Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books

Many people enjoy re-reading the same books over and over again, but watching movies based on these books becomes just as enjoyable. It is breathtaking, excites the heart. Currently, literature has become a source of new inspiration for many directors. And this is quite justified.

Many of the books have a compelling storyline as well as well-chosen characters. Many producers understand that the audience wants to see their favorite characters on the screen in order to fully immerse themselves in this atmosphere.

Therefore, we bring to your attention the 10 best adaptations of books: a list of films based on the most interesting works of talented writers.

10 Mind games (2002)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books Film “Mind gameswas based on a book by Sylvia Nazar. The premiere took place in 2002. The protagonist is a mathematician named Nash, who graduates from university and decides to come to grips with his career. At the university, he meets a girl who later becomes his wife.

One day, a strange man comes up to him and offers him cooperation. Nash agrees to work with the CIA and begins to analyze certain information. He soon realizes that the secret agent who offered him cooperation is not as simple as it seems at first glance. But sometimes it seems to the main character that this guy does not exist at all, and this is just a game of his mind.

9. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books The famous movieRequiem for a Dreamwas based on a novel by American writer Hubert Selby Jr.

In the film, the main character Sarah, who lives all alone, decides to participate in one of the famous TV shows. She really wants to show herself in bright light on the screen, for this she takes several pills. But they cause not only the desired effect, but also highly addictive.

Her son lives from dose to dose on his own, and his mother’s condition makes him even more depressed. Soon he decides to use one proven remedy that will save him from this addiction.

8. The Godfather (1972)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books Film “Крестный отецwas based on the novel by Maria Puzo. One of the most remarkable films that entered the 250 best. The protagonist of the film, Don Corleone, keeps the whole city in fear. He is the head of one of the most feared mafia gangs.

Nothing can happen in this city without him. But gradually working like this, he completely forgets about his own family. His son, who has just returned from the war, does not want to continue his father’s work.

Soon riots begin in the city. There are people who do not want to follow the laws of this city at all.

This is one of the masterpiece films that even young people watch to this day.

7. Where Dreams May Come (1998)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books A film titledWhat Dreams May Comebased on the book by Richard Matheson. For the most unusual visual effects, he was awarded an Oscar.

The plot revolves around two lovers named Chris and Annie, who accidentally meet on vacation. They are so strongly indulged in their sincere feelings that they decide to get married. Soon they have a son and a daughter. But one day it happens that both children get into a terrible car accident, after which they die.

The girl immediately falls into a terrible depression, and Chris decides to give himself to his favorite profession so as not to think about his grief. A few years later, he himself gets into an accident and after death his soul goes to heaven.

After some time, Ann realizes that she cannot live after all this and commits suicide. Because of the perfect sin, she goes to hell, but Chris, having learned about this, begins to search for his wife, wanting to save her.

6. The Reader (2008)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books «Readeris a film based on a book by writer Bernard Schlinke. The film was made and then dedicated to the memory of the producers who died while working.

The protagonist is a 15-year-old boy who accidentally falls in love with a woman who is many years older than him. He will go to his beloved, enjoy her until she completely disappears from his life. Exactly 8 years later, he will see her again, but under completely different circumstances.

5. Redemption (2007)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books Film “Redemptionbased on the novel by Ian McEwan, which was published in 2001. It was filmed in 2007.

The entire action of the film takes place in 1935. The girl, who has just turned 13, writes plays beautifully. A servant named Robbie is in love with her sister, but she still loves him back. Soon, cousin Briony becomes a victim of a maniac, after which the girl realizes that Robbie is to blame for this.

Robbie ends up in jail, but the older sister refuses to believe it. When Robbie gets out of prison, World War II begins. Cecilia is currently working at the hospital as a nurse. The two soon meet again.

4. Schindler’s List (1993)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books A film with an unusual titleSchindler’s listwas based on a novel by Thomas Kennally. In the center of the plot is a large manufacturer named Oscar, who saves many lives during mass repression.

When Oskar first came to the city, he wanted to expand the production of enamelware. Thanks to his connections, he builds a small factory. For work, he hires ordinary Jews, whom he later saves lives.

3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books Film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nestwas based on a novel by Ken Kesey. It was this film that became one of the best, as it won an Oscar in five different categories. It is watched even now, although it was filmed back in 1975.

The story of the film tells the viewer about a criminal who is sentenced to a rather long prison term. He decides to pretend to be sick in order to get into a psychiatric hospital, hoping that it will be better and more comfortable for him to live there. But, unfortunately, this turns out not to be the case.

In the hospital, patients are tormented by a cruel woman named Milred. This does not suit the main character at all, but he, like many others, has to put up with this state of affairs.

2. Fight Club (1999)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books «Fight ClubThe film, which was based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Initially, the film was not accepted by critics, but after almost 10 years it has become one of the cult films of our time.

According to the plot, the main character is on the verge of a breakdown, but gradually he begins to attend classes for sick people doomed to death, who are advised by a doctor.

One day, the hero leaves on a long business trip, where he meets a young man, Tyler. After talking, a fight breaks out between people, which both of them like so much.

After this event, Tyler comes up with the rules for his Fight Club. Soon the club begins to gain its popularity.

The film is still being watched. It is liked not only by adults, but also by young people. Perfect for viewing at night.

1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Top 10 Best Movie Adaptations of Great Books At the top of our list is a movie called “The Shawshank Redemption“. The film was based on a novel by renowned horror master Stephen King.

Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment, after which he ends up in one of the darkest prisons in all of England. Over time, life becomes quite bearable for him. Soon he begins to make friends.

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