Top 10 best films about the end of the world

Movies about the end of the world and survival have always been and will be popular. The topic of extinction has worried people at all times, as we are told not only by cinema, but also by works of art. Interestingly, the term “post-apocalyptic” was introduced by the American critic Alan Frank in 1978. In the XNUMXth century, themes began to attract writers.

The ancestor of this literary trend can be considered an English writer – Mary Shelley, who described Victorian England, which survived a global epidemic, in her short story “The Last Man”. A little later, English writers picked up this wave and began to describe in their works the worlds after the global catastrophe.

Jack London described a world in which diseases destroyed mankind, and in 1898 the famous book “The War of the Worlds” by HG Wells was published, which you may not have read, but you have definitely heard about it. In the XNUMXth century, the theme of the post-apocalypse has already moved into the cinematic plane and began to gain great popularity.

The films that we have collected for you are characterized by tension, gripping plot and tragedy. Be ready to experience emotions and worry about the fate of the heroes.

10 The Book of Eli (2009)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

The events of the film “The Book of Eli” unfold in the apocalyptic world. From now on, the Earth cannot be recognized – even in the memory of people, its blooming image has faded. Survivors are used to fighting for survival: getting water and a roof over their heads is a common thing for them. Wise Eli wanders along the endless roads, where bandits howling for water and food roam… He is stern, speaks little, and carefully keeps a book – the Bible – in his backpack. According to rumors, it can change the consciousness of any person … Carnegie, the leader of a gangster group, finds out about this book, and assures himself that he will get it in any way …

But does he suspect what secret Eli is keeping?

9. Road (2009)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

Monstrous cataclysms led to terrible consequences… Animals and people suffered greatly, almost the entire living world was destroyed, but someone managed to survive. At the epicenter of the story of the film “The Road” there are two people: an adult and a child. Father and son go towards warm countries, where it is easier to experience the lack of food. A man understands that people are no longer the same as they used to be. Now they have turned into monsters that can easily kill. He decided for himself that he would never compromise his moral principles, and would always remain a Man – this is what he wants to teach his little son, and the man also explains to him that no one can be trusted.

Will he be able to prepare his son for an independent journey?

8. Inferno (2007)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

2057 has become a test for mankind. Without the Sun, there is no life, so humanity is threatened with extinction. The earthlings have a glimmer of hope for a different outcome – in the ship “Icarus 2” there are women and men who are ready to try to get a nuclear charge, thanks to which, perhaps, it will be possible to re-ignite the Sun. While in deep space, during their journey, the crew hears faint call signs from the Icarus 1 spacecraft. This ship was sent 7 years ago to carry out the same mission, and disappeared … The crew of the ship “Icarus 2” stays on the missing ship, but they observe strange phenomena that do not fit in their heads …

What will they see? Learn from the movie “Inferno”.

7. Child of Man (2006)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

The year 2027 is a dark time. Everything goes to the fact that humanity will soon die out. Mass infertility has happened on Earth. The world is shocked by this fact, and people start to panic. The beggars are trying to break into prosperous states, and megacities are unable to withstand the huge number of visitors, countless destruction and massacres.

Only England, fenced off by an island, inspires security, but this is only an appearance … The official Theo Faron is completely indifferent to everything that happens, and is not going to do anything. But one day he is kidnapped by the liberal underground, which defends the rights of refugees. Theo is asked for the impossible – to save a black emigrant at any cost, and all because she is the only pregnant woman on Earth…

Can Theo save her? Find out by watching the movie “Child of Man”.

6. Welcome to Zombieland (2009)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

There are many problems on our planet: overpopulation, pollution, global warming, etc. It seems that it can’t get any worse… But suddenly zombies appear and it turns out that it can. The action of the picture “Welcome to Zombieland” takes place in one provincial town, where people one by one turn into bloodthirsty zombies. Only a small group of survivors remain – they have a hard time wandering the country and fighting off monsters. They decide to hide in an amusement park in the hope that this place will become a refuge for them…

But will it become so?

5. 28 days later (2002)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

A secret group tests drugs by experimenting on monkeys. One day, a “green” extremist invades a research center and releases a monkey infected with a virus of uncontrolled aggression from a secret laboratory. The deadly virus is instantly transmitted through the blood, infects and, in contact with any living creature, changes it beyond recognition … Makes it a bloodthirsty monster. After 4 weeks, all of England is dirty in an epidemic: some are forced to look for safe places, others go on the run. The lucky ones who managed to avoid infection are hiding in one abandoned house. Together, they will have to figure out what happened …

Will they succeed? Learn from the movie 28 Days Later.

4. Last Love on Earth (2010)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

Earthlings are faced with a strange problem, and it lies in the human mind … People from all countries are losing their senses en masse. Mankind has never faced such a problem before. Almost everyone was deprived of 5 senses, but by some miracle, this cataclysm bypassed Michael and Susan … The lovers consider their connection to be accidental, but when they understand what the position of the Earth is, it becomes clear to them that they cannot live without each other. From that moment on, they no longer treat their connection as accidental …

But what happens when the last feelings disappear? You can find out the answer by watching the movie “Last Love on Earth”.

3. Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

The film “The Day After Tomorrow” will tell about a global approaching environmental catastrophe: in one part of the world, all life is dying from drought, and in another, the water element demolishes cities. Climate scientist Jack is trying to find a way to stop global warming … His son, Sam, managed to hide with a group of people in the same building. Jack equips an expedition and, together with reliable comrades, goes to search for his son in New York. On the way, travelers will have to go through many trials in the form of a monstrous frost and a fierce wind …

Will Jack be able to find his son?

2. Armageddon (1998)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

Observing outer space, scientists have discovered a giant asteroid that flies towards the Earth. The collision of the planet with it, most likely, will end in the death of all life. Scientists have very little time – in a short period they will have to figure out how to prevent mortal danger … It was not possible to knock the asteroid off course, so the scientists decided to destroy it before it wipes humanity off the face of the Earth. The plan is very dangerous: the team must fly to the asteroid, and with the help of a drill, drill a hole where explosives will be laid. The asteroid should shatter into pieces.

Will the team be able to save humanity and stay alive? Learn from the movie “Armageddon”.

1. I Am Legend (2007)

Top 10 best films about the end of the world

Scientists had to work hard to invent a cancer vaccine. But when the drug was used on humans, it turned out to be a deadly virus that is rapidly destroying humanity. The protagonist of the movie “I Am Legend” is Robert Neville, one of the survivors whose immune system is so strong that he did not succumb to the disease. He had no one left but his beloved dog. The man lives alone in New York, and in order to remain optimistic, he maintains the illusion that everything is fine … Robert was previously a doctor, so he sets himself the task of finding a vaccine against the virus. He dreams of the world sparkling again, but for this he needs to meet with surviving people with good immunity.

Can Robert find the survivors?

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