Top 10 BadComedian Reviews

Evgeny Bazhenov, known on the Internet as BadComedian, has been releasing video reviews of bad films since 2011.

The YouTube channel has a total of over 600 million views.

In our top, we will talk about the most viewed movie reviews on Evgeny’s channel, which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Some reviews will cheer you up with playful sketches and absurd scenarios, others will tell the truth about the making of the film, theft of money, ideas and hack work.

10 Terminator 5: Genesis | 7,6 million views

The review of the new part of the “Terminator” was released on December 1, 2015 and has 153 thousand likes.

In the story, John Connor sends Reese to 1984 to save Sarah Connor and all of humanity. In the past, the sergeant meets in his person an ally familiar to the viewer, the Terminator.

Bazhenov in the review is dissatisfied with the plot, the selection of actors for the main roles and computer graphics, which, according to the reviewer, have not improved in the Terminator universe in 10 years. The film is bad, even despite Arnold Schwarzenegger in the title role.

Eugene draws an analogy that if Nikulin had starred in the 2014 version of The Caucasian Captive, the film would not have become good from this.

And in his sarcastic way, Bazhenov notes that the Terminator script is so bad that he, Bazhenov, is “ready to build a time machine and go back in time … so as not to watch Genesis.

9. Maximum impact | 8,5 million views

The review of this film collected 399 thousand likes on the channel, according to IMDb, the rating of the film is 2.

A film about the interaction of agents of the FSB and the CIA, who need to save the kidnapped granddaughter of the US Secretary of State.

Starring Alexander Nevsky, and any fan of Bazhenov’s work knows that a film is a priori bad if Nevsky is involved in it.

The plot of the film is banal and written as if on the knee, poor cast, dialogues and interaction between the characters are not spelled out. Nothing good can be said about this film, except that the review turned out to be successful and very funny, so we recommend watching it to cheer you up.

8. Grandmother of easy virtue | 8,5 million views

A review of the film collected 359 thousand likes on Evgeny’s channel, directed by Marius Weisberg.

The idea of ​​the film is not new: a plot built around a man who, for some reason, dresses up as a woman.

A similar idea is known from the films “Only Girls in Jazz”, “Big Momma’s House”, “Hello, I’m Your Aunt”.

In the course of the review, Eugene reflects on the plagiarism that can be traced in the film. For example, the plot of “Grandma” is taken from the movie “Only Girls in Jazz”, where the main criminal characters hide from law enforcement agencies by dressing as girls. Some scenes and ideas are taken from the film “Tootsie”, which is noted by Bazhenov.

As a result, the reviewer concludes: “The Dirty Grandmother is a dull, stupid, empty and meaningless comedy in which the message itself is disgusting.”

7. Crimea | 9,3 million views

The review of the film collected 509 thousand fingers up, but the rating of the film on Kinopoisk is critically low – 3. The plot is built around a couple in love, who, after difficult historical events associated with the annexation of Crimea, must overcome adversity and save their love. So the review says, but Bazhenov speaks of the plot is not so partial. According to Eugene, the film has an inadequate Kyivan, a Ukrainian villain and an empty protagonist. The film does not reveal the essence of the conflict, nor the contradictions between countries, nor the viewer will see a love story there.

6. Children against wizards | 9,5 million views

The review of the film collected 309 thousand likes, but the rating on Kinopoisk was only 1.

The film tells about the cadets of the Suvorov military school, who are sent on a mission to Scotland to rescue Russian orphans.

In the review, Evgeny says that the film makes Russians look dumb but very kind, and other nations are cruel “bastards”.

Between the lines, the filmmakers plant subversive thoughts in the viewer’s head, for example, that the Serbs themselves are to blame for the destruction of their country, and, in principle, other nations are presented as negative heroes in the film.

Bazhenov also analyzes the spent budget of the cartoon, asking why the creators did not invest the money raised by donations in hiring good animators, screenwriters and director, but preferred to buy likes and positive reviews for the finished product.

5. Defenders | 10 million views

A film directed by Sarik Andreasyan, which collected only 3 points on Kinopoisk. The review for the film also collected 378 likes and a bunch of positive reviews.

The plot of the film is built around superheroes created by the Patriot project during the Cold War. Superheroes have been in the shadows for many years, hiding their essence, but the danger looming over Russia forces the heroes to join forces and repel the enemy.

Eugene says that in the film, whatever you take, everything is bad: editing, staging, directing, dubbing, script. The reviewer praised only the casting, emphasizing that the acting was bad, but visually the picture of the selected people was successful.

Also in the film there are good scenes of destruction created using computer graphics, but graphics without a script are not interesting to the viewer. Any successful film needs a solid script, character motivation and lively dialogue, but The Defenders, unfortunately, did not take these rules into account.

4. Viking | 10 million views

The film has a rating of 4,5 on Kinopoisk, and the review on the channel has collected 477 thousand likes.

The film shows the era of the early Middle Ages, during the reign of Prince Vladimir. The project began to be done in 2008, the premiere took place in 2016.

At the time of its release, Viking was the most expensive Russian-made film. It is full of historical errors, which Eugene notices throughout the review, referring to primary sources.

Unlike previous videos, the review of “Viking” was serious, with a detailed study of the budget, visual effects, acting and plot twists.

3. Attraction | 11 million views

Film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, released in 2017. The rating on Kinopoisk is almost 6 points, the likes under the film review are 520 thousand. A film about the invasion of the Earth by an alien ship and about a human uprising against intruders. In the review, Eugene first analyzes the entire film as a whole, then focuses on individual characters, their actions, logic, motivation and, of course, acting are analyzed. Bazhenov explains the success of the film simply: huge budgets were spent on advertising through federal channels, on the Internet and all kinds of media, positive reviews were bought. After all, tickets to cinema halls were sold out, but there were no spectators at these places. Bazhenov believes that “Attraction” is good only for camera work and visual effects, otherwise the main characters are unpleasant personalities, the editing is bad, the script is unfinished.

2. Hack bloggers | 12 million views

The film of 2016, which has a rating on Kinopoisk of 1 point, likes on the review – 518 thousand.

The film is about popular Russian bloggers – Ivan Gay, Sasha Spielberg and Mariana Ro, who were “hacked” by an unknown virus.

There is no exposition in the film at all, so don’t expect characters to be revealed and their interactions to be motivated. The film’s budget is 35 rubles, but the entire running time is a laptop screen capture and poorly drawn animated characters of bloggers. So the review turned out to be sarcastic and aggressive, but that did not make it any less funny.

Bazhenov concluded that “Hack Bloggers” is the worst film of 2016, although it is also capable of claiming victory in the “Worst Film in History” nomination.

1. Upward movement | 14 million views

The film of 2017 with a high rating on Kinopoisk and sincere positive reviews.

The Russian audience really liked the film, but the attitude towards it changed dramatically after Bazhenov’s review.

The creators of the film claim that the film is historically true, but the real people about whom the almost biopic film “Moving Up” was shot were suing the creators for defamation. Why? Eugene understands this for 2,5 hours.

A lot of work has been done on the review, with links to biographies, historical references, books and interviews of real people about whom the film was made.

As a result, after the review, “Movement Up”, recognized as the best film in Russian cinema, according to the audience, turned out to be a brazen plagiarism and a lie, and the main characters of the picture were generally slandered.

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