Top 10 best movies about werewolves

There are a lot of legends about werewolves. Mythical creatures are a man-beast, endowed with incredible strength and a desire to kill all living things. More than one artistic picture is devoted to this topic.

We included in the rating best werewolf movies list which are presented to the attention of readers below.

10 Revolving | 2005

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

ThrillerWerewolves” (2005) opens the top ten most successful films about monsters that can take the form of people. Strange events begin from the moment when Jimmy and his sister Ellie suddenly get into a small accident on the road, after which they are attacked by an unknown beast. They miraculously manage to stay alive and after a while they begin to notice strange changes happening to them. Young people feel in themselves an incredible surge of strength and a unique gift of hypersensitivity. But the most amazing thing happens next: it turns out that in the city there are werewolves like them.

9. Little Red Riding Hood | 2011

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

The ninth line in the ranking of the best pictures about werewolves goes to the fantastic thriller “Little Red Riding Hood” (2011), which was based on the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault. The main character of the film is the girl Valerie in a red cloak. She has a difficult relationship with her mother, as a representative of the older generation dreams of marrying off her daughter to a rich local young man. But Valerie gave her heart to the lumberjack Peter a long time ago. Meanwhile, in the village where the girl lives with her parent, there is a werewolf who goes hunting every night. It so happens that the life of the inhabitants is in the fragile hands of Valerie and her lover. It is they who have to calculate the monster.

8. Sinister moon | 1996

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

On the eighth line of the ranking of the best films about werewolves is the mystical action moviesinister moon” (1996). Janet lives in a secluded and picturesque corner with her ten-year-old son and dog Tom. Janet’s brother comes to visit, who for a long time worked under a contract in a foreign land. The woman finds that strange changes have taken place in the relative and he has become more secretive. Meanwhile, brutal murders by an unknown beast began to occur in the district. Janet begins to understand that her brother is that merciless night killer who, under the cover of night, turns into a terrible, bloodthirsty beast.

7. Sleepwalkers | 1992

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Artistic picture in the genre of horror “Lunatics” (1992) ranked as the seventh best werewolf movie. Charles Brady and his mother are a true product of evil. Every night they take on the form of monsters and go hunting. Their victims are young virgin girls. But one girl named Tanya Robertson becomes aware of the secret of monsters who are afraid of ordinary cat claws. The girl and the local sheriff, who arrived in time with the cat, become a real threat to the “lunatics”.

6. Silver bullet | 1985

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Thrillersilver bullet” (1985) is one of the top ten werewolf movies in the horror genre. The events of the picture takes place in a small American town, whose inhabitants live in constant fear because of the brutal murders that are being committed. During the day, peace and quiet reigns here, but when night falls on a full moon, a terrible, hairy creature appears, killing everyone who meets on its path. Volunteers who wanted to catch the monster themselves become its next victims. Disabled XNUMX-year-old local boy Martin, chained to a wheelchair, tries to convince the killer that he is a werewolf that only a silver bullet can destroy. He claims to have personally seen and even wounded him. But they refuse to believe the boy, considering his stories to be ordinary fictions.

5. Wolf | 1994

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Wolf” (1994) ranks fifth in the list of the best werewolf films. Will Randall falls prey to a predatory beast that bites him. Inexplicable changes begin to occur with a man. During the day, he is an ordinary person, but with the onset of night, he turns into a wolf, destroying all life in its path. Acquaintances are unaware of the double life of Randall, hiding behind the mask of an ordinary person. Only the eyes can betray an invulnerable wolf-man.

4. Werewolf | year 2000

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Fantastic Horror ThrillerWerewolf” (2000) is the fourth best movie about werewolf monsters. Two sisters are amateur filmmakers of horror films. Girls are so addicted to the game that they regularly spend a huge amount of red paint. During another night photography, the eldest daughter is attacked by a terrible, unknown creature that bites her. The bite marks of the sisters manage to hide from their parents. The only thing that worries them is the unnaturally fast-healing wounds. Strange things begin to happen to the injured girl, which promise terrible changes.

3. Werewolf boy | year 2012

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Fantastic melodrama “werewolf boy” (2012) opens the top three pictures about lycans. The story begins with a woman moving with her two daughters to a country house. The family is gradually settling in a new place of residence. One day, one of the daughters discovers a young man in a locked shed. It turned out that the young man was a little wild and did not speak well. Taking pity on the boy, the woman takes him into the family. After some time, the receiver begins to show signs of attention to the eldest daughter and show undisguised interest in her. But another young man has his own plans for the girl, who intends to marry her.

2. Van Helsing | 2004

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Fantastic thriller”Van Helsing” (2004) ranked second among the best werewolf films. The action takes place in the non-existent country of Transylvania. This is a completely different world, where evil reigns around in the guise of terrible bloodthirsty ghouls. This is where the legendary werewolf hunter Van Helsing ends up. To exterminate all the evil spirits that rule on this earth, he needs to get to the leader of the monsters – Count Dracula. The hero suddenly comes to the aid of the brave girl Anna Valerie, who must save her family from the curse imposed on the family many centuries ago.

1. Another world | 2003

Top 10 best movies about werewolves

Fantastic fighter “Another world” (2003) leads the ranking of the best pictures about werewolves. For centuries, vampires and werewolves have fought each other fiercely. The vampire Selina goes hunting for werewolves every night in order to completely exterminate the enemy clan. But the werewolves have their own plans, they have found the key to creating a creature that will be immortal and invulnerable. This key is provided by a young man, Michael, whose genetic code is unique. Selina is the first to declassify the idea of ​​the Lycans and hurries to get to the guy first.

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