Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Not so long ago, we watched films about viruses and epidemics and thought: “This only happens in the movies.” But the COVID-19 epidemic, which broke into our lives and undermined many plans, proved to be a confirmation of how defenseless we are before nature. Anything can happen at any moment: an epidemic, cataclysms, catastrophes, but people have learned to cope with disasters and, united, are ready to face danger.

By the way, facing the danger posed by the epidemic is best protected. This is exactly what antiviral agents for coronavirus are intended for. Do they work? According to people, yes. Let’s find out what they are.

10 Paracetamol

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 29 rubles.

Paracetamol Many have it in first aid kits. Still would! These budget pills have an antipyretic effect, help with colds and eliminate pain. Paracetamol has been in demand for almost 100 years – it is loved for its proven effectiveness.

If we talk about coronavirus, it should be said that the remedy cannot stop the spread of the virus in the body, it only temporarily alleviates the patient’s condition. Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the composition of paracetamol weakly fights inflammation, so the risk of complications is lower.

For your information: doctors from the UK advise taking this drug more than NSAIDs (eg ibuprofen). Paracetamol is considered a safe drug.

9. Chloroquine

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 105 rubles.

Chloroquine It is a white powder with a bitter taste. It dissolves well in water. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiarrhythmic agent. Due to the inhibition of the synthesis of nucleic acids, it has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects.

This drug is one of the few officially recommended by WHO and the Ministry of Health in the treatment of coronavirus infection. The drug worked well during the SARS