Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

Russia is associated by many with despondency, despair, and there are actually many reasons for such a mood. We also love sentimental cinema, because it conveys the inner state in this way.

A melodrama involves certain circumstances, the main character is always in some kind of distress: either he lost a loved one, or he doesn’t know how to live on a small salary and feed a child…

The theme will always be popular – this is not a musical for you! If you like to mourn and empathize with the main characters, we suggest using our selection of the best Russian melodramas of 2022.

10 To each his own

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

The plot of the Russian film is rather primitive, most likely, the author did not have a goal to make it exciting. Target “To each his own” – create a certain mood and immerse in the atmosphere of the 80s. Happened? Let’s take a look and find out!

Tatyana once married a Frenchman, and repeatedly regretted it. A woman cannot leave her husband, because they have daughters, and they need a father. In addition, many conditions are prescribed in marriage – it is still not known what price Tatyana will have to pay for a divorce. Due to the sudden illness of her mother, the main character flies from Paris to Moscow, where she meets Oleg … And her friend Ksenia offers her a plan that will help get rid of Francois …

But how much will her life change because of this?

9. Family

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

Sometimes the intervention of a psychologist is required … Partners are not always able to resolve conflicts without his help. Here are the main characters “Families” can not. In the center of the plot is a young family of five. Partners are married, but they have problems, so they seek help from a psychologist.

After seventeen years of marriage, the Nesterovs had a crisis. Partners have ceased to understand each other – in order to demolish a layer of misunderstanding, a psychologist is trying to figure out their relationship. The series includes short episodes (20-30 minutes each), everything takes place in the office of a specialist who is trying to figure out who is right and who is wrong, and give a couple of good advice.

8. Tumbleweed

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

The audience is in disarray – they don’t know whether to scold or praise domestic directors, because “Roll the field” Although an interesting film, its plot is rather hackneyed. About how a smart and beautiful girl decides to leave to study in the city, she is an example for many, but someone prevented her on the way to her goal …

Masha Izimova wants to become a doctor and get married. But, having failed the exams, she gets a job as a nurse in a hospital. Yes, and the relationship fell apart – her fiancé makes an offer to another at the last moment. The brother of the fiancé who left her confesses his love to Masha, but this does not console her … It seems that troubles fall on the main character one after another.

How many trials will Masha have to go through to get what she wants?

7. Portrait of a stranger

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

We are “transferred” to 1974. Oleg is no longer young, but you can’t call him old either. To put it mildly, the main character is a loser, his wife kicked him out of the house, and it didn’t work out in the acting field. What exactly is the movie about “Portrait of a Stranger”? The main theme is about how a person tries to find himself.

The protagonist of the picture is a charming man with a tired look and a charismatic smile. Since he was not offered a job in the cinema, he went to work on the radio, participating in a radio show about a Russian spy in America. But one day the radio is closed, and his wife kicks him out of the house … Such circumstances change everything in Oleg’s life and even the fate of those with whom he is associated.

6. Idealist

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

“Idealist” talks about the fact that accidents are not accidental – life always throws up opportunities, just have time to catch … This series is a melodrama with a detective component. As it should be for the beginning of the plot of a melodrama, the main character suddenly became ill, and on all counts…

In the life of Sofia Kovaleva, a collapse occurred on all counts: her husband exchanged her for a mistress, she was fired from her job. She was left alone with her daughter. During this difficult period of her life, the main character meets a former classmate Max – once she helped him with mathematics, and now he has his own business. He wants to recoup past grievances and invites Sofya to get a job as a dishwasher in his restaurant. She agrees, but soon he realizes that he will not be able to prove his superiority.

The whole point is that Sophia is smarter than him, or has he fallen head over heels in love?

5. Swingers

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

Someone scolds the movie “Swingers”, and someone praises. One thing is clear – the project did not go unnoticed. Funny, new and unusual – although the description states that this is a melodrama, there is something to laugh at! The film was created, rather, for relaxation.

Anything can happen on New Year’s Eve. An adventurous businessman and his girlfriend want to try something new in their relationship. We will also get acquainted with an ordinary family – Irina somehow wants to kindle her husband’s passion. All of them get acquainted through the application, where they exchange partners. On New Year’s Eve, you don’t know what surprises to expect…

4. you will have a child

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

Nowadays, the topic of surrogate motherhood, theft/substitution of children is quite common. The cinematography “buzzed” them from all sides. “You will have a child” another dramatic story about pregnant women whose fates will intertwine.

Four women end up in the same delivery room. Each is expecting a baby and each has its own secrets. Everyone wants to change the past. Four women, four destinies. These women are so different, but so similar … The authors twisted the plot as best they could – it seems unrealistic, but this happens in life. And all the events fit into 8 episodes …

3. Happiness by prescription

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

“Happiness by prescription” – a domestic film based on the work of Ekaterina Vilmont. This is not to say that the film is bright and rich in events, but you cannot call it boring either. Part of the film shows Moscow, part – Odessa. The role of the main character was played by Evgenia Dobrovolskaya – the audience rated her acting very highly.

Ella is an excellent lawyer, unfortunately she doesn’t have time for herself. A woman has ongoing business at work, and a friend at home who is able to push all her problems onto women’s shoulders. A woman has a hard time, she almost does not look after herself. Friends begin to hint to her that it’s time to take care of her appearance – on the same day she meets with a messenger from the past, and this makes Ella return to the problems of the past …

2. Blind Valentine’s Day

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

In the understanding, probably, of all, films about Valentine’s Day are purely romantic, however “Blind Valentine’s Day” quickly makes it clear that the theme of the picture is different. The plot is presented in the form of four stories of different people. They are united only by the fact that not everything is so smooth in their life, and it is far from a fact that by the end of the film something will improve …

Sometimes what looks like a deception from the outside leads to a new stage in love and renewal of feelings. This happened to a happy couple – Sasha and Anton, who are not averse to starting relationships on the side. But after certain events, these two find each other again.

1. pregnancy test 2

Top 10 best Russian melodramas of 2022: wonderful films about the power of love

It’s hard to figure out who loves whom and what’s going on in general. “Pregnancy Test 2”, because the plot is quite unpredictable. The story develops in the center of obstetrics in St. Petersburg. In the second part, almost everything is the same as in the first, except for one thing – it is not easy for the heroes to get along with the new bosses.

The main character of the series is Natalya Bakhmetyeva. She lives with Andrei and her one-year-old son Misha, who is often sick. She tries herself in a new role as a housewife and mother. One day, having come to visit colleagues at the Medical Center, Natalia learns that 7 newborns have died. This information spread and got into the press, and a commission comes to the clinic with a check. The result changes the way of life of both the Medical Center and the main character.


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