Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020

Words can convince and force to make the right decision. Not so long ago, people began to actively study the power of texts. When we go to a website, an online store or a blogger’s page, we don’t just look at pictures and prices for services, a person is important to us. This same personality can be conveyed through text.

The reader and the buyer should feel the connection and feel the words. This is the only way to gain trust. Now there are many ways, techniques and tasks that will improve your text, they are shared by experienced copywriters.

It is worth reading several books so that you can choose the tactics that are right for you, and there are plenty to choose from. Each author has his own approach and his own solutions to complex problems.

Here is a list of the best copywriting books for 2020. There are those that are suitable for beginners, and there are those that will be useful even for established copywriters. You should always improve your skills.

10 Copywriting. How not to eat a dog, D. Cat

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 This book is like training, there is no “water” and a lot of practice. The author teaches the basics of texts that sell and bring profit to customers. Tells chips, techniques and basic requirements.

Book “Copywriting. How not to eat a dog” will be useful to all copywriters, marketers, advertising workers, creators of large and small businesses.

The author on two hundred pages described his extensive experience and gave out techniques that will really bring results. The manual is divided into useful chapters, for example “How to write a catchy headline”, the reader, having looked at the contents, can immediately open the book on the page he needs and read the tips.

9. Copywriter’s desktop book, E. Slobodyanuk

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 The book will be most useful to novice copywriters. If you are learning to write texts for advertising or PR texts, then be sure to check out this tutorial. The author gives a lot of theoretical knowledge, supported by examples from his own experience and the experience of foreign companies.

You will learn how to name products, come up with flashy slogans and choose text formats. “Copywriter’s Handbook” will help refresh your knowledge of the basics if you have been in this field for a long time.

8. Genius to order, M. Levy

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 If you work with text or want to become a copywriter, but you often have difficulties, feel free to take this book. After reading “Genius to orderI immediately want to pick up a pen and start writing. The author introduces readers to a method called freewriting.

The idea is simple: “take it and do it”. You just need to sit down and transfer all your thoughts that are in your head to paper. Do not edit or think about how it will look. In each chapter there is an exact description of the circuit, and at the end of a practical task.

7. Writing is easy. How to compose texts without waiting for inspiration, O. Solomatina

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 This is a collection of lectures and methods of the famous journalist and teacher of the faculty of journalism – O. Solomatina. Book “Writing is easy. How to write lyrics without waiting for inspiration” was written on the basis of the course of the same name, which the author has been successfully looking for for several years. There are working techniques and practical tasks.

After each section, the reader can consolidate knowledge by doing written work. The book also spells out the intricacies of working as a journalist, so it will certainly be of interest to beginners in this field.

6. Content, marketing and rock and roll, D. Kaplunov

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 If you came to the Internet not just to see pictures of cats, but for real clients and money, then this book will be useful to you. The author will teach you how to write content that will become effective and tell you what mistakes to avoid.

Book “Content, marketing and rock and roll” is needed for site owners, bloggers, newsletter creators and just for those who want to create good and useful content that will be interesting to readers. The book turned out to be quite large, so it is better to purchase it in a printed edition, so that it is easier to take notes and emphasize the necessary information.

5. Business copywriting, D. Kaplunov

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 A well-known copywriter who has already written several books about his work and how to succeed in it. Benefit “Business copywriting” will help you understand how to work with serious texts and become a serious author yourself. The author gives a lot of information, but not in a dry version, but with a dilution of stories from life.

4. Author, scissors, paper. How to quickly write impressive texts. 14 lessons, N. Kononov

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 The author of the book has been in the writing field for many years and has gained a lot of experience. He will tell you where to get ideas for the text and how to formulate themes, as well as carefully edit them. This is an important point, because you need not only to write beautifully, but also to know how the text should look in the final version.

The book is designed for beginners and those who are thinking about writing their own literary work. A lot of the basics, collected in one edition and will be an excellent guide for everyone.

Book “Author, scissors, paper. How to quickly write impressive texts. 14 lessons” is known among copywriters, for many it has become a desktop and is often referred to when questions arise.

3. How to turn letters into money? What is copywriting? I. Pereverzev

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 A small manual, which the author wrote in an easy and understandable style. It will be useful not only for novice copywriters, but also for everyone who wants to set goals for themselves and find out the scale of possible earnings.

In the book “How to turn letters into money? What is copywriting?” you will learn how to use rewriting, a list of programs and systems for copywriting, the names of good exchanges, the rules for writing different texts, where to look for profitable orders, how to communicate with a customer, how to regulate pricing, what is the secret of selling texts, what magic words allow your text to attract attention, how to find a twist.

An indispensable tool for everyone who is going to switch to freelancing. It is not necessary to leave the office immediately and blindly move to remote work, you can move gradually by studying such books.

2. Write, shorten. How to create a strong text, M. Ilyakhov, L. Sarycheva

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 The authors of the book have created the most useful information that all copywriters and authors should read. You will learn how to formulate an idea concisely and clearly, how to create mailing lists that will not be described, how to attract readers and how to create a USP.

Book “Write short. How to create strong text” is one of the most popular in the writing community. The authors have invested examples that show in practice the power of the word and the work of techniques in informational, advertising, journalistic and journalistic texts.

If you follow the book’s guidelines, you’ll soon be able to speak clearly, build confidence, and be concise. These skills are a dream for every journalist and copywriter.

1. Neurocopywriting, D. Kaplunov

Top 10 Best Copywriting Books for 2020 Do you want to learn more than a hundred tricks that allow you to influence readers with the help of texts? The author is a well-known copywriter who has already written four books about copywriting and all of them have received high marks and great popularity.

The book has a lot of practical value and deep thoughts, all this, combined with the author’s ironic style, provides an excellent tool for working with texts. Textbook “Neurocopywriting“, of course, deserves to be on the table of everyone who has seriously decided to study sales texts.

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