Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

Alexei Ivanov is a talented contemporary writer. He was born in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), and spent his childhood and youth in Perm. Parents were far from literature, worked as engineers. Alexey Viktorovich studied for a journalist for almost two years, but never graduated from the institute, but received a diploma in art history.

His first work is the fantastic story The Hunt for the Big Dipper. It was published in a magazine, but it was too early to talk about success. Ivanov began to look for himself. He worked as a teacher, watchman, tour guide and journalist. After some time, he returned to literature.

Now the writer is very popular. Films and TV series are based on his works. If you are not yet familiar with his work, you may be interested in our rating of the best books by Alexei Ivanov.

10 Eburg

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

The book is dedicated to Yekaterinburg, but will be of interest not only to the residents of this city. The work arouses readers’ interest in the history of the Urals.

According to the author, Eburg – this is an intermediate stage between the Soviet Sverdlovsk and modern Yekaterinburg. In his book, Ivanov describes the events taking place in the city in an era of change – the “dashing 90s.”

The stories are not fictional. Each of them tells about people, one way or another related to Yekaterinburg. Here you can learn more about the lives of influential personalities, musicians, playwrights and ordinary people. Also, the reader will be able to immerse himself in the atmosphere of the city, mentally wander through its streets and visit famous places.

9. Shadows of the Teutons

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

One of Ivanov’s last books, written in 2021. Fans of mystical novels will definitely appreciate this work by Ivanov.

The plot is built on the interweaving of different eras. Its action takes place in two time periods: in the XV and XX centuries. In 1457, enemies attack the castle of Marienburg, in 1945, Soviet soldiers storm the Prussian city of Pillau. These events are united by the mystery of the crusaders.

BOOK “Shadows of the Teutons” not like other novels of the author. “Ivanov’s signature style is missing,” this is how readers characterize the novel. It will be of interest to fans of adventure stories with a dynamic plot.

8. Food unit

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

Mystical horror. In 2021, a series of the same name was filmed based on it, which became the record holder for views on the Kinopoisk site. After the hype with the film adaptation, every second wanted to read the book.

The action takes place in the pioneer camp “Petrel” in the 80s. Here everything goes on as usual, until Valerka Lagunov learns the terrible news. It turns out that his roommate Leha is a vampire. And he’s not the only one…

“Pioneer horror”, “semi-teenage prose” – this is how critics described the “Pishcheblok”. Ivanov was even accused of creating the book solely for financial interests, since the story uses safe material (youthful romance, vampires, “horror stories”). One way or another, the novel is read in one breath.

7. Community

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

A thriller with elements of mysticism, which readers perceived ambiguously. Again accusations that “this is not Ivanov.” The problem is that most people compare the novels of the writer with a couple of his most successful works.

Main character “Community” Gleb. He dreams of conquering Moscow and achieving heights. To achieve his goal, Gleb made every effort. Now he has everything: an expensive apartment, a prestigious car, a desirable woman, famous brands. Soon his measured life comes to an end. The participants of the mysterious Internet portal are passionate about the plague, the Black Death…

6. Riot Gold

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

BOOK “Riot Gold” written on historical topics. This is one of Ivanov’s most successful works. The novel won the Book of the Year award (in the prose nomination).

Events take place in the Urals at the end of the XNUMXth century. Four years have passed since the suppression of the Pugachev uprising.

Ostafiy Perekhod – rafter. He followed in the footsteps of his father, who ended his life on Chusovaya. He was accused of theft. Ostafiy does not know what really happened, but wants to find out the truth. At stake is not only the honor of the Transition and his father, but also the gold of Pugachev.

5. Hostel-on-the-Blood

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

The novel was written in 1992 and published 14 years later. According to Ivanov’s classmate, journalist Vadim Chelikov, each character in the book has a real prototype.

The main characters are five students. They are evicted from the hostel for a misdemeanor, but they stay here illegally. The reader becomes a witness to the development of relations between students. When you are young, it always seems like you have your whole life ahead of you. Students hope for the best, but not every one of them will be able to achieve what they want.

“Communion of Blood” The book is emotionally heavy. Characters commit vile deeds, break the lives of themselves and those around them.

4. Tobol

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

Ivanov’s largest novel, consisting of two parts. It was in demand among readers. The circulation of the first part had to be reprinted three times.

Siberia. XVIII century. The reign of Peter I. New rules are regularly introduced, the tsar is trying to remake Russia. Its main goal is to change the country so that it meets the standards of an average European state. Many do not agree with this state of affairs, especially the inhabitants of Siberia. But is it possible to resist the royal decrees?

Tobol – a fascinating novel about the past of our country. There are many historical facts collected here. The fates of not only fictional characters are described, but also people who existed in reality.

3. Bad weather

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

This book is called “time machine”. It takes the reader back to the 90s. The era of Russia of those years is very atmospherically described here.

In the center of the plot is a former Afghan German. He works as a driver of a collection vehicle and decides on a daring act – a robbery. Herman hides in a village called Bad weather. There he recalls how he fought in Afghanistan, and also how he survived in the 90s, returning home.

This book is not about the village, not about crime and not about money. It’s about a special state of mind.

2. Heart of Parma

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

Historical novel, one of the most significant in the work of Ivanov. It was he who brought the writer wide fame.

main topic “Hearts of Parma” – the conquest of Great Perm by Muscovites. The events take place in the 1451th century. The Moscow principality is gradually strengthening. Ural is a tasty morsel for princes. In XNUMX, Vasily II sent Prince Ermolai there with his two sons …

The book is based on real events. The author carefully studied historical materials, and the novel turned out to be as reliable as possible. Interesting and fascinating, but hard to read because of the many incomprehensible words (medieval Ural dialect).

1. Geographer globe drunk

Top 10 best books by Alexei Ivanov

The most famous work of Ivanov. A film of the same name was made based on it, but it differs significantly from the novel. So fans of the film are in for a surprise. Most readers argue that the book is much deeper.

And again the 90s. The main character Victor Sluzhkin gets a job as a teacher. He will have to fight for his authority, the students are not ready to obey the young teacher. Victor is not respected in the team, he is unhappy in marriage.

“The geographer drank the globe” – a sad story about a man who could not realize himself. Perhaps she is so popular because in the image of Victor, most readers recognize themselves or their friends.

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