Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

Vladimir Sorokin is a famous Russian writer, screenwriter and playwright. At present, he has not written many books at all, but he has already managed to gain fame and glory. He wrote about 10 novels, as well as several novels and short stories. Several of his books have received nominations. It is also worth noting that his books have been translated into many languages.

Vladimir was born on August 7, 1995 in a small village called Bykovo. His parents often moved, which is why the boy had to change many schools. After that, he began to study at the Moscow Institute as a mechanical engineer. For some time Vladimir worked in magazines.

As a writer, he finally took shape closer to the 1980s. Then his works began to be published in many magazines, where people gradually began to learn about him.

In this article, we will consider the best books of the modern writer Vladimir Sorokin – a rating of worthy and interesting works.

10 Marina’s thirtieth love

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

The book “Marina’s thirtieth lovewas written in 1995. In the center of the plot is a girl named Marina. She works as a teacher at the House of Culture. Her career as a pianist did not work out due to the fact that the girl broke her little finger.

Almost the entire book is devoted to the development of Marina’s sexuality. Some of the book is full of sex scenes. The book also tells that the girl cannot achieve satisfaction with men because of her father, who abused her when she was little. Marina can only get satisfaction with women.

The book also contains a description of how Marina ends her relationship with her 29-year-old girlfriend. After that, the events of the present time are described.

9. Normal value

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

A book with a simple titleNormal value” is the author’s debut novel, which was written during the Soviet era. The book was republished in 2002. She also entered the number of works of the writer.

The novel is written in a postmodern direction combined with realism. The book has a pretty realistic storyline. He is very interesting and entertaining. We can say that it is more like a detective story, in which there are many features: satirical and even playful, intellectual.

8. Snowstorm

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

«Snowstorm”is a famous story by the author, which first appeared in 2010. The book was even awarded the National Literary Prize.

The book tells the reader about the appearance of a strange virus in a small village, due to which small crystal pyramids appear in the snow. A doctor named Plato is sent to this place, who is going to vaccinate. A person who gets sick turns into a zombie.

The book describes the moments of a terrible snowstorm. At this time, it is almost impossible to find horses that could be taken to such a remote village. The doctor manages to get a guy named Kuzma to take him. But it is very difficult to drive, and the blizzard is getting stronger.

7. Manaraga

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

A book with a strange titleMagaraga” allows the author to set unexpected vectors of reflection on the relationship between people and the printed word.

The protagonist of the book has a rather strange profession. He is an underground worker, a master of his craft. Sorokin’s book is a kind of hymn to eternal life. It is full of romance and makes a person look at life in a completely new way.

6. Ice

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

The book “Ice” is one of the author’s trilogies, which was written in 2005. First, this particular novel was written, and then the book “The Way of Bro” was published as a continuation. The last part was called “23000”.

The novel tells about the brotherhood of light, which was founded by a man named Bro. One day he found the mysterious Ice from outer space. After touching him, he awakened the sister of the Light. With her help, the main character wants to find all the blue-eyed and fair-haired people throughout Russia.

After Bro finds these people, he will transfer all his knowledge and strength to them. Bro people find such a person, hit him right in the heart, and then look, if the heart trembles, then this person will be a sister or brother.

5. Telluria

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

A novel titledTelluriawas written in 2013. It is also worth mentioning that this particular novel of the writer was awarded the prize for the largest book. The novel is divided into 50 chapters. The main action takes place in the 21st century in Europe and Russia.

The book tells about something unrecognizable and incomprehensible. Various peoples oppressed by principalities, republics and even kingdoms. But all of them have something in common – the search for the Kingdom of God.

4. Sugar Kremlin

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

The book titledSugar Kremlin” represents the author’s stories, which were published in 2008. The White Kremlin is the heart of Russia, which is closed from our outside world and immersed in sleep and peace.

The book tells that the heart of Russia is used by everyone a little, but, nevertheless, it does not belong to anyone completely, and never belonged.

Each of the stories is written differently. But in the end they add up to a bigger picture of reality. The book is written quite unusually, but at the same time it is very interesting and exciting. What events happened next, you can find out by reading the book.

3. Monoclone

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

The book titledMonoclone” tells about a woman named Tamara, who once sees in a dream a terrible destroyer of worlds. He dreamed of her on the 28th. The monster shimmered in various incredible colors. In the end, he just put his fingers in the ears of our main character.

The woman felt so good in her soul that she was ready to die from this happiness. But my ears got too hot. But Tamara did not pay attention to this, as she was completely fascinated by what was happening in her heart.

In her dream, Tamara saw herself completely naked, and lying on the roof of one of the houses. It was in this house that she lived for the 28th year of her life.

The book is rather unusual, but fans of this genre will enjoy it. The work describes the feelings of the main character that she experienced at the moment of sleep, but she thought that this was happening to her in reality.

2. Oprichnik day

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

The well-known storyOprichnik day“Refers more to the genre of dystopia. Was written in 2006. The author wanted to warn people with his creation from the fate that awaits Russia in the future.

The story was dedicated to an oprichnik named Malyuta Skuratov. This is a well-known person. The action in the book takes place in the distant future in 2027 in Russia. In the book, the author fences off our country from the rest of the world with a large wall.

Autocracy was completely restored in the country, as well as protectionism and much more. The only source of income in the country is natural gas, which is sold to other countries.

It is worth noting that in 2016 a performance was staged based on the book. The performance also included fragments from other books by Vladimir.

1. Blue fat

Top 10 best books by Vladimir Sorokin

In the first place in our list of the best books of the writer Vladimir Sorokin is a book called “Blue fat“. It was first published in 1999. The plot in the book revolves around a strange substance – blue fat. It is being developed by clones of Russian writers.

The action in the book takes place in the 21st century, in its second half. But at the same time, the line intersects with the distant future, which takes place in 2048.

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