Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

Boris Akunin is best known to readers for books about Fandorin. In fact, Akunin is a pseudonym under which Grigory Chkhartishvilli used to work. Admirers of his work agree that in the book “Diamond Chariot” you can find the answer to why the author chose such a name for himself. “Akunin” (jap. 悪人), as one of the heroes of the book says, means a villain, but not some petty crook or scoundrel, but a powerful person who stands on the side of the dark forces. Bastard of universal proportions!

If this is so, then the author has a rather self-critical perception of himself. No matter how we hide it, each of us is used to highly appreciating ourselves (and sometimes overestimating!) And Boris Akunin is no exception. Are his books overrated? Each of you can answer this question, and we will briefly describe to you the content from the list of Akunin’s best books – there will be something to do at your leisure.

10 Pelageya and the Black Monk (2001)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

«Pelageya and the black monk“- the second village novel of the trilogy” Provincial Detective “about the adventures of a nun interested in the investigation – she can’t sit still! In one book, several genres are combined at once: thriller, detective story, black humor – you won’t be bored.

I would like to note that Boris Akunin has a very beautiful language – when reading his works, it seems that it came not from the pen of our contemporary, but from a real classic: Tolstoy or Chekhov. The book tells about the adventures of a nun who undertakes to unravel the most intricate crimes. A ghostly black monk appears on the territory of the monastery – he instills fear in people and even kills. The nun is determined to find out what’s going on…

9. Special orders. Decorator (1999)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

In places in this book it is gloomy and unpleasant, but most importantly, interest is maintained throughout the work. There are many bloody scenes in the story, and the life of the main characters cannot be called rosy. Part of the story inSpecial orders. Decorator”is conducted from the point of view of the criminal, which allows the reader to understand what drives this monster.

Strange murders are taking place in Moscow. The bodies of women are found with their throats cut and the characteristic bloody kiss that the criminal makes with his own handwriting. Medical experts established that the women were not raped, but the maniac accompanies each crime scene with a bloody decoration from the internal organs. Erast Petrovich – a noble detective, undertakes to investigate the case. He is sure that Jack the Ripper is operating in Moscow. But how did the maniac arrive in Moscow?

8. Death Lover (2001)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

This book is part of the stories about Fandorin. “Death Lover”- a crime novel by Akunin, written in the style of the XNUMXth century, when crimes were revealed with taste, and faith in progress knew no bounds. The main character of the novel is Death, and here’s why.

Death is the name of the main character, which she received for several reasons: several times she almost said goodbye to life, but each time she survived. All her gentlemen left for another world immediately after they began to show interest in her. Senka also liked death so much that he decides to win her attention by performing desperate actions. As a result, the guy has to watch a series of murders, and he himself, almost dying, one day meets Erast Fandorin.

7. Turkish Gambit (1998)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

Gambit in translation means “to set the bandwagon”. When you hear “Turkish gambit”, most likely, you remember the film, but there is also a book about a detective. However, many who are familiar with Akunin’s work believe that the book turned out to be the weakest of the Fandorin’s Adventures series. Whether this is so is up to you.

The year is 1877. The Russian Empire takes part in the brutal Russian-Turkish war. The beautiful Varya enters the battlefield to see her fiancé. At first, the journey was fun, but soon Varya is left in the inn all alone, where random fellow travelers play cards for her …

6. State Councilor (1999)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

«State Councillor“- the 7th work from Akunin about Fandorin. The author called his novel a political detective – and indeed it is. In the novel, General Khrapov is killed, and Erast undertakes to investigate the case.

Erast is at the peak of his political career, he is the right hand of Prince Dolgorukov, who intends to make him chief police officer of the capital. But the murder of Khrapov deals a blow to Dolgorukov’s plans, and he himself is on the verge of resignation. Erast decides to figure everything out, and during the investigation he finds out that the powerful forces of St. Petersburg are behind the revolutionaries, who benefit from the resignation of Dolgorukov to strengthen their influence.

5. Coronation, or The Last of the Novels (2000)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

Readers agree thatCoronation, or The Last of the Novels“- Akunin’s best book about Fandorin. The story is full of intrigue and forces the reader to unravel complex situations. Fandorin, as always, is half a step behind the intruder.

1896 The coronation of Nicholas II is approaching. But the unexpected happens – someone kidnaps the prince’s son. The kidnapper calls himself Dr. Lind, in exchange for the boy, he demands the “Count Orlov”, with which the imperial scepter is adorned. If the parents refuse the deal, the kidnapper promised to return the child to them in parts …

4. Death of Achilles (1998)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

Fandorin once again delights readers with the flexibility of his mind, intellect and sense of duty. Reading stories about this character, you not only get carried away by the plot, but analyze the actions of the protagonist. “Death of Achilles“- the fourth book about Fandorin.

In 1882 Ernest Fandorin came back to Moscow after serving in Japan. Upon arrival, he learns that his friend from the Balkan team has died of a myocardial infarction. In his death, he sees something wrong … Fandorin begins to investigate the causes of the death of the “Russian Achilles”. During the investigation, he will meet with an old enemy.

3. Azazel (1998)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

«Azazelis the 1st novel in a series of books about Ernest Fandorin. The events cover the year 1876, the sequel to the novel is The Turkish Gambit. This book is unforgettable, as Akunin’s fans assure.

Ernest is only 20, but he is already noble and is not afraid of anything! The guy serves in the police, and on duty, coupled with his own command of the heart, unravels a difficult case. The events of the first novel draw in, captivate, and do not let go until the last page. It’s simply impossible not to worry about a sweet and handsome young man! The ending about the loner-cynic is very cruel …

2. Leviathan (1998)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

Akunin does not dwell on the same pattern, and almost every story of his is different from the next. In “Azazel” Ernest exposed the conspiracy of the world beginning, in “Turkish Gambit” he was looking for a spy, and in the novel “Leviathan“He will have to figure out the killer in a confined space, which is reminiscent of” 10 Little Indians “.

In Paris, an attacker poisoned 10 people and stole a silk scarf. The police commissioner finds a gold whale decoration, and finds out that it is a gift to the passengers of the 1st class of the steamer “Levifan”. Only four passengers don’t have jewelry… Ernest is a quick-witted person, and he immediately understands that the lost handkerchief is the key to Raja’s missing jewelry…

1. Diamond Chariot (2003)

Top 10 best books by Boris Akunin

Story “Diamond chariot“covers 2 time periods from Fandorin’s life: the first events describe 1905, when the Russo-Japanese war was raging, and the second tells about the adventures of Ernest in 1878, when he traveled around Japan.

The reader is invited to follow the two opposite characters in the first book “Dragonfly Catcher”: a conscientious official and Japanese super spy Rybnikov. Against the backdrop of a raging war, these two heroes act differently. In the book Between the Lines, Fandorin finds himself embroiled in adventures: he falls in love with a courtesan, fights ninjas, and, as usual, remains faithful to his official duty…

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