Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Allergy is one of the global medical problems of the 21st century. The more polluted the air and water, the more people suffer from this disease. Moreover, allergies develop in patients of all ages. Often it is not possible to avoid contact with allergens, so there is only one way out – to take allergy medications. The modern pharmacological market offers many means to combat this problem.

It is not enough just to take the chosen drug and get rid of the allergy forever. It is not enough to suppress the symptoms of the disease, you need to understand its causes. The thoughtless intake of allergy medications will lead to the fact that the immune system will one day produce the most unpredictable reaction. Therefore, before starting therapy, you should consult with an allergist.

An allergic reaction is manifested by multiple symptoms. The patient may become inflamed eyes, skin, bronchi, nasopharynx. At the same time, histamine is produced in the body. To relieve the manifestations of allergies, patients are prescribed antihistamines. To date, 3 generations of such funds have been released. Knowing what allergy medicines exist in Russia and what pros and cons they have, you can choose the best drug. This is what will be discussed in the article.

What are allergy medications?

Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

There are 3 generations of allergy medications. Representatives of the third generation have a small set of side effects and contraindications, they work longer and better than the first and second generation tablets. Moreover, the therapeutic effect can be achieved even when taking small doses. However, this does not mean that first and second generation drugs are forgotten. Often, only a competent combination of these agents can achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

In addition to antihistamines, corticosteroid tablets and injections, as well as mast cell membrane stabilizers, can be used to stop an allergic reaction. They are resorted to only with a severe form of the disease. They are used both locally and systemically (taken orally and injected with them). The composition of such drugs includes hormones that are produced by the adrenal cortex. Therefore, corticosteroids help to eliminate an allergic reaction in cases where allergy medications do not cope with the problem. However, their main disadvantage is that it is impossible to predict what side effects they will cause. Therefore, hormonal preparations can be taken only with the permission of the doctor and in the dosages strictly indicated by him.

As for the drugs that stabilize the membranes of mast cells, they are aimed at stopping the production of histamine. It is histamine that is responsible for the onset of an allergic reaction. Such drugs are used only on medical advice. This is especially true for the treatment of children.

Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines


Medicine name




140 p



260 p



230 p



300 p



630 p



170 p


Fenistil gel

410 p



170-310 years



100 p



11 p


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Suprastin is one of the best first-generation allergy medicines. It can be used to stop an allergic reaction, regardless of its type. It is the drug of choice for emergency care.

Suprastin does not accumulate in the blood serum, so a person does not overdose. The effect of the use of Suprastin comes very quickly, but in order to keep it for a long period of time, it is necessary to combine the drug with other allergy medicines.

The basis of Suprastin is a substance called chloropyramine. It does not circulate in the blood for a long time, does not accumulate in tissue cells, and is completely excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed to people suffering from renal insufficiency.

Suprastin has a sedative effect, increases drowsiness, but it perfectly eliminates urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis, Quincke’s edema and atopic dermatitis.


The advantages of Suprastin include:

  • Providing an anti-sickness effect.

  • Providing an antiemetic effect.

  • Proven and proven efficiency over the years.

  • Low cost.


Suprastin is not prescribed for the treatment of pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children younger than one month. It cannot be used to eliminate an allergic reaction in individuals with individual intolerance to the drug. In addition, Suprastin is contraindicated for people with an acute attack of bronchial asthma.

Another disadvantage of Suprastin is its short-term effect. It causes drowsiness and inhibits psychomotor reactions.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Tavegil is not used very often in modern medicine, although its use is not completely abandoned. The drug is considered a highly effective drug that has an effect similar to that of Diphenhydramine. However, cases of an allergic reaction to Tavegil have recently become more frequent.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and injections. It has a pronounced antiallergic effect. It is often used as an auxiliary component in anaphylactic shock and in pseudo-allergic reactions.


The advantages of the drug include:

  • Tavegil is highly effective. It quickly eliminates tissue swelling, itching, eliminates sneezing and rhinitis, and reduces lacrimation.

  • The effect of taking the drug lasts for 8 hours. Of all the drugs of this generation, only Tavegil has such a prolonged action.


The disadvantages of Tavegil include:

  • Tavegil itself can cause an allergic reaction in the body.

  • The drug has a slight sedative effect, so it should not be prescribed to drivers and doctors.

