Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Opinions about mouthwashes, as in everything else, are divided – some believe that this is a marketing ploy (it is quite possible to do without it), others are so used to them that they use them all the time, especially before leaving the house. The rinse is really good: it freshens the breath, prevents caries and keeps the gums healthy. Rinsers are different: hygienic or medicinal.

The first, as you can already guess, are designed to eliminate unpleasant odors (that is, they are used for cosmetic purposes), the second are prescribed by doctors to solve dental diseases. Of course, not a single remedy can 100% prevent caries and solve dental problems, but using a rinse aid as a preventive measure is very desirable!

We have included the best mouthwashes in this list, taking into account the rating and reading the customer reviews. Looks like they are really good!

10 Mexidol Professional

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 313 p.

rinse aid Mexidol Professional can take pride of place on the shelf in your bathroom – this solution is recommended by dentists. The rinse is intended as a prophylaxis and in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases, caries and gums. Those who use it note that Mexidol Professional eliminates foci of inflammation, improves blood supply to the gums, etc.

In appearance, the rinse aid is a clear liquid, without fragrances. Starting to use it, you will immediately feel relief – the tool relieves inflammation of the gums. In addition, if you often suffer from dry mouth – mouthwash will help with this too!

9. Sensodyne

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 320 p.

In the brand catalog Sensodyne a lot of interesting oral care products: toothbrushes, toothpastes, gels, but we are interested in mouthwash. I would like to please you, as a potential buyer, right away – the conditioner of this company received a high rating, you will not have to delay the search!

Sensodyne has a pleasant taste and aroma, is economical to use and reduces tooth sensitivity. The rinse aid bottle is plastic and fits comfortably in the hand. I would like to note the taste – this is a frosty mint, which many will like. It is worth paying attention that the tool is not intended for children – it can be used from 14 years.

For your information: after using this tool, which, by the way, is produced in the UK, you immediately feel a pleasant freshness, and your teeth soon become less sensitive.

8. Forest Balsam

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 122 p.

rinse aid “Forest balm” not suitable for everyone: some love it, while others are not enthusiastic. This is because it has a bitter aftertaste, but the brand’s line includes different tastes (find your own). In addition, a wide selection will help solve a specific problem, for example, there is an “Extra” remedy for bacteria, for sensitive teeth, etc.

The lid of the bottle is the measuring cup. The smell of the rinse is pleasant, regardless of the type. It is felt that it is made on the basis of medicinal herbs. The tool perfectly freshens the breath, but after using it, it is better not to eat anything right away, because the food will seem “not the same as usual.”

7. Colgate Plax

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 160 p.

Colgate Plax, like the previous rinse, boasts the presence of tastes and types. Most importantly, after use, the effect and result are visible. The color of the product is incredible (in a good way), beautiful, but unnatural. The aroma of the original Colgate Plax is minty, but all other types also have a mint flavor.

One cap is enough to rinse your mouth. One bottle is enough for about a week of active use. The main thing that gives the remedy is the freshness of breath. The best refreshing effect is “Triple Action” and “Refreshing Mint”. After rinsing, the teeth become smooth and there is no unpleasant film.

Interesting fact: The first advertisement for Colgate appeared in a New York newspaper in 1817. It was called “New York”.


Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 230 r”.

PRESIDENT is a highly rated mouthwash and if customer reviews are to be believed, you will immediately notice an improvement in your mouth after use. The rinse aid is in a plastic bottle that is comfortable to hold in your hands. There is a label on the back with a description of the composition – it will be useful to read.

What delights is the PRESIDENT color, it is bright turquoise. The conditioner has a minty aroma. The product has a good composition: various extracts, chlorhexidine, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. Be careful – the product cannot be used every day, otherwise you will disturb the microflora in your mouth.

5. Elmex

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 420 p.

The high price is due to the high efficiency of the rinse aid «Elmex» German production. There is no doubt about the quality of the product – this is strictly monitored in Germany. Most importantly, it does not contain alcohol. The conditioner is convenient to take with you on the road, as it takes up little space.

Since the required rinse dose is 10 ml, the cap is conveniently dosed. The conditioner itself is transparent, and smells like soda. If you want to protect your teeth from caries, Elmex is what you need. Here, such a valuable component as aminofluoride, it was recognized as the best against caries.

4. Lakalut Active

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 359 p.

Lakalut Active – Another great tool on the market, though it is not suitable for everyone. For some, after application, the next day, the throat begins to tickle, and the mucous membrane feels uncomfortable, as if it dries up. But let’s talk about the pros – about why many choose this particular rinse.

Lakalut Aktiv contains chlorhexidine, an antiseptic, and aluminum lactate, which helps with bleeding gums. In appearance, the consistency is transparent, the product has a subtle smell, and the taste is medicinal, bitter. Rinsing agent is recommended only in some cases, most often for complex gum treatment.

3. Listerine

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 220 p.

What pleases – Listerine presented on the market in different flavors, so everyone will find something for themselves. All Listerines have a good composition and an expectedly excellent effect. The most refreshing of these is Fresh Mint, but all flavors are pleasant. The product is made in Italy, does not contain alcohol, if this is important for someone.

After application, freshness of breath is felt – the manufacturer did not deceive! According to the instructions, it is customary to rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, but not everyone can withstand this time. For adults and children, the amount of the product is different when used: for the first, it is recommended to use 4 teaspoons for rinsing, and for the second – half as much (children from 6 to 12 years old).

2. Splat Innova

Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 250 p.

It is difficult to single out the main advantages Splat Innovabecause they can’t be counted! In appearance and taste, the product is very similar to a suspension that gently envelops the teeth. It has a pronounced minty taste, from which many are crazy. Liquid enamel freshens breath well and relieves tooth sensitivity.

It is worth noting that Splat Innova is an additional oral care product designed to enhance and maintain the effect of enamel restoration. If your teeth are very sensitive, which happens after a visit to the dentist, this remedy will be your savior. However, dentists do not recommend using it regularly.


Top 10 Best Mouthwashes for 2022

Price: 230 p.

ROCS presented in a variety of options: whitening, for additional cleansing, “double mint”, etc. It is difficult to say which of them is the most popular – everyone is someone’s favorite. The design of the conditioner is very pleasant, the bottle is plastic and dense.

What pleases – there is no sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition, but there is an extract of kelp. Rinse your mouth immediately after brushing your teeth for 30 seconds. The rinsing process is quite pleasant: the product does not tear the tongue and does not pinch the oral cavity. The feeling is refreshing – this freshness lasts even after rinsing. After opening the jar, the shelf life of the product is 1 month.

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