TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

The days when a man had to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son have already passed. The only thing that a modern man should (here it is worth noting – to himself) is self-development in order to achieve his goals, in which thematic literature helps a lot.

One, of course, does not exclude the other. You can build a house, and read books in between. Why are the books on this list so good, why should you take them into account?

Firstly, readers have noted their effectiveness (they have no reason to lie), and secondly, these books will simply haunt you, constantly appearing in recommendations on various services!

If you’ve been putting off Rich Dad Poor Dad, Fight Club, and others for a long time, maybe it’s time to read them? At least it is interesting why these books are recommended by many for reading.

10 Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandr Duma

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

Adventure novel is good because suitable for reading by people of all ages, so you can cozy up with your family and spend time reading. The Count of Monte Cristo is a book about the incredible spiritual strength of a person, which helps him not to break down and overcome all trials.

The novel was written in 1845, and the impetus for writing it was the author’s journey through the Mediterranean, where he visited the island of Montecristo, shrouded in legends. The plot is quite romantic: a young sailor, on a false denunciation, ends up in the prison castle of If and spends 14 years there…

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he escapes, taking with him unthinkable wealth, which was bequeathed to him by a neighbor in prison. The man takes the name Monte Cristo and begins to take revenge.

9. Ruthless truth. Mike Tyson

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

The name speaks for itself – in front of you is a book-truth, an autobiography of a champion. Mike Tyson has become a world boxing legend, there will never be such personalities in the sport again. Tyson’s life is as furious and reckless as the fights.

Several personalities coexist in him: a fighter, a womanizer, an ironic philosopher, a criminal … How did he manage to achieve such tremendous success?

“The Merciless Truth” is an autobiographical book about the successful athlete Mike Tyson, known throughout the world. It will be of interest even to those who do not like boxing, since it is not so much the topic of sports that is touched upon as a success story. The main thing that can be taken away from the story – do not give up under any circumstances! There is nothing impossible in life.

8. 1984. George Orwell

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

1984 is a brilliant dystopian novel. Such works are eternal, and should be included in the school curriculum. If you have been thinking about leaving the system for a long time, but something stops you, you have an impetus to action in the form of a book by George Orwell. Bolder!

In the works of George Orwell, the thought is clearly traced – there is nothing worse than lack of freedom, and many can agree with the author. The plot of the book is built around a reasonable man, chained and practically crushed in the system of the state system.

Every second a person is subjected to moral violence, because the law of the state – “everything is possible” in translation means “nothing is possible …”

7. Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

Here is a book that will change your worldview. If you are not ready to say goodbye to old ideas, then you can hardly recommend reading Atlas Shrugged.

From the book you will get answers to the painful question about the meaning of life, which worried and worries the minds of all mortals, as well as what is the role of a person in society.

Specialists come to power in the United States, and the government is heading for “equal opportunities.” In his opinion, talented and wealthy people are able to make rich worthless people who do not have outstanding talents.

The economy is collapsing, and under mysterious circumstances, talented people begin to disappear. The main characters of the novel are trying to stop the chaos.

6. From 800 meters to marathon. Jack Daniels

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

This book will be useful to anyone who runs.. What is its effectiveness? The “From 800 meters to the marathon” contains very competent and practical tips on running technique. You will learn how to breathe correctly, distribute loads and more.

If your goal is to participate in competitions, then you can’t do without an assistant! With Jack Daniels’ book, you’ll learn the secrets you’ll need for your running: make a training plan, distribute the load over the weeks, and learn how to track progress with the Daniels system.

This book will also help those who run for themselves – it has a section with programs for people of different levels of physical fitness.

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

If you could wake up wise, everyone would do it. But, alas, to comprehend wisdom, like everything else, you need to go a long way. Fortunately, wisdom can be achieved faster, thus being ahead of the time – there are books like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for this. What is it about?

Before you is a book that will tell you how to approach self-development systematically, what foundations should become part of the human consciousness in order to achieve success. The main idea of ​​Stephen Covey is that efficiency does not consist in working hard, it is very important to take care of your body, body, soul.

Thanks to the book, you will be able to better understand yourself and form realistic goals – those that are right for you.

4. My travels. Fedor Konyukhov

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

“My travels” will be a valuable gift for travel lovers, tourists, and in general everyone whose life is connected with “search” in every sense of the word. Fedor Konyukhov is a Russian traveler, artist and priest. He made 5 single-handed voyages around the world and 17 times crossed the Atlantic. This is truly a great man!

In his book, Fedor Konyukhov talks about his first travels, about a lonely trip to the North Pole, about climbing Everest and much more. This man defied the elements and put himself in danger more than once.

There were also cases when Konyukhov almost died during his travels, for example, when he flew into the abyss … And during the voyage he experienced severe storms. You will learn about all the adventures of the Russian traveler from the book “My Travels”.

3. Art of War. Sun Tzu

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

Everyone should have this book, not just men! Surprisingly, written about 2 years ago, The Art of War is still relevant today. Why is it so attractive to readers? The Chinese warrior-philosopher told about the secrets of victories, about what will help make the country prosperous.

The treatise “The Art of War” will be useful to men and women who think about their destiny and success.

The main message can be identified in just a few points:

  • be always ready to fight;
  • do you want peace? Then be ready for war;
  • always analyze;
  • always evaluate the enemy;
  • know your pros and cons.

All these points are applicable in our life as well. even at a low level in the hierarchy of people there is a war, not to mention those who are lucky enough to break through “up”. Sun Tzu tells how to win.

2. Rich dad, poor dad. Robert Kiyosaki

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

If you’ve finally decided to read Rich Dad Poor Dad, we support you! This book will guide you on your path to financial literacy.. You will be able to understand where the money comes from and where it goes. And how to make sure that there is more left than left …

Robert Kiyosaki believes that children do not receive proper knowledge about finances, and then they work all their lives for the sake of money. “But how else?”, you ask. The author has a solution – you need to make money work for you.

Every child needs to be taught financial literacy from an early age so that they do not have difficulties in the future.

1. Fight club. Chuck Palahniuk

TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement of men

Based on the cult novel by Chuck Palahniuk, the movie Fight Club of the same name was shot in 1999.. The novel was too good not to take it to the screen!

It is worth noting that not everyone saw the deep meaning in the book, paying attention to the cruel scenes and vulgarity, but if you are not the pampered, then you will appreciate the novel, like many other readers.

“Fight Club” is a novel-revelation, a challenge to society. The author presents the reader with a nameless hero whose meaning of life is consumption. His life takes place in a stuffy and boring office, and he himself dreams of breaking out of the routine. But when he meets Tyler Durden, his life changes dramatically…

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