Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin is a contemporary Russian prose writer who has received numerous literary awards. He wrote many cult novels, including “Chapaev and Emptiness”, “Omon Ra”, etc. Pelevin’s best books, the list of which is located below, were written by the writer over the past ten years, and have had incredible success with readers.

10 iPhuck 10

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

iPhuck 10 – a book that has recently been published, opens the list of Pelevin’s books. The protagonist of the work is a robotic policeman named Porfiry Petrovich. He investigates crimes, about which he subsequently writes novels. Thanks to this, the department is provided with additional funds. In addition to writing talent, the robot can penetrate any technological device such as a tablet, webcam, etc. Porfiry Petrovich meets an art critic who needs an assistant to analyze the market. For these purposes, a police robot is ideal for him, who agrees to a new job.

9. Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons” – one of the most significant books in the work of Viktor Olegovich Pelevin. In the novel, the writer covers three millennia of the history of the Russian state at once. In the center of the book is the Mozhaisky family, who are nobles by origin. A work with a deep meaning will tell about the service to the state of all three generations of a noble family.

8. Love for Three Zuckerbrins

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“Love for Three Zuckerbrins” – a fairly well-known work by Pelevin, included in the list of the best. Not all people think about the meaning of their own lives, analyze their actions and think about the advantages and disadvantages of scientific progress. Most are content to be ordinary consumers. The work touches on very important issues related to the problem of terrorism, Internet addiction, popular uprisings, etc. The plot centers on a strange character named Cyclops, who has his own rules, which he strictly follows. He is one of those bystanders who watches as humanity quietly destroys itself, but is unable to do anything despite having great power.

7. Batman Apollo

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“Batman Apollo” is a continuation of one of Viktor Olegovich’s popular books called Empire V. The storyline of the work is connected with vampires. One of the main characters of the book is a young vampire who does not have much experience in blood-drinking affairs. He always gets into some kind of unpleasant situation. Literally the whole novel is built on fantastic notes. The reader will plunge into the world of illusions, Buddhism and political events with notes of irony. The writer openly draws caricatures of famous people who are easily recognizable in the work.


Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

«S.N.U.F.F.» included in the list of the best works written by Viktor Olegovich Pelevin. The book belongs to such a genre as a utopian novel. This is one of the most popular creations of the modern writer. In the center of the plot is a pilot and at the same time an artist named Damilol Karpov. Fate magically brings the main character to Kaya, who, in order to achieve her own desires, starts a dangerous intrigue. The work has social and political overtones and is a reflection of the relationship between the Russian state and the West. The novel is literally replete with neologisms and church expressions.

5. Count T

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“Count T” is one of the best works of Pelevin, included in the list of the national literary award “Big Book”. The main character of the novel is Count T, who is a master of martial arts. He escapes from the estate and heads for a desert called Optina. Why the main character does this, no one knows. On his way he meets Ariel, who offers the count to write a story about him. T. Doesn’t want to be an ordinary character, but wants to be the creator of a story about himself. What will come out of this plan of the count, you can find out while reading Pelevin’s novel.

4. Friedman space

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

«Friedman Space» – a small work of a satirist writer. The parody story tells how one of the scientists made an incredible discovery. He proves that the psychological level of rich and poor people is different. To verify this, the scientist conducts many experiments, both on wealthy people and on himself. In the course of the study, it turns out that there is an effect of attracting money to money. But that’s not all. If the savings are very large, then a certain black hole is formed, into which the owner of the money falls.

3. Assassin

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“assassin” – one of the best books of Viktor Olegovich Pelevin. The main character of the work is Ali, who was raised from early childhood as a brutal killer. As a teenager, he already inspired fear in his own teachers. Ali learned martial arts very flawlessly and put them into practice. He was raised not only as a ruthless warrior, but also as a killing machine that must love death. An adult with such an upbringing is very difficult to manage. To keep him in check, religion and drug doping are used.

2. Hall of Singing Caryatids

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“Hall of Singing Caryatids” refers to the satirical works of Viktor Olegovich. The story is included in one of the famous collections of the writer. The main plot face of the book is a young lady, whose name is Elena. The girl goes to work in a secret brothel intended for the rich. In the presence of guests of a brothel, she, along with other girls, must depict a sculpture of a caryatid. To immobilize the bodies, they are given special injections based on a preparation obtained from female praying mantises. Soon, the drugs used give their side reactions, which turn out to be very dangerous for others.

1. Necroment

Top 10 Best Books by Viktor Pelevin

“Necroment” is included in the list of Pelevin’s books written by him over the past decade. The work will talk about one traffic police general who is building a political career. The main character was not far off intellect, but he really wanted power and a lot of money. He decides that witchcraft is capable of helping to achieve the goal. However, the science of black magic was very difficult for the general, like everything else. For the offering to the cult, the protagonist decided to use his subordinates. Their cremated bodies served as an environmental supplement to speed bumps on the road.

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