative.

7. Speed ​​Reading at the Speed ​​of Light, Joseph Bennett

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Speed ​​reading at the speed of light“- quickly became one of the most popular books on speed reading. The author claims that after just a month, thanks to this manual, the reader will be able to “absorb” books. That is, after 4 weeks it is already possible to read so quickly that finding new books will become a problem.

Bennet Joseph shares the idea that one of the very important components in speed reading is interest. If you relax, get interested and just enjoy the book, then the process will go much faster and easier. With this tip, even difficult scientific articles will seem less scary.

6. Speed ​​reading for children, Guzel Abdulova

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Speed ​​reading for children” is the only book on the list written for children. It can help a child at the very beginning when he is just starting to learn to read, as it presents a unique author’s methodology designed to give toddlers a confident start.

The book is adapted for children, contains many exciting tasks and texts, so it will be interesting for the child to study it.

The “Success Diary” included in the book will help kids stay motivated and their parents to keep track of their progress. Guzel Abdulova has written many books for children with care for their first steps into the world of knowledge.

5. “Short Reading”

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Speed ​​reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster” is the full title of Peter Kamp’s book. Here are completely different techniques that are not spelled out in others, so it differs from other books on the same subject.

The exercises inside this manual were developed according to a different principle; they simply cannot be in other manuals.

One of the main rules in this book is that tasks must be completed three times faster. This rule makes it possible to experience the charm of speed reading from the very beginning, despite the fact that the course is designed for 6 weeks.

4. The Hidden Resources of the Brain, Christian Grüning

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Hidden Brain Resources“- a book containing various techniques that increase overall performance. It develops not only speed reading, but also concentration.

The author focused on teaching the brain to absorb a lot of information in a short time. This allows not only to quickly receive large amounts of information, but also to remember them for a long time. After all, keeping the received data in your head is just as important as getting it quickly. This will help a lot when you need to use the acquired knowledge at the right time.

3. Speed ​​Reading Primer, Tony Buzan

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Speed ​​Reading Tutorial” is a book written by a specialist in the field of psychological science, therefore, it helps to engage and develop all areas of the human brain.

With the help of some of his unique techniques, Tony Buzan offers to greatly simplify memorization. In a fairly short time of reading the book, brain and visual work is activated, as the author draws the reader’s attention to peripheral vision. In other words, it helps to establish a connection between the eyes and the necessary centers of the brain.

2. Speed ​​reading technique, Oleg Andreev

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

«Speed ​​Reading Technique”- a manual that will improve not only speed, but also performance. It contains only the best exercises that have been used in practice and brought results. There is also an analysis of the reasons for slow reading.

The book contains only eight lessons with tasks and exercises for better assimilation of information. But they are enough to get the result. Having done everything, the reader can safely be proud of fast reading, as well as developed thinking, attention and memory.

1. Speed ​​reading in practice, Pavel Palagin

Top 10 Best Speed ​​Reading Books

Book “Speed ​​reading in practice. How to read fast and remember what you read» Pavel Palagin – is also called a super simulator, as it provides an opportunity to train your skills. This book contains the best exercises, methods and techniques that gradually help not only to gain speed in reading, but also to speed up thinking. In addition, the author describes those professions where it is most successful to apply the new acquired knowledge and speed reading skills.


It is impossible to choose the best book from the list, but, in truth, regardless of the author, edition and promises on the cover, any where theory is closely connected with practice can be considered as such. Such manuals will provide theory for a basic understanding of the principles and exercises to acquire the necessary skills.

Among the many books on the Internet, readers will have to choose their own textbook, but it is better to get acquainted with the lists of those books that have already been evaluated by others and recognized all over the world.

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