Top 10 best comedies of all time

There is a category of films that never get bored and are enjoyed by the whole family. There is no doubt that “Love in the City”, “Toy”, “It Can’t Be”, “Hot Heads”, “Love and Doves” ─ tapes that are interesting to watch ten times, however, there are also real gems of the comedy genre, with which only a few can compete. Introducing the TOP 10, which includes the best comedies of all time.

10 What do women desire

Top 10 best comedies of all time

10th place – takes the picture “What Women Want” with Mel Gibson in the title role. The film is deservedly considered one of the best comedies in the history of American cinema. Chicago macho and heartthrob Nick Marshall is in good standing at one of the leading advertising agencies, he is expected to be promoted. But fate confuses the cards, and his place is taken by … a woman. During the first task of the new boss, an accident happens to him ─ an electric shock, after which he gains the ability to hear women’s thoughts. It turns out that he never really knew women. Will the protagonist be able to find the answer to the question: “What do women want?” Having this gift, how will he use it and what will prevent him from making his cunning plan a reality?

9. The Diamond Arm

Top 10 best comedies of all time

The 9th place among the best films of the comedy genre is Leonid Gaidai’s “Diamond Arm”. A whole constellation of Soviet actors starred in this film. The protagonist Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov, played by Yuri Nikulin, is pursued by smugglers who have hidden jewelry in his plaster cast.

A lot of popular expressions appeared precisely thanks to this comedy, all of them are used by us to this day in everyday life.

8. Home Alone

Top 10 best comedies of all time

The 8th position belongs to the comedy “Home Alone”, which collected a record for this genre, the rental amount of 476.6 million dollars. The protagonist of the film is 8-year-old Kevin, who, by coincidence, is left alone in his house for the Christmas holidays. At this time, the robbers are trying to get into the home of his family. A precocious child sets traps throughout the house, giving the bandits a decent welcome.

The scene of Kevin’s struggle with the “wet” bandits before Christmas became a landmark. It is in it that biblical motifs are clearly traced, and the comedy itself can be interpreted as a Christmas story told in a modern way.

7. Gentlemen of Fortune

Top 10 best comedies of all time

On the 7th place in the ranking of the best comedies in the world was Alexander Sery’s tape “Gentlemen of Fortune”. One of the main characters, the head of the kindergarten, becomes a doppelganger of a crime boss and arranges a jailbreak to help the police in search of a golden helmet, unaware that he himself is on the verge of death.

The brilliant play of the actors is admirable even 40 years after the release of the tape on the screens. And how many popular expressions this comedy gave us!

6. Taming of the Shrew

Top 10 best comedies of all time

The 6th item on the list of the best comedies is “The Taming of the Shrew” with Adriano Celentano and Ornella Muti in the lead roles. In the center of the film is the story of 40-year-old village bachelor Elia, who is distinguished by his rude character and boorish behavior towards women. On a rainy evening, Lisa Silvestri accidentally stopped at his house. A young girl, in spite of everything, is trying to tame a rude man.

5. Mask

Top 10 best comedies of all time

The 5th line is occupied by the comedy blockbuster “Mask” directed by Chuck Russell. Shy clerk Stanley Ipkis (Jim Carrey) falls into the hands of the mask of the god Loki, and cardinal changes come in his life. He becomes a Mask ─ a fearless man with a green face, who can not only win his girlfriend, but also become a real fighter for justice. But he’s not the only one who needs a mask!

4. Taxi

Top 10 best comedies of all time

On the 4th position is the world star of the comedy genre – the French film “Taxi” by Gerard Pires. Fate brought together the race-obsessed taxi driver Daniel and the unsuccessful policeman Emilien. To avoid prison, Daniel agrees to help the police in the capture of especially dangerous criminals in Mercedes. And until the very end it is not clear whether they will succeed.

The combination of speed and specific French humor constantly keeps the viewer in a state of tension. It’s not for nothing that all 4 parts of “Taxi” are recognized as one of the most successful films in France.

3. Prisoner of the Caucasus, or new adventures of Shurik

Top 10 best comedies of all time

3rd place goes to the wonderful Soviet comedy of all time – “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures” by Leonid Gaidai. The events of the film are played out in the Caucasus, where the cute fool Shurik goes to collect folklore. Due to the deception of the bandits, he becomes involved in the kidnapping of the “athlete, excellent student and simply beautiful” Nina. But realizing that he made a mistake, the guy decides to snatch his beloved from the clutches of criminals, and the girl herself does not sit idly by.

The film was initially banned. Permission to show it was given by Brezhnev after an accidental viewing. Interestingly, the performer of the role of Nina, Natalia Varley, did not manage to voice her heroine. In the comedy, Nina speaks in the voice of Nadezhda Rumyantseva.

2. Bruce Almighty

Top 10 best comedies of all time

The 2nd line of the rating is for the American world-famous comedy “Bruce Almighty”, filmed by director Tom Shediak in 2003. The role of the protagonist Bruce Nolan was played by a wonderful comedian Jim Carrey.

Before us is the story of a reporter who dreams of promotion and the work of a TV presenter. The habit of complaining about fate leads to the fact that God makes him omnipotent and empowers him. With the help of new power, Bruce quickly puts things in order in his personal life, takes the desired position. Over time, he realizes that it is impossible to help everyone become happy, and for him personally, happiness lies in the ordinary joys of life.

During the filming of the film, Jim Carrey saved his colleague from the set, Jennifer Anniston, when a camera crane began to fall on her during a strong gust of wind. In Egypt, the comedy “Bruce Almighty” was banned due to religious motives.

1. Some Like It Hot

Top 10 best comedies of all time

1st place in the TOP 10 best comedies of all time gets the work of director and producer Billy Wilder “Only Girls in Jazz” with the famous Marilyn Monroe in the lead roles. In the story, two young unemployed musicians Joe and Jerry witness the massacre of a Chicago mafia. The quick-witted guys dress up as women and are part of a jazz band under the assumed names of Josephine and Daphne. Over time, Joe falls in love with the soloist of the orchestra Darling, and Daphne-Jerry proposes to the millionaire Osgood. By coincidence, a mafia with thugs arrived at the hotel where they stayed. The finale of the comedy promises to be interesting!

The golden stock of comedies is constantly replenished, but these films will always be models for modern directors and screenwriters, an object of admiration for current and future generations, because classics are eternal.

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