Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation

If you want to reach heights in your profession, if you dream of becoming happy and successful, you do not need to change the world around you, you need to change your own worldview, develop the best qualities in yourself and overcome shortcomings. The most difficult thing is self-development. To force yourself to learn something new, you need powerful motivation and desire. However, for this it is not necessary to sign up for thematic courses or fashionable trainings, it is enough to read the right literature, which will turn your mind 180 degrees and open your eyes to seemingly obvious things.

We present you a list of the 10 best books on self-development and personal motivation for men and women. Also, these are works on business to inspire staff.

10 Laws of the Winners, Bodo Schaefer

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation The author of the book is a personal growth coach and businessman, in addition to advising his clients on financial matters, so there is a lot to learn from him. The book will teach you how to be a winner in your personal and social life, in sports and at work, teach you how to win even yourself and your shortcomings.

Schaefer deduced 30 laws that change the worldview of a person. Each of them is simple and understandable and does not represent any kind of discovery for a person. But the strength of the book is in the unity of these laws, only in combination they will open your eyes and motivate you to make changes in your life.

Each of the laws is described in detail and with real-life examples. The book has practical tasks that will help you learn the material and put the theory into practice. Bodo Schaefer’s bookThe laws of the winners” will set you up for success, help you achieve the necessary victories and change your life for the better.

9. What will you choose? Decisions Your Life Depends on, Tal Ben Shahar

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation

The book teaches emotional perception, the author talks about the need to be able to hear the heart, listen to your inner feelings and be guided by your head.

«What will you choose?» Tala Ben Shahara is a collection of wise thoughts and parables that will fit perfectly into your daily life. The author focuses not on leadership or fortitude, but on human happiness.

In each of the described points there is something that will certainly come in handy in your daily relationships with colleagues, family, friends. This book will strengthen your faith in yourself and in humanity.

8. Awaken the Colossus, Tony Robbins

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation The book describes detailed strategies and ways to control relationships, emotions, financial situation and even health. Tony Robbins has found a way to manage life and destiny, his training is valued at a decent amount, and he gives his advice to world famous businessmen, Olympic champions and even presidents.

The book “Wake up a giant in yourself» Tony Robbins will let you know that only you can control your destiny. The author tells how to achieve success, how to realize even the most daring dreams and fantasies.

7. Purpose. Book-training, Alexander Ray

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation The author of the book is a practicing psychologist, a person who sincerely considers himself absolutely happy. The main idea of ​​the book lies in the fact that each person has his own special purpose. Only by following this destiny, a person can be happy.

«Purpose. Training book» Alexandra Ray refers to works on self-improvement. It teaches a person to find his life’s work, realize the mission with which he was born, and begin to fulfill his destiny in order to feel happy about it.

6. Drive. What Really Motivates Us, Daniel Pink

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation The author of the book touched upon the topic of motivation. For some employees, monetary motivation is important and necessary, for others it can even be harmful, and the task of the manager is to see and understand each individual case.

The book “Drive. What really motivates us» Daniel Pink raises many questions. The author highlights an important aspect of successful work – this is self-motivation. If the work does not bring moral satisfaction to a person, then no monetary reward, regardless of its size, is able to maintain the effectiveness of such an employee. And, on the contrary, a person who cares about his work and puts his soul into it will strive for high results even without material stimulation.

The book contains a lot of advice for managers on motivating employees, which will help to assemble a professional team and lead the company to success.

5. The Theory of Castes and Roles, Alex Krol

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation This book, with its revolutionary character, has gained wide distribution. People in a complex world do not know what they want and what goal they are moving towards. The author divides our entire society into castes and allocates a specific role for each.

In the book “Theory of castes and roles» Alex Krol you will find your place and determine belonging to a particular caste, and then the author will show the way to the highest levels, where a person finds happiness and freedom.

4. Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation The book is a worldwide bestseller, and in the United States it is second only to the Bible in terms of impact on the minds of readers. The book describes the hopelessness of the struggle, lack of strength and loss of faith, but along with this there are heroes who have not lost hope, they are not ready to put up and will fight to the last.

Ayn Rand describes in his work “Atlas Shrugged» a crisis of political change that led to the decline of the country’s economy. Politicians push the demand for equality, and this leads to the fact that lazy and mediocre people can rise up and get financial stability at the expense of hardworking and talented people. Where is justice in such a society?

Atlantes is a collective image, in which the writer concluded the driving forces that can lead society to progress, everything is built on these forces. If the system collapses, then people lose everything, and the Atlanteans leave, straightening their shoulders and leaving their burden. Such a society is doomed to perish. This idea of ​​the author made many rethink their lives and change their views.

3. Reaching the maximum. 12 principles, Brian Tracy

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation The author of the book is known all over the world as a person engaged in self-development and moving towards success.

In Brian Tracy’s bookReaching the maximum. 12 principles» discusses in detail the reasons for achieving success, why some succeed and others do not. The author confidently claims that everyone can get what they want, you just need to really want it. You need to rely on yourself, your experience, professionalism, but do not forget about friends, communication is a great helper in achieving goals.

The 12 principles of success described by the author will help many to reconsider their desires and determine the right ways to achieve them.

2. Your second life, or a chance to change everything, Raffaella Giordano

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation

The author of the book is a psychologist, but the work is written very easily, and, without delving into psychology, tells how to change life.

The main character of the training novel by Raffaella Giordano “Your second life, or a chance to change everything» a quite successful woman who has a husband and son, a home and a stable job. But this is only at first glance. In fact, relations with her husband are no longer so warm, conflicts arise with a teenage son, and work does not bring satisfaction.

And then one day a woman meets a specialist in rutinology, a self-confident man who teaches her to smile again and enjoy life, change her life the way she wants it and build relationships with people around her.

The author describes real techniques that the reader can apply to his life, gives psychological tools to apply in reality. Everyone can follow the path of the main character and change their attitude to life.

1. The subconscious can do anything! John Kehoe

Top 10 best books on self-development and motivation A book about the abilities of the human subconscious and the brain. The author studied this topic in isolation from society for three years, after which he went out into the world and began to conduct trainings and seminars, wrote a book that became a bestseller on this topic.

In his book “The subconscious can do anything!» John Kehoe promotes the idea that everything depends on the human subconscious, and not on external factors. The more clearly and realistically a person can describe and present his goal, the more chances it has to come true.

You need to think more often about what you want and think only in a positive direction. Visualization is a powerful weapon in achieving the goal. Therefore, the author advises a few minutes every day to imagine what you want, the brain will eventually rebuild and all thoughts will strive to achieve what you want. The book will teach you to work with your subconscious and achieve your goals.

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