Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand (1905–1982) was an American writer and philosopher born in St. Petersburg. After the revolution, while still very young, she left the USSR and emigrated to the United States. For a long time, Rand worked with Hollywood studios: she wrote scripts, plays, her most famous works: The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged and We Are Alive.

The Daily Wire has acquired the rights to the book Atlas Shrugged, indicating that a film adaptation of it is coming soon. It is known that the series will be filmed for the Dailywire+ service, but the premiere date is still unknown. For the first time, the dystopia was published in 1967 – Ayn Rand recognized “Atlas Shrugged” as her main work.

The list includes the best works of the American writer. They are not for everyone, but you might like them. Save so you don’t lose!

10 Anthem (1937)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

“Hymn” – this is a short story, exciting, about the main thing and without water. Motivates to live and be. It is a dystopia. Reading, you don’t quite understand what the author wanted to say – everyone finds their own meaning. It is only clear that a terrible world appears before the reader, where there is no man as an individual.

The story is a socio-political dystopia. A totalitarian society suppresses the desire to create and feel something. In this society there is no “I”, only “we”, and no one has the right to decide for himself what his life path will be. The protagonist was able to invent electricity – offering people this solution, he faces resistance.

Can the main character learn to say “I”?

9. Think Twice (release date unknown)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

This book reinforces Rand’s idea that writers are not born, but made. More precisely, they create themselves. “Think Twice” is a collection of works by Ayn Rand arranged in chronological order. Among them are “Ideal”, “Think Twice” and others. Definitely recommended for fans of her work.

Ayn Rand has a lot of admirers – she wrote about things that arouse interest and make you philosophize. The writer created a philosophy of objectivism based on reason, individualism and reasonable egoism. This book will help trace the development of Rand’s writing talent.

8. Capitalism (release date unknown)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

Readers are inspired by Ayn Rand’s essays. AT “Capitalism” there are real examples of political, economic life. The writer is sure that a person can become happy only in one case – if the system makes the person’s personality the main one. Capitalism is synonymous with morality.

If the state has the right to put a person in danger, for example, by sending him to war, then the government is not the protector of its citizens. Then what does it protect? How can you send a person to torment without asking his consent? Together with the author, readers will try to understand these issues.

7. The Virtue of Selfishness (1964)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

This is another interesting book to read by Ayn Rand. “The Virtue of Selfishness” Sounds contradictory enough, but is it? Selfishness is considered to be a vice both in personal relationships and in public. But there are no vices in the way we are created / conceived, what the author wants to convey in his book.

Even the most deplorable state of the individual and the society in which this individual is located is also a blessing, because selfishness contributes to self-preservation. The book is recommended for reading to those who want to take a fresh look at the personality of a person. It will definitely appeal to those who are interested in the philosophy of objectivism.

6. Source (1943)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

“A source” recommended reading for everyone. This book shows well the characters of people without the “husk”, which fits into our picture of the world. Among the characters, we can “recognize” our colleagues, neighbors … And the last monologue, according to readers, needs to be memorized at all – when the main character comes to court.

This book is dangerous. Dangerous because it is anti-social – it tells how society devours individuality and sings of mediocrity. After reading, I want to disconnect from all the information and think about my integrity, about where and why our time is spent. The author leads readers to the idea that the Ego is the source of human progress.

5. The Husband I Bought (release date unknown)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

Despite numerous negative reviews regarding the book “The Husband I Bought”Many people liked the story. Ayn Rand, as always, retains her style. In this whimsical cape of thought-forms, the charm of sincere feelings can be traced – such can only be experienced by a woman in love.

This book is a collection of Rand’s stories arranged in chronological order. We will find out where the writer started. In addition to this novel, the collection also includes Her Second Career, The Night King, We Are Alive. This book was created for fans of the work of the American writer, for those who are just going to get acquainted with her work, it is better to start with later novels.

4. We are alive (1936)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

Read more… “We are alive” it hurts, the book touches the strings of the soul. It is different from other works by Ayn Rand. The plot is built around the Soviet girl Kira, who returns to Petrograd with her family in the 20s. The author skillfully conveyed the atmosphere of that time – after the revolution. From the second half it is physically painful to read, make sure you are ready for it.

The main theme of the work is a man against the state. The former aristocrat, wanting to impress in the service, betrays his loved ones, and the hero of the civil war, after numerous victories, decides to betray the cause of the party. The main character has love for the son of the tragically deceased admiral. Fates intertwine…

What must the main characters go through?

3. Ideal (1936)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

BOOK “Ideal” attracts with an unexpected ending, and also with the fact that it sheds light on the difficult period of the writer’s life. At that moment, she was not at all “on top”. In the work, she tries to portray people who perceive only actions. When the harsh reality does not give a chance to develop one’s own convictions, one has to adapt not to the most favorable conditions.

This book highlights Rand’s frustration with men, “Ideal” is rather the opposite of “We’re Alive”. The main theme is a random unpromising life. Recommended reading for everyone. The plot is based on the spiritual and physical beauty of one woman – an actress.

2. Atlas Shrugged (1957)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

This novel is one of the best novels by Ayn Rand. There are a lot of characters in the book that are not so easy to remember at first, but this does not repel reading at all. “Atlas Shrugged”, based on which the film adaptation was made, tells readers that you need to appreciate what you have.

The first volume reveals the main characters – brilliant entrepreneurs who are opposed by officials, the second is devoted to social forecasting, and the third part debunks the delusions of dreamy fighters for brotherhood and equality. John Galt is a brilliant inventor who extols the idea of ​​reasonable selfishness.

1. Romantic Manifesto (release date unknown)

Top 10 best books by Ayn Rand

If you have always been interested in the question of what art is the creation of human hands and what is not, you should definitely devote your time to reading “Romantic Manifesto”. The writer first found an explanation for this – her point of view, of course, is controversial, but many will join her.

This book is for literature lovers. The author tries to understand the questions why Anna Karenina has become a harmful work of world literature, and the writer Victor Hugo is recognized as a great novelist? Of course, it is recommended for reading to everyone who wants to connect their lives with writing, as well as to fans of Rand’s work.

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