TOP 10 best non-verbal communication books to read

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today’s blog topic is non-verbal communication of a book from the TOP 10 list in my opinion. They are worth reading, because recognition of gestures and facial expressions will help us better understand the interlocutor, notice his lies and influence the results of interaction. Everyone would like that, right? You can read more about what types and methods exist in my article “What is non-verbal communication and how to recognize a person’s emotional state.”

TOP 10 best books

1. «Body Language for Leaders» Goman Carol Kinsey

This book will help you learn to notice the nuances, movements and styles of presenting yourself that prompt the interlocutor to certain thoughts about your self-confidence, stability, awareness, level of general development and your leadership qualities. You can learn how to use body signals to build trust and win over people, as well as strengthen relationships with colleagues and loved ones.

2. «Non-verbal components of communication» Gorelov I. N.

Gorelov Ilya Naumovich explores the problems of communication between speech and thinking. He proposes to consider various hypotheses about how speech arose, cites as an example data on experiments conducted on inner speech and sign communication. Talks about what speech pathologies exist. This book is a basic book for those who are interested in learning not only the decoding of gestures and facial expressions, but also the root cause of their occurrence.

3. «I see what you’re thinking» Joe Navarro

Psychology for beginners who want to understand the basics of non-verbal communication. The author is a former FBI officer, who in the book outlined all his experience during his work. You will learn to recognize a lie by the slightest movement of your fingers or a hidden smile, you will be able to determine the state and feelings of another person, and also control yourself.

4. “Experimental and psychological research” Morozov V.P.

The author believes that body language plays a very significant role in the communication process, and that few works are devoted to this topic. He conducted a lot of research, the results of which he invested in this work, focusing on the differences and features of gestural communication in comparison with speech.

5. «New body language» Allan and Barbara Pease

It is easy to read, and at the same time affects absolutely all aspects of a person’s life, both personal, in relations between a man and a woman, and professional. It describes the meanings of the main gestures that will help improve the effectiveness of communication.

6. “Everyone lies: how to detect deception by facial expressions and gestures” Glass Lillian

From the book you will learn how to identify by external signs whether a person is lying to you. The book provides illustrative examples of famous Western celebrities with photographs.

7. “Sign language. How to read minds without words. 49 simple rules» Oksana Sergeeva

Oksana believes that non-verbal communication makes up 80% of obtaining reliable information about the interlocutor, while words give us only the remaining 20% ​​of knowledge. But not everyone can recognize body language, so the author has developed 49 practical tips for various situations so that readers can understand the hidden meaning of communication.

8. “I see right through you. Learn to read a person like a book.” J. and C. Messinger

A unique manual that has not just general information about facial expressions and gestures, but pays a lot of attention to each part of the human body. That is, you will find a huge number of descriptions of specific movements of the body or muscles in different contexts and situations. The material is easy to understand as each part of the body is studied in order.

9. «Recognize a liar by facial expression» Paul Ekman, Wallace Friesen

This work by Paul and Wallace introduces us to the basic emotions that each of us experiences, whether we are aware of them or not: the feelings of joy, anger, sadness, disgust, fear and surprise. There are detailed instructions for recognizing each of them, as well as illustrations of people with different facial expressions, in order to practice and compare practice with theory.

10. “What Faces Say” Whiteside R.

It is interesting that there is not only a description of body movements and facial expressions, but also a guide on how to behave with certain people, in the presence of different features and styles of presenting oneself. It includes the characteristics of each facial feature, which helps to recognize the character traits of a person without yet communicating with him.


In these books you will find basic information about facial expressions, gestures and body language, because each of them complements each other and creates a clear understanding of the basics of non-verbal communication.

I recommend reading this article, in which you will learn about the most effective methods of influencing another. As well as recognizing hidden emotions and intentions.

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