Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

Despite the fact that social networks have long surpassed books in popularity, reading is still the best way to relax, unwind, and escape from reality. Perhaps one of the most discussed genres is fantasy. There are few people who treat him with indifference. He has many fans, but no less opponents.

There is an opinion that fantasy is not loved by those who have not read it. It is partly correct. If you also think that fantasy is only Harry Potter and Twilight, it’s time to reconsider your opinion and get to know the genre better.

We bring to your attention a list of the 10 best fantasy books for 2019-2020: a rating based on reader reviews. It will help you understand that fantasy works can be different, respectively, everyone can choose a book to their taste. Let’s start.

10 Strange Weather, Joe Hill

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

Joe Hill is Stephen King’s son and that says it all. Most of his books are written in the dark fantasy genre. If you like dark stories, be sure to check out the work of this author.

«strange weather” is a collection of short stories, there are four of them:

  • “Snapshots”
  • “Charged”
  • “On high”
  • “Rain”

Each story has its own main character, they have no connection. A boy, a single mother, a lesbian, a man – they all get into difficult situations and it depends only on them whether they can fix everything.

9. “Happiness is a warm starship” by James Tiptree Jr.

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

The identity of this author has long been hidden from the public. He was awarded awards and prizes, but he did not come to the presentations. It wasn’t until some time later that everyone learned that James Tiptree Jr. This is Alice Hastings Bradley. The books of this writer deserve attention, as they are distinguished by a unique author’s style.

«Happiness is a warm starshiptells about the near future. The resources of the Earth have dried up and people are forced to look for another planet suitable for life. They build a spaceship (from what they have) and recruit a crew. Will they cope with their task, because the future depends on them …

8. “The Beast and the Monsters” Barbara Morrigan

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

The book is set in a fantasy world. Not only magicians and wizards live there, there are also ordinary people with their own vices.

Main character “monster and monsters» Pathologist Takuta. He has a unique ability, he can see the past of the dead, barely touching them. In order not to become an outcast in society, he carefully hides his gift. One day, a girl gets on Takuta’s table, she died in a battle with a monster. Touching it means seeing another world where there is no place for everyday life…

7. “The Seventh Plague” Stephen Donaldson

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

A novel by an American writer about a terrible war between two kingdoms. Amica and Belleguer have been at odds for centuries. During this time, rivers of blood have been shed. Each side has its own casters who send executions on the enemy.

The Amics find an ancient book and learn of its existence. Seventh execution. From now on, enemy spells do not work, Bellegers are defenseless. The eldest son of the king must find the book and rid his country of witchcraft, otherwise soon there will be no trace of it. Prince Bifalt is on his way. A little time will pass, and he will understand that he is a pawn in someone else’s game …

6. Myfago forest. Lavondiss, Robert Holdstock

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

«Myfago forest. Lavondiss“- a novel by an English writer, which belongs to the genre of” mythological fantasy.

Ryhope Forest is a fictional world, an ancient forest country, a parallel universe. Four paths lead to this mysterious place, without knowing them, it is impossible to get here.

Brothers Christian and Stephen will try to do it, they want to know the secret of their dead father. This is the first part of the novel, which, in fact, is just an introduction. The reader is introduced to the Forest of Myfago.

The second part tells about a girl named Tallis. She lives in the stories of antiquity and does not belong to the world of people …

5. “Witchwood Crown” by Tad Williams

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

The novel is part of the “Order of the Manuscript” cycle, but even if you have not read the previous books, everything will be clear. World of Light Ard. King Simon ruled here for 30 years, but age takes its toll. Prophetic dreams no longer visit the king, allies die, and there are more and more traitors.

Meanwhile, in the North, the Norn Queen wakes up. She wants to destroy the world of people, you just need to capture the artifact – witch tree crown. This is not difficult, because she has her own army of magicians and sorcerers. Simon comes to the aid of his grandson Morgan, he is the heir to the throne and must protect his country.

4. Mor, Disciple of Death, Terry Pratchett

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

«Mor, Disciple of Deathis a novel from the famous Discworld series. The main character is a guy named Mor. His father, a farmer, understands that his son does not have any ability for this business and gives him as an apprentice.

That’s just Mora’s employer is Death itself. His teacher, the Skeleton Reaper, is tired of his job, he gladly shifts some of the responsibilities to More. The guy, in turn, enthusiastically takes up the braid.

Meeting the young Princess Kelly changes his life. Mor falls in love, but after a while he finds out that he must kill Kelly. He tries to correct the situation and sends death to another person. Can he save his beloved from death?

3. Lava Border Alex Orlov

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

The work of the Russian science fiction writerlava border» tells about the agent of the Imperial Security Service Thomas Brain. The higher management sends him to refresher courses.

Thomas is an experienced agent, everyone who worked with him knows that this guy does not need training. Brain is also confident in his abilities, so he begins to suspect that he has aroused the interest of several services and intelligence departments of the empire. You don’t have to wait long: the hunt for Thomas begins …

2. The Book of Swords, George Martin

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

«Book of Swords” is a collection of works by various authors: George Martin, Garth Nix, Ellen Kushner, Rich Larson and others. It was created by renowned editor Gardner Dozois. He tried to collect stories and stories from the best fantasy writers.

These works have something in common, the main idea is a sword, a dangerous weapon. Each story has its own master who masterfully owns it. It should be noted that all events take place in fictional fantasy worlds.

Each reader will find a work to their liking, these are 16 stories from 16 authors who are absolutely different.

1. “The Kidnapper”, Gerald Brom

Top 10 Best Fantasy Books for 2019-2020

Gerald is a versatile person. He writes books, makes films, creates professional illustrations. His book “Kidnapperis the story of the “other” Peter Pan. Like everyone else, he has a dark side. Everyone knows that he was a captain on the Island of Lost Children. Peter learned to be cruel back then. Only with his permission were children allowed to eat and sleep. He allowed them to satisfy their natural needs, but sometimes pretend. Peng bullied the boys.

Many years have passed, Peter’s behavior has changed for the worse. He, as before, lures children to his island. But the expectations of the abducted are not justified. It is a gray and fading island where a tribe of Devils (as the children call themselves) must fight for their lives. Soon Nick gets here. Peter saved him from death, but something even worse awaits the boy…

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