Top 10 best movies for girls

Films that combine notes of subtle humor and love experiences are more to the taste of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Such films are saturated with goodness, sentimentality and romance.

The rating includes best movies for girls, which are listed below.

10 Pretend to be my wife | 2011

Top 10 best movies for girls

Pretend my wife” (2011) opens the top ten films for girls. What you can’t imagine to be close to your loved one, even the existence of a fictitious wife and children … This is exactly what the main character of the comedy Danny does when he meets the charming Palmer. He wants to make a lasting impression on the girl, but where will his lies lead him? Instead of the expected sympathy, Palmer demands from her boyfriend a meeting with his wife. Dann will have to try hard to unravel in an artificially created love triangle.

9. She is a man | 2006

Top 10 best movies for girls

She is a man” (2006) – a romantic comedy for girls. Seventeen-year-old Viola, in order to participate in football training, takes on the appearance of her brother Sebastian, who does not aspire to sports. Living in the form of a young man, Viola falls in love with Duke, who now lives with her in the same room in the hostel. But Duke is a fan of Olivia, and she, in turn, is crazy about Viola, whom she considers a boy. The whole tangled story that a girl in the guise of a young man gets into will be resolved in the best way. Viola will gain not only popularity and a good reputation among the players, but will also find her love.

8. Mean girl | 2007

Top 10 best movies for girls

Romantic comedy “Crappy girl” (2007) rightfully deserves the attention of girls and occupies the eighth line of the rating. Charlie is an ordinary student living a boring and measured life. But unexpectedly for the guy, a real fury named Jordan bursts into his life. Acquaintance with a crazy girl occurs in a very unusual way. Charlie saves Jordan, who was about to commit suicide by throwing herself under a train. Jordan is not going through the best moment in her life, her boyfriend left her and she rushes into all serious, trying to distract herself. Who can stand a regular drinking and vulgar language girl? Only a guy in love who managed to discern a smart and charming lady under the mask of obnoxiousness.

7. Freaky Friday | 2003

Top 10 best movies for girls

Freaky Friday” (2003) is one of the best comedies for girls. Dr. Tess Colman is the mother of fifteen-year-old Anna. A woman and a girl cannot find a common language, due to their different outlooks on life. Because of this, constant quarrels reign in the house. The mother cannot stand the music that Anna listens to. The daughter, in turn, cannot stand Tess’s boyfriend, whom she will soon marry. Literally a few days before the wedding event, relatives terribly quarrel and fate presents them with an ironic surprise – they change bodies. They have exactly one day to realize their mistakes in order to return to their guises again.

6. Boy in girl | 2006

Top 10 best movies for girls

The boy in the girl” (2006) is a humorous melodrama about omnipotent love that can reconcile even the most sworn enemies. In the center of action, Woody Dean and his neighbor Nell are completely different in life. Their parents have been at war for many years, and their offspring cannot stand each other. One morning, Woody finds himself in the body of Nell, and she finds herself in the form of a neighbor. At first, the heroes beat a panic, but then they get a taste and try to annoy each other, being in a strange guise. After a while, Nell and Woody do not notice how they begin to get closer and each discovers something new. Years of enmity ends, and the heroes find love.

5. lol | 2008

Top 10 best movies for girls

French melodrama LOL (2008) is the best fit for evening viewing for young women. All her friends call her LOL, which literally translates from the language of the Internet as “laughing”. But the girl is going through that moment in her life when she is not laughing at all. After returning home, after the summer holidays, she finds out that her boyfriend left her, and her mother does not understand her at all and makes her life unbearable. Problems in the family circle and in the love field are replaced by new feelings and unexpected discoveries, which fate has prepared for the girl in the new school year.

4. Fall in love with me if you dare | 2003

Top 10 best movies for girls

Artistic picture “Fall in love with me, if you dare” (2003) will appeal to lovers of melodrama. Since childhood, they spent all the time together, inventing adventurous games, and gained a reputation as bullies. Childhood is over, and now the adult boy and girl continue their dangerous game “weakly”. Friends begin to realize that they fell in love with each other, but do not want to admit it to each other.

3. The Devil Wears Prada | 2006

Top 10 best movies for girls

Comedy melodrama “devil wears Prada” (2006) tops the top three best films for girls. Young Andy, who has just graduated from the journalism department, gets a job in one of the most popular fashion magazines. Tyrannical editor Miranda Priestley’s newly minted assistant has no fashion sense. Work becomes a living hell for Andy because of the high and inconsistent requirements of the boss. But the girl is ready to endure the antics of the extravagant Miranda, then to climb up the career ladder. Gradually, Andy turns from a provincial into an elegant lady, making great strides in her work.

2. Exchange vacation | 2006

Top 10 best movies for girls

The Holiday” (2006) is one of the kindest and most entertaining comedies for girls. In the center of the plot are two women from different countries who meet through the Internet by the will of fate. One of them is called Iris Simpkins – she lives in a luxurious cottage in one of the English provinces. The only thing that does not go well with Iris is a relationship with her beloved man. Another woman living in Southern California is named Amanda Woods. She is the owner of a popular advertising agency. Everything is going well in her life until she finds out that her boyfriend cheated on her. Similar circumstances bring these ladies together through a website that offers a vacation home exchange service. They had no idea how two weeks – the time for which they should change – will change their lives dramatically.

1. Diary of Bridget Jones | year 2001

Top 10 best movies for girls

Diary of Bridget Jones” (2001), perhaps the best comedy picture worthy of the attention of girls. Jones is no longer a young lady in her 30s. She wants to find her one and only prince, with whom she will be happy. To make her desire a reality, she tries to change and get rid of her bad habits, but she doesn’t quite succeed. Bridget falls in love with her boss, but, alas, he is not her hero. Life circumstances constantly bring her together with the tedious and pedantic Mark, who himself is not enthusiastic about her. But fate disposes so that the characters reconsider their attitude towards each other and fall in love.

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