Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

True professionals in their field always keep up with the times. They attend various courses and trainings, independently study information using the Internet and books. There is no need to talk about leadership positions. Such specialists must a priori improve themselves, master the latest techniques in the field of management.

Although many leaders have a completely different opinion on this matter. They believe that they have already achieved their goal and it is not at all necessary to spend energy on training, especially if this is an experienced person who has been working in the organization for quite a long time.

But few people think that effective management will bring much more results. If you are a leader, even if you only have a couple of people under your supervision, do not forget about self-improvement.

In our article you will find a rating of the top 10 best books on personnel management. They will teach you how to recruit people to the team and inspire them to new achievements.

10 The art of recruiting. How to evaluate a person in an hour, Svetlana Ivanova

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

This book is written by an HR expert, business coach, and PhD in Psychology. The target audience is the heads of recruitment agencies, entrepreneurs, students and teachers of management faculties of universities.

The author talks about the most effective ways to evaluate and select employees. Its advantages are practical usefulness and brevity. It can become a reference book, as it describes in detail the methods of evaluating candidates.

«The art of recruiting. How to rate a person in an houris not only a theory, but also a practice. The book has a lot of tasks and examples that will help the reader to “sort things out” and consolidate the material. Everyone knows that knowledge that is not put into practice has no value.

9. Delegation and Management, Brian Tracy

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

Brian Tracy knows firsthand what success is. In just two years, he has grown from an ordinary sales manager to a vice president of the company.

«Delegation and management” talks about the basic principles that every leader needs to use. The reader will learn how to properly set tasks and exercise control over subordinates. If you’re the kind of person who thinks, “I’d rather do it myself,” this book is for you. It will help optimize your activities and the work of subordinate employees.

8. Be a dictator. Practical guide, Mikal Khem

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

Already by nameBe a dictator. Practical guideThe reader understands that this is an unusual book. This is a humorous, ironic instruction on how to get power.

The author shares his observations on the lives of famous people who managed to become dictators. Using their example, Mikal shows what qualities you need to have, how to behave and what to do. The book received mixed reviews, but there are definitely things in it that managers will find useful.

7. The Practice of Management, Peter Drucker

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

This is the creation of one of the most influential management theorists of the twentieth century. The book is ideal for those who want to gain an understanding of this discipline. Here are collected the simplest concepts, including management and manager, recommendations for business and personnel management.

The book was written in 1954, but it is still relevant and very popular. Drucker, like no one else, was able to talk about the fundamental things that every leader should know.

«Management practice” is written in simple language, will be understandable not only to experienced managers, but also to those who are at the beginning of their careers.

6. Myths and truth about KPI, Marina Vishnyakova

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

The book tells about a problem that has recently become very relevant, namely, the introduction of KPI (a coefficient that determines the effectiveness of work). This is a great tool, but few people manage to put it into practice.

Many organizations create a system of economic indicators. It exists, but no one uses it. “Myths and truth about KPI‘ will help make a difference. Tips for motivation and evaluation, implementation of changes…

This book is a treasure trove of useful information for the manager. It is written in easy language, there is a place for humor, but most importantly, it is based on the practical experience of organizations that successfully use KPIs in their work.

5. Hard management. Make people work for results, Dan Kennedy

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

This book is ideal for those who have decided to open their own business or are already successfully engaged in business. However, ordinary leaders can also learn something from it. The title speaks for itselfTough management. Make people work for results”, that is, the manager must have authority over subordinates. No need to keep employees who are not focused on results.

Kennedy appears to be opposed to hourly wages. He believes that money should be paid for the work done, and not for the time spent at the workplace. If you share his views, the book will be very useful for you.

4. Successful Recruitment Techniques, Tatyana Baskina

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

This book is more for hiring managers than executives. However, the latter also take part in the selection of employees, so it definitely will not bring harm.

«Successful recruiting techniques» is a technology of personnel search and selection. Not only traditional, but also modern searches are described here. Several chapters are devoted to searching for employees in the network. Tatyana herself has worked in this area for a long time, so do not be afraid to use these methods, they are not “taken from the ceiling”, but have been tested by many companies.

3. How to control slaves, Mark Sidonius Fulx

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

A book with a shocking title will help managers look at their responsibilities from a different perspective. It is written from the point of view of the fictional author of the Roman patrician Mark Sidonius Falx. This is a manual from an ancient top manager, which contains many useful tips.

Actually the bookHow to control slaves” wrote Jerry Toner, Ph.D., who studies the history of ancient Rome. The unusual presentation of the material attracts the attention of readers, and the book is quite popular not only among managers, but also among history buffs.

2. What Really Motivates Us, Daniel Pink

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

A provocative bestseller that changes the usual ideas and destroys the system that has been functioning for several centuries. The author makes it clear that motivation is not only material reward. He argues that with such an approach, efficiency cannot be achieved.

He proposes to use such a mechanism of motivation, where the emphasis will be placed on the natural human desire for excellence. Pink not only answers the question:What really motivates us?”, he offers tools and methods for creating a new motivation system.

1. Reluctance to change, Robert Keegan and Lisa Lahey

Top 10 Best Human Resources Books

Most organizations face the challenge of innovating. New rules, a new uniform, or something grander – employees will resist change. People want to change their lives, but still resist. Such is human nature.

«Rejection of change» is based on research by Harvard professors. The main idea is the discrepancy between a person’s abilities and his desires. The authors will give recommendations that will help you fall in love with change and show your team that the new is better than the old…

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