  • The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as for the treatment of children under one year old.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Claritin is the leading drug in its class. It is prescribed for the relief of an allergic reaction in patients, regardless of their age. Claritin can be used to treat children older than one year, as well as for the elderly.

The main active ingredient of Claritin is loratadine. Its effect develops already 30 minutes after ingestion and persists throughout the day. For the treatment of children, the drug is used in the form of a syrup.


The advantages of the drug Claritin include:

  • It does not enhance the effect of alcoholic beverages on the nervous system.

  • The drug does not reduce concentration, does not depress the nervous system.

  • The effect comes quickly, within 20-30 minutes after taking the first dose. The drug retains its activity for 8 hours.

  • The drug can effectively reduce itching, remove swelling from the tissues, eliminate redness of the skin. It has sufficient effectiveness in developing allergic bronchospasm and laryngospasm.


The disadvantage of the drug is that it affects the kidneys. In addition, it is quite expensive. For a similar cost, you can purchase a safe third-generation drug.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Allergy pills Zirtek – 300 rubles per pack. The main active ingredient is cetirizine. Antihistamine and antiallergic effect is achieved by blocking H1-histamine receptors. At the same time, the drug does not suppress the production of serotonin and acetylcholine. When it is taken, the migration of eosinophils decreases, a smaller amount of mediators is released. The drug is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis with itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, lacrimation, as well as chronic idiopathic urticaria.


The advantages of the drug include:

  • Quick effect that develops within an hour after taking the dose.

  • Prolonged action that lasts more than 24 hours.

  • The minimum set of contraindications, which boil down to intolerance to the components that make up the composition.

  • Possibility of use during pregnancy.

  • No dependence of the drug on food.

  • Rare occurrence of side effects. In clinical trials, isolated cases have been reported.


  • Ban on children under 6 years of age (for tablets).

  • It is not recommended to use the drug in conjunction with alcoholic beverages.

  • Should not be taken while breastfeeding.

  • Possible headache, drowsiness, dizziness.

  • The drug may increase the risk of urinary retention, which should be taken into account in patients with predisposing factors.

  • Drive vehicles and complex mechanisms with caution, as there is a risk of increased drowsiness.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Erius is one of the effective third generation allergy medicines. It is based on desloratadine. The drug begins to work almost immediately after taking it. It eliminates skin itching, reduces rashes, and allows you to get rid of rhinitis. To date, Erius is recognized as one of the best antihistamines. However, the price for it is high. It varies between 520-620 rubles.

The drug can be taken for 6 months or more without interruption, as it is not addictive. The medicine quickly eliminates allergies immediately after its development. The Erius course allows you not to experience the symptoms of an allergic reaction for another 10-14 days after the completion of treatment. An overdose will not happen, even if you take a dose that is 5 times higher than the recommended one.

Erius can be found in both syrup and tablets. This allows it to be used to treat children.


The advantages of the drug Erius include:

  • It can be prescribed for the treatment of children older than a year, as it is recognized as a safe drug.

  • The drug does not cause the development of such a phenomenon as resistance.

  • Erius can be used to treat rhinitis and urticaria.

  • Eating food does not affect the absorption of the drug.


The disadvantages of the drug include the fact that it can cause side effects, including: nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, headache, thinning of the stool and fever. Children may suffer from insomnia. In addition, they more often than adult patients experience headaches and a hyperthermic reaction of the body.

Erius has a number of contraindications, including:

  • Diabetes.

  • Kidney diseases.

  • Childbearing period.

  • Severe hereditary pathologies.

  • Lactation.

Another significant disadvantage of the drug is its high cost.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Cetrin is the best second generation allergy medicine. Its therapeutic effect is slightly different from the effect that first-generation drugs have, but it gives much less adverse reactions. Cetrin does not cause a feeling of lethargy, does not reduce the rate of psychomotor reactions, and is not toxic to the liver.

The main advantage of Cetrin is that it has excellent efficiency, and also begins to act quickly immediately after ingestion. The drug does not cause drowsiness, does not have a destructive effect on the liver.

Cetrin is prescribed for the treatment of seasonal allergies, atopic dermatitis and hay fever. It is used to stop allergic reactions in both adult patients and children.

The drug has a pleasant taste, has a minimum set of contraindications. It only needs to be taken once a day, which is very convenient.


