Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is an actor who invariably falls into any list of the sexiest star men. Before the beginning of his fame, he had to work as a barker and a furniture loader. Real fame came to him after the film “Thelma and Louise”, and work in the film “Interview with the Vampire” pushed him into the league of box office stars of the scene.

If at first most of Brad’s characters were romantic youths, then as he grew up, Pitt experimented with style and agreed to ambiguous roles, not wanting to constantly exploit the image of a hero-lover. This is how the celebrity was able to open up to the fans from a new side.

We have selected the 10 most famous films starring Brad Pitt, watching which, you can get a complete impression of the star.

10 World War Z (2013)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt

Film “World War Z“was of great importance for Brad Pitt: the actor believed in the success of the tape so much that he became one of the producers, and even announced its rental, having traveled with the premiere to several countries. Such efforts paid off – the film became not only the most “expensive” among the stories about zombie invasions, but also the most paid off.

According to the story, the main character, also played by Brad Pitt, fights against the invasion of the “living dead” in his city, protecting his family along the way. The film has apocalyptic proportions – zombies have flooded not only America. Horror lovers will be disappointed – in the tape, not so much from horror, but from drama and action.

9. Troy (2004)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt For the sake of filming in the historical film “TroyBrad Pitt had to quit smoking: the role of Achilles required a certain physical endurance, and the coach immediately warned the star that he would not be able to combine intense sports and addiction.

There were also injuries – work on the film had to be postponed when the famous actor sprained his ankle. The sacrifices were worth it – the tape paid off at the box office and became a favorite for millions of fans, and Pitt with the body of a Greek god became a recognized sex symbol for many years to come.

The plot of the tape is familiar to everyone who has ever heard of mythology – the Trojan War, which broke out because of Helen the Beautiful, whose role in the tape was played by Diane Kruger.

8. Meet Joe Black (1998)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt In the mystical filmMeet Joe BlackYoung Brad Pitt played the role of Death herself. An angel entered the body of a man, who for one day decided to change his lifestyle and be among people. Unfortunately, it is at this moment that he falls in love with a beautiful girl and is going to take her with him.

The acting tandem of Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins – the father of that very chosen one of Death – was so fond of the audience that the film almost immediately entered the list of classic dramatic films.

7. The Man Who Changed Everything (2011)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt In this tape, Brad Pitt appeared before the audience from an unusual side. He played an enthusiastic baseball coach who trusts the words of an enterprising young man who convinces him that he has his own selection scheme. By hiring not the most famous athletes to the team, sometimes even injured players, the main character leads his team to a series of victories. But along the way, a complex family story unfolds in his life, for the sake of which he is ready to leave the sport.

Critics call the film “The man who changed everythingone of the best of Pitt’s career. Here he declared himself as a talented dramatic actor, which won many nominations for various film awards.

6. Inglourious Basterds (2009)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt Quentin Tarantino traditionally collects all the top-grossing actors in his films, and Brad Pitt was no exception. His sarcastic and “evil” role in “Inglorious Bastards“became one of the most memorable in the film.

The character of the actor is one of the so-called “bastards”, a man who fights the Nazis and dreams of exterminating fascism. He cuts the throat of his victims, but first he shows a terrible scar on his neck and tells that he fell from the gallows.

An unusual role – before that, the actor mainly played heroes-lovers – “shot”: the audience and critics positively assessed the work of the star in this film, and Tarantino later invited Pitt to star in another tape – she also got into our rating.

5. Rage (2014)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt If the role of Brad Pitt in “Inglourious Basterds” could not yet be considered fully military, then in “Rage» his character is in command of a tank and crew on the frontline of World War II.

During filming, the actors were put in conditions as close as possible to the field – they got up early, practiced at the shooting ranges and trained exhaustingly. The director wanted to achieve maximum authenticity, but it was precisely the realism of what was happening on the screen that the critics had the main complaints: the tape seemed to them somewhat drawn out due to the abundance of dialogues and bears little resemblance to the real events of the war.

4. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt The most recent film in our selection, also by Tarantino. The director dreamed of showing the heyday of the “golden” age of Hollywood in his tape, but also wove the horrifying events with the Manson gang into the plot.

As with many of his other works, Quentin presents an alternate history that differs from the real one. Brad Pitt plays an understudy for a famous actor in the film – both of them will have to integrate into a new film industry, moving away from beloved westerns and opening up new genres. The partner of the star is the equally famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Critics praised the acting in the filmOnce Upon a Time in Hollywood”, and Pitt was noted, who played the role of his secondary character very brightly and originally.

3. Babylon (2006)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt The most difficult film in our selection owes its art-house sound to director Alejandro González Iñárritu. According to the plot, three stories unfold before the audience, the central of which is with tourists in Morocco. Starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. The couple perfectly embodied the difficult fates of their characters against the backdrop of problems in Morocco. For the tape, Iñárritu received an Oscar nomination.

It is curious that Pitt wanted to work with the director so much that for the sake of his participation in “Babylon“Refused Martin Scorsese to work on the film” The Departed “, where the main role was eventually played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt If you carefully study the filmography of Brad Pitt, you will notice that the actor rarely agreed to those works in which he was to undergo serious transformations. The only exception to this rule was the film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttonwhere he was accompanied by Cate Blanchett.

The hero of the tape has a strange disease – he is born in the body of an 85-year-old man and gradually gets younger. In the course of his life, he falls in love with a woman, but they are not destined to grow old together.

The tape received many awards and prizes and to this day remains one of the most heartfelt love stories starring Brad Pitt.

1. Fight Club (1999)

Top 10 Best Movies Starring Brad Pitt Film “Fight Club“- a film adaptation of the cult novel by Chuck Palahniuk – was released just a year after Meet Joe Black and introduced the public to a completely different Brad Pitt – not a gentle and romantic young man, but an assertive and self-confident man.

The actor so talentedly portrayed on the screen the contradictory nature of his hero – who, according to the plot, is the alter ego of the main character – that he instantly fell in love with millions of fans, and at the same time critics.

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