Top 10 best dystopian films

Dystopias are films that show a social order or community that we find frightening, repulsive, and undesirable. The opposite is utopia. Dystopias are described in many fiction books and films based on them, in order to draw society’s attention to the most pressing problems of our time. This is a detailed description of a culture that never existed. But it helps to assess modern reality from both an intellectual and emotional standpoint.

The best dystopian films for 2019 excite the imagination of the audience, immerse them in an unknown world that could exist in the future if people do not reconsider some of their views.

10 Time (2011)

Top 10 best dystopian films The director, screenwriter and one of the producers of the science fiction film was Andrew Nichol. It stars Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried.

He talks about the world in the future, where time becomes the most demanded currency. People are genetically programmed so that they stop aging at 25. But in order to continue to live on, you need to pay. Thus, the rich turn into immortals, and the poor have to literally fight for every minute of their lives.

The protagonist, 28-year-old worker Will Salas, is forced to work hard so that he and his mother can live. But his life has developed in such a way that he is forced to go against the system.

Most critics commented on the film “Time» negatively. But ordinary viewers call it the greatest motion picture in the world, an amusing fantasy action thriller with good actors and musical accompaniment. This is a smart movie that touches on important topics for a person, which easily and simply talks about important things.

9. Equals (2015)

Top 10 best dystopian films Melodrama directed by Drake Doremus, he was also one of the authors of the script. Starring Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult.

The plot of the movie “Equal‘ is rather unusual. Once on Earth there was a war in which 99% of the population died. Those who survived built a new society. It can exist without wars, conflicts and diseases, but they had to give up emotions as well.

But in this new, “ideal” society, there is one disease – “SOS” or “Acute Consciousness Syndrome“. Some people begin to feel again, to experience emotions, but this is considered a deviation. Everyone avoids such people, they are placed in an isolation room from which there is no return.

About the filmEqual”The film critics did not respond very well. Viewers also call it dry, unemotional, with a boring script. But there are also positive reviews. There are those who praise him, they note that he is not for everyone, not designed for a mass audience, he is very thin, smart and handsome.

8. Lobster (2015)

Top 10 best dystopian films A black comedy directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, who also co-wrote and produced. The film shows the world of the near future, in which people are not allowed to be alone, you must definitely find a mate. If a person does not have a life partner, he is sent to the Hotel, where he must find someone for himself in 45 days. Those who are still undecided will be turned into animals and released into the Forest.

Critics responded positively to the filmLobster“. The audience is also delighted with him, they write that this picture makes you think. This is a unique movie, unpredictable, non-standard, after which you begin to think about the absurdity of the morality of society. Smart, thoughtful film, with hundreds of metaphors and hidden meanings.

7. Minority Report (2002)

Top 10 best dystopian films Fantasy thriller directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise. The future is shown, 2054. The number of murders was reduced to 0, and all thanks to timely prevention. For this, seers are used, whose visions are displayed on the screen. A special system gives out the name of the killer, and the victim, and the time of the crime.

John, the captain of the police, and his team prevent crimes, and the killers, although they have not done anything yet, are placed in suspended animation capsules. But what if you turn out to be that very potential criminal? How did it happen that John himself must kill, moreover, a person he did not know, and escape from his colleagues? It is possible that the program makes mistakes, and the fate of hundreds of people depends on it.

«Special opinion“- an exciting, unpredictable fantasy detective story, logical, beautiful, well filmed. If you add here a good game of actors and unique visual effects, it becomes clear that the film deserves attention.

6. 12 Monkeys (1995)

Top 10 best dystopian films Fantastic thriller by Terry Gilliam, starring Bruce Willis in it, and one of the supporting roles is Brad Pitt, who received the Golden Globe for her. Painting “12 monkeys”was nominated for an Oscar, earned 3 Saturn awards. What is it about?

Future, 2035. About 99% of the world’s population has been destroyed by the virus. Those who survived are forced to hide underground. James has been assigned an important task. He must use a time machine to get into the past and discover the source of the virus, as well as unravel the mystery of 12 monkeys.

The result is a unique film that shows us that it will not work to change the past and the future, everything will be as it should be. The audience notes that this is a strong film, with great actors, music and plot, special, standing out among the representatives of its genre.

5. Island (2005)

Top 10 best dystopian films Fantastic action movie directed and co-produced by Michael Bay. It stars Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson.

Events unfold in 2019. Once there was a global catastrophe, and the surviving people are forced to live in a special complex, follow a diet. Sex, alcohol, aggression are prohibited here, everyone wears the same white suits.

The main character – Lincoln-Six-Eco has been living here for 3 years and he is already bored with everything. His only joy is communication with his girlfriend Jordan-Two-Delta. But soon she must also leave the complex, allegedly going to the Island. But soon Lincoln realizes that they are being deceived.

Viewers write thatIsland”is an excellent fantasy action, bright, dynamic, smart and consistent movie.

4. Matrix: Revolution (2003)

Top 10 best dystopian films The third film aboutMatrix”, filmed by the Wachowskis, they were also the authors of the script. Keanu Reeves played the main role in it. This is a continuation of the previous picture “The Matrix Reloaded”, where we see the war of people and machines.

Spectators note good special effects, they were ahead of their time. The war shown in the film “The Matrix: Revolution” turned out to be spectacular, interesting, sharp, and in some places very bright. But there are also disadvantages: a weak script, lack of philosophy and interesting thoughts.

3. Equilibrium (2002)

Top 10 best dystopian films This dystopia is directed, written and co-produced by Kurt Wimmer. Everything happens in the near future, in the state of Libria.

The Third World War has ended. People decided that the problem of all mankind is emotions. They need to be fought, so everyone is obliged to take Prozium. Everything that could cause emotions, including art, is destroyed.

The secret police keep order and catch those who have stopped taking the drug. And they are. They hide books and paintings, hide in the wasteland. The main character, John, hunts down criminals himself, but at some point begins to experience feelings.

«Equilibrium“- an emotional movie with wonderful actors that shocks, surprises, it conveys to the audience the ideas of humanity.

2. Gattaca (1997)

Top 10 best dystopian films This is a thriller directed and written by Andrew Nichol. The film shows the world of the future. All people in it are divided into “Good” and “Unfit”. The first are obtained after the child’s parents went to the doctor and were created using a successful combination of genes. They receive support from society. The second – the result of accidental fertilization, “God’s children.”

The main character Vincent is also a second-class person. He has many health problems: myopia, heart disease, but he is ready to go for forgery in order to fulfill his dream – flying into space.

«Gattaca”is a great movie that makes you think about many things, it makes a strong impression. A very beautiful film starring Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. In 2011, NASA experts said that this is the most scientifically reliable picture in which scientific facts and theories are shown correctly.

1. “V” for Vendetta (2006)

Top 10 best dystopian films Fantasy film by James Macting. The England of the future is shown. Recently there was a terrible epidemic of an unknown virus, which caused chaos in the country. To deal with it, a rigid dictatorship was established.

But there was also a freedom fighter who started a guerrilla war. ““V” stands for Vendetta“A wonderful film with great actors.

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