The advantage of Tsetrin is that it does not depress the central nervous system and does not have a sedative effect. In addition, the drug allows you to quickly eliminate itching and reduce tissue swelling. Cetrin works throughout the day.


The disadvantages of the drug include the fact that it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • Cetrin should not be taken by people with end-stage renal tubular obstruction.

  • The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women.

  • The syrup should not be taken by children under 2 years of age.

  • Tablets are not prescribed for children under 6 years of age.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Fenistil is a second generation drug. It does not have such a pronounced effect as Claritin, but it works much better than first-generation drugs.

Fenistil is prescribed for allergies to food, medicines, skin rashes and allergic rhinitis during the flowering period of various plants.

Fenistil allows you to stop the symptoms of an allergic reaction, and does not allow it to gain full strength even when the concentration of histamine and allergen in the body is very high.

Fenistil can be found in the form of ointment, gel, solution and tablets.


The advantages of the drug include the fact that it quickly stops the development of an allergic reaction and prevents the further production of histamine.

Another advantage of the drug is that it can be prescribed for any type of allergic reaction: to food, to cold and sun, to chemicals, to plant pollen and animal hair.


The disadvantages of the drug Fenistil are as follows:

  • It enhances the effect of alcoholic beverages. It cannot be combined with certain drugs.

  • The drug should be administered with caution to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

  • The drug has a mild sedative effect.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Zodak, like Cetrin, has cetirizine as the main active ingredient. The drug is produced in the Czech Republic. There is another drug called Zodak Express, which is based on levocetirezine. Despite the different active ingredients, the drugs are produced under almost the same trade name.

Zodak can be purchased in tablet form, in the form of drops and in syrup.

It is used to treat diseases such as:

  • Dermatitis.

  • Rhinitis.

  • Pollinosis.

  • Conjunctivitis.

  • Hives.


The main advantages of the drug include:

  • Prolonged effect that lasts for 24 hours and even longer.

  • It can be prescribed for the treatment of children. In this case, the drug is used in the form of drops.

  • The drug does not have a sedative effect.

  • It starts working within half an hour after taking it.

  • The drug relieves allergy symptoms well, regardless of the stage of its development.


Zodak is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women.

When taken in children, the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • Lethargy or overexcitation.

  • Decreased psychomotor reactions.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

If a child takes the Zodak, then he cannot be trusted to control a bicycle and other moving objects.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Antiallergic drug Diazolin in tablets – 100 rubles. The main active ingredient is mebhydrolin. Tablets have the ability to stop the symptoms of allergies, reducing the swelling of the mucous membranes. Its reception allows you to reduce the effect of histamine on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, intestines, uterus. Diazolin is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, hay fever, urticaria, Quincke’s edema, allergic dermatoses. It can be used for eczema, conjunctivitis, and after insect bites.


The advantages of the drug include:

  • The drug penetrates into the central nervous system slightly, therefore, does not cause a pronounced hypnotic and sedative effect.

  • It has a weak anesthetic effect.

  • It begins to act quickly – 15 minutes after taking the dose.

  • The effect persists for 2 days.

  • Доступная цена.


  • Many contraindications, including: glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation of the digestive system, epilepsy, tachycardia.

  • Do not prescribe the drug to pregnant and lactating women, children under 3 years of age.

  • The need to take during or after meals.

  • May cause heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth.

  • Enhances the effect of ethanol and sedatives.


Top 10 Best Allergy Medicines: Pros and Cons

Diphenhydramine contains diphenhydramine. This drug can be called the “forefather” of all allergy medicines. In addition to providing an antihistamine effect, it is able to stop inflammation. As part of the triad, it is used to provide emergency assistance by a team of doctors.


The advantages of Dimedrol include:

  • Low cost of the drug.

  • Its fast effect.

  • Diphenhydramine goes well with other drugs.

  • The drug quickly eliminates skin rashes.


The disadvantages of Dimedrol include:

  • The drug in an unexpected way can affect the work of the central nervous system.

  • Diphenhydramine causes drowsiness, inhibits reactions, or hyperexcitation occurs. May cause insomnia.

  • The drug can cause the development of anemia, and also negatively affects the contractility of the heart muscle.

It is not recommended to use Diphenhydramine for the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.


There is no universal cure for allergies. The drug must be selected individually. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to find “your means”. However, the modern pharmacological market offers a sufficient number of antihistamines so that in the end a person can find what is right for him.

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