Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

Film lovers have become very sophisticated, and even more so thriller fans. It seems that all the ideas have already been filmed and the endings for the films have been invented, there is nothing to be surprised at. In this case, fans of this genre have two options: to revisit old masterpieces or turn to the film industry of another nation. Thrillers from the collection of Korean cinema surprise with their realism. There are no incredible tricks here and the main characters do not dodge a hundred bullets at the same time. The highlight is very subtle humor, even in tense scenarios. Add to this a pinch of psychological moments and you have a good alternative to Hollywood films.

But it is worth noting the cruelty of this genre, in Asia they are not at all shy about dumping all the events on the viewer in the most terrible role. The scripts are varied, the directors do not turn to the usual clichés.

We bring to your attention the top 10 best Korean thrillers: a list of Asian detective films that can terrify even the most sophisticated viewer.

10 Sympathy for Lady Revenge (2005)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

The film shows real human feelings. Asian cinema can penetrate very deeply into the soul, as it turned out with this picture “Sympathy for Lady Revenge“.

The main character goes to jail on a false charge of kidnapping a child. A sense of revenge helps her survive in such terrible conditions. She does not give up and becomes everyone’s favorite. Together with her cellmates, she develops a plan and after 13 years she has the opportunity to implement it. Her friends in prison help her.

An unusual scenario makes you look inside yourself and look for answers to important life questions.

9. Blind (2011)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

Asian films are famous for their original plot, realistic violence and excellent acting. This picture is no exception,Sleep” tells us about a missing girl who is hit by a car and disappears from the crime scene. The detective suspects that the two cases are connected, but two witnesses become the only clue. An impudent and young hooligan and a blind naive girl. The problem is that they say completely different things that do not intersect with each other.

The film received many awards and good reviews from the audience. It is worth noting that it is not a typical plot that you want to follow frame by frame.

8. Door lock (2018)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

Dedicated to everyone who loves action films. The picture turned out to be intriguing and atmospheric. Here there is torture, and a maniac, and blood and investigations.

An ordinary bank worker began to suspect something was wrong in the mornings with the door lock. It’s like someone opened it. When contacting the police, she was told that she was exaggerating and did not believe her hunches. That’s just information about a neighbor who had the same problem, and then she disappeared, makes the girl seriously scared. Strange and frightening events also occur at work. The problem has to be solved independently.

7. Shadow of Murder (2018)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers This picture is for those who really dream of becoming a detective and puzzling over all sorts of evidence and clues. Movie “Shadow of murder” shows an incredible variety of detective work.

The protagonist, who works in the drug enforcement department, finds himself in a difficult life situation. A dangerous criminal confesses to the murder for which he goes to jail. But after demanding a deal, he talks about the burial places of the victims of a decade ago.

The police officer realizes that this is his chance to solve crimes and is transferred to the homicide department. But everything turns out to be not so simple. Soon his life changes completely.

6. Bandit, Cop, Devil (2019)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

The well-known theme of gangsters and cops takes an unexpected turn. The recently released filmBandit, cop, devil” talks about how two different worlds that hate each other have to cooperate.

The criminal boss is attacked by a serial killer, only he remains alive from the whole team. Revenge takes over and in order to catch this villain, he has to turn to a famous policeman for help. In turn, the policeman has a great dislike for the gangster, but he dreams of catching more maniacs.

5. New World (2013)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

The usual plot in the skillful hands of the director becomes a real masterpiece. That’s what you can say about the movieNew world“.

The head of the hero is introduced into a large bandit group and has been in it for more than a year. But he does not just quietly observe everything, but shows his leadership skills. Climbing the criminal career ladder, he finds himself in a race for the title of boss.

Now he faces a difficult choice. Stay a policeman and work under an unpleasant boss or become the head of a large group yourself. What choice will he make?

4. I saw the devil (2011)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

The movie turned out to be very violent. There is an incredible amount of violence and outright tin in it. All the faint of heart is contraindicated.

Istria “I saw the deviltells of a police officer whose fiancée was brutally murdered. He undertakes to investigate this case and checks everyone who is registered. The search goes on rapidly and soon he finds the tormentor of his beloved. But the suffering fiance is in no hurry to hand him over to the police and put him behind bars. He has his own plans.

3. Chaser (2008)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

Former police officer works as a pimp. One day, he notices that his female workers are disappearing. When the last girl goes to the client, leaving her little daughter alone at home, and does not return, the pimp decides to remember his police skills and investigate the case.

At first, he thought they were being poached by a competitor. But it turns out that everyone had the same person before the murder. And that changes things.

Film “Pursuer” is based on real events with the story of a maniac who killed 2002 victims from 2004 to 21, among whom were young prostitutes and elderly wealthy people.

2. Nowhere Man (2010)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

One of the best Korean films, according to many viewers and critics. Withdrawn “Man from nowhere”Incredibly atmospheric and professional, for which I would like to thank the operator. The plot is also top notch.

A woman works as a dancer in a local bar and does not pay attention to her child at all. She is more interested in adventures to the fullest and she steals an important item from a drug lord. Now she is pursued by a whole gang that kills everyone in its path. But they accidentally catch a quiet and calm, at first glance, a pawnshop worker. This is where everything changes.

1. Oldboy (2004)

Top 10 Best Korean Thrillers

A difficult script, backed up by difficult perception and ambiguous acting. At first it seems that there is some kind of confusion, but the events make you think about many things in life.

Oldboy” is known to all fans of Asian thrillers. This story is about a man who ends up in the precinct for disorderly conduct while drunk. But when he is released on bail, which was made for him by a childhood friend, he disappears. He was kidnapped and put in a windowless room for 15 years.

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