Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own

Knowledge of a foreign language at the present time is not only a prestige, but also a necessity. The most effective method is classes with a teacher, but due to the high cost, this option is far from optimal for everyone. With the help of good educational books, you can also achieve very good results. There is literature for both advanced people and beginners.

We bring to your attention a list of the 10 best books for learning English on your own: for beginners and already experienced students – grammar, interesting exercises, clear presentation of the material.

10 S. Matveev, “Fast English. Self-instruction manual for those who do not know anything “

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own The manner of presenting the information that is presented here can be called unique. With its help, even those people who before that did not understand anything at all can cope with tasks quickly and without any problems. Features of the language in the book “Quick English. Tutorial for those who don’t know anythingare presented in such a way that anyone can understand them. Matveev took into account the psychology of people, the features of the work of human memory.

Advantages: at the end of the textbook there are quite a few lessons that allow you to effectively consolidate the material covered. A detailed analysis of these exercises is given. The language of presentation is as simple as possible.

Disadvantages: for more “advanced” students, the book may be useless.

9. D. Petrov, “Polyglot, 16 English lessons”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own Dmitry Petrov is a man whose name is familiar to many people. He knows a wide variety of languages, and is also remarkably versed in how to master them with maximum efficiency. Each of the lessons has a specific topic: prepositions, personal pronouns, and so on.

Special attention in the bookPolyglot, 16 English lessons» D. Petrov pays attention to the grammatical sphere, he explains it very clearly and in the simplest possible words.

Advantages: perfect for those who don’t know anything yet. Readers leave a large number of positive reviews about this book.

Disadvantages: no.

8. A. Petrova, “English Language Tutorial”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own This edition is ideal for people who want to brush up on previously learned information, as well as for beginners. The form of presenting knowledge in “English self-instruction manual» by A. Petrova is as easy to read and simple as possible.

The publication deals with the words that are used most often in a foreign language. The course is divided into the following sections: word-formation, grammar, tasks for training and texts.

Advantages: accessibility, structuredness, sequence of training.

Disadvantages: rather specific texts.

7. Yu. Zhdanov, “English language. The most boring tutorial»

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own There are 16 lessons in this book, and they have a very original name – “vitamins”. Y. Zhdanov demonstrates that you can learn English not only with maximum efficiency, but also with fun.

In the book “English. The most boring tutorial” are most often considered statements that usually come in handy on a daily basis. These phrases can be correlated with the most ordinary everyday situations: going to the store, cinema, and so on. The texts are accompanied by understandable images, so the book contributes to the development of visual perception.

Advantages: universality, a large amount of information about cultural norms when communicating in different circles.

Disadvantages: It’s more of a phrasebook than a tutorial.

6. K. E. Eckersley, “Self-Teacher of English”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own Textbook “Self-study guide of English» K. E. Eckersley is especially useful for those who seek to understand written and spoken English. There is a lot of peculiar English humor in this tutorial.

Advantages: availability of presentation, availability of audio materials. Various teaching methods allow you to make the process of mastering the language as effective as possible.

Disadvantages: the presence of misprints.

5. Yu. B. Golitsynsky, “English language. Grammar. Collection of exercises»

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own This tutorial is very popular among English teachers. The main theme of the book by Yu. B. Golitsynsky is grammar, in it you can find everything you need on this topic. “English language. Grammar. Collection of exercises” is very convenient in order to study it on your own. The target audience is middle school students and people who are just starting their education.

The author has included several sections in the book, uniting a variety of topics. The book is quite large, the font size is ideal for reading.

Advantages: the presence of a large number of diagrams, tables, which greatly simplify the process of studying. This edition also includes a dictionary of common words. Lots of practice areas too.

Disadvantages: no.

4. I. Bonk, “English step by step, N. Bonk, I. Levina”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own This book has been out for quite some time. “English step by step, N. Bonk, I. Levina” is a self-instruction manual on spoken language, phonetic and grammatical areas. After completing the course, the student will learn more than 1000 lexical units. The book is suitable both for working with a teacher and for mastering on your own.

The duration of the course is a year or two (the exact period depends on how effective the classes are). The self-instruction manual is optimal both for people who already have some knowledge, and for beginners.

Advantages: disc for maximum efficiency. It has exercises to improve pronunciation, listening classes. A lot of practice, interesting information about England.

Disadvantages: no.

3. A. Dragunkin, “Quick English for energetic lazy people”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own Edition “Quick English for energetic lazy people» can be called unique in the way information is presented. Thanks to this, difficult expressions are remembered very quickly and easily. This book by A. Dragunkin is designed for students of all ages, professions and levels of training.

Advantages: the presence of not only practical exercises, but also useful recommendations from the author, which greatly help in learning English. Clear language of presentation.

Disadvantages: some information has to be structured on its own.

2. A. Bulger, “English without difficulty today”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own In the textbook “English without difficulty today» A. Bulger presents information in a special way: the process resembles the acquisition of a native language by a small child. As a result, unfamiliar expressions are remembered very easily. In this tutorial there are any tasks: pronunciation, writing, and so on. The owner of the book gets the opportunity to learn a “living” language.

It is optimal both for those who already have basic knowledge, and for those who still do not understand anything. To achieve results, you can practice for only half an hour a day. The first results are already noticeable very quickly, and after a couple of months a person usually begins to understand English speech.

Advantages: the presence of a disk in the kit, improving pronunciation.

Disadvantages: not detected.

1. O. Ovadenko, “English without a tutor”

Top 10 Best Books for Learning English on Your Own In the tutorial “English without a tutor» Particular attention is paid to grammar. For all topics, O. Ovadenko picked up exercises with clues-keys. The book contains lists of words with transcriptions that need to be memorized.

Advantages: a large number of lessons, a clear structure that facilitates the perception of information.

Disadvantages: boring texts, almost absolute absence of illustrations.

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