Top 10 best movies based on real events

Films based on real stories from people’s lives have always been especially popular among the audience.

We have collected shots taken over the past 20 years are the best films based on real events, the list of which is presented below.

10 Life is beautiful

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Life is beautiful” (1997) – a film based on the biography of former Jewish prisoner Rubino Romeo Salmoni. The plot of the picture is based on Salmoni’s book “I Defeated Hitler”, where he describes his imprisonment in the death camp. The tape was awarded the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival and participated in the Oscar nomination as “Best Foreign Film”. The action takes place in Italy during the Second World War. The protagonist of the picture Guido falls in love with the local teacher Dora. They get married and after a while they have a child.

In wartime, “fascist sentiments” begin to appear in the country: all Jews are sent to concentration camps. Guido is arrested along with his son and sent to the camp. The father miraculously saves the child from death, skillfully hiding him from the Nazis. Guido explains to the child that this is just a war game, and soon they will go home as winners in their own tank. But the reality is much harsher.

9. Pianist

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Pianist” (2002) is a biographical picture dedicated to the famous Polish pianist Wladyslaw Shpilman. The film won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival and won three Oscars. In the center of the plot is a man of art – Vladek. He is an excellent pianist and makes music. After a while, Poland is occupied by the Nazis and the life of the protagonist changes dramatically. A Jew by nationality, Vladek ends up in a concentration camp, where bullying and exhausting work await him. The Jew miraculously manages to stay alive, thanks to one of the Germans.

8. Catch me if you can

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Catch me if you can” (2002) – a film based on real events from the life of Frank Abagnale, an expert in the field of documentary security. While still a young man, Abagnale became famous as a skilled swindler. His criminal activity began with forging checks, which he subsequently cashed in banks. For several years of fraud, he managed to put into circulation 2,5 million dollars of bad checks in 26 banks around the world. The young criminal was elusive for 5 years. Then the young man was sentenced to 12 years in prison. But after a while he is attracted to the cooperation of the FBI to identify fakes and their manufacturers.

7. Monster

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Monster” (2003) – a picture based on the real life events of the serial killer Eileen Wuornos. Eileen, who worked as a prostitute, one evening meets a young lesbian girl. A romance develops between them. After a while, Wuornos realizes that he no longer wants to prostitute. Another of her clients becomes a victim of murder. After a man attempts to rape Eileen, she brutally murders a client and steals his car. A prostitute and her new friend need money to live, so Wuornos again and again decides on the next crimes. The woman was caught after the sixth murder committed. Eileen Warnes was sentenced to death. In 2001, the sentence was carried out.

6. 9 company

Top 10 best movies based on real events

9 company“(2005) is a film of Russian cinematography based on the Afghan war. Seven recruits are called up for military service in the Soviet Armed Forces. After several months of preparation, they end up in Afghanistan. The paratroopers are given the task to take the height and hold it until the column passes. At this time, the government of the USSR decides to withdraw Russian troops from Afghanistan. The command forgot about the 9th company. During the open battle, out of the entire company, only one fighter manages to escape.

5. Hachiko: The most loyal friend

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Hachiko: The most loyal friend” (2009) – a true story about a Japanese dog breed Akita Inu, which formed the basis of the film. Institute teacher Parker Wilson accidentally discovers a lost puppy at the train station and decides to take it for himself. The dog and the man become attached to each other and become inseparable friends. Wilson names the dog Hachiko. Every day, Hachiko meets her master from work at the train station. But one day Parker does not return from work – the teacher had a heart attack and he dies. But the faithful dog comes to the station every day, waiting for his friend. Wilson’s relatives try to take him in, but the dog keeps coming back to the station. The dog was waiting for the owner until his death. A monument was erected to Hachiko at the station, where he stayed for many years.

4. 1+1or Untouchables

Top 10 best movies based on real events

1+1or Untouchables” (2011) is a picture of French cinema based on real events. The paralyzed aristocrat Philip is looking for a nurse to help him. A black unemployed guy Driss, who is on the stock exchange, gets into the house of a rich man. All that the unemployed person wants from Philip is to receive a written refusal. But unexpectedly for Driss, Philip chooses him to be his assistant. A black guy brings a breath of fresh air to the life of a bored aristocrat. Men become real friends. Driss helps a rich man arrange his personal life. The story ends with Philip’s marriage and children. His black friend Driss opened his own business with the help of Philip and also got married. The men are friends to this day.

3. Impossible

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Impossible” (2012) – a disaster film based on real events from the life of a family who came to rest in Thailand in 2004. Then there was one of the largest and most destructive tsunamis in the last decade, which claimed hundreds of lives. The family miraculously manages to stay alive and find each other after the tragedy. The film won the Goya Film Award in 5 categories.

2. The wolf of Wall Street

Top 10 best movies based on real events

The wolf of Wall Street” (2013) is a film based on the memoir of the same name by former broker Jordan Belfort. Jordan was the founder of one of the largest brokerage houses, but a few years later he was arrested and convicted for doing dark fraud with the help of the office. Brokker is addicted to bad habits, but after his release, he starts a new life. He becomes a speaker and writes books about success. The film, based on real events, was highly acclaimed by film critics.

1. Everest

Top 10 best movies based on real events

Everest” (2015) – a film about the tragic events that took place in the Himalayas in 1996. At that time, three expeditions went to conquer the highest peak in the world – Mount Everest. The volunteers included both experienced climbers and beginners. During the operation, five people died, caught in a strong snowstorm while descending from the mountain. Thanks to the famous climber Anatoly Bukreev, several people were saved. This is one of the best pictures of the last yearwhich was based on real events.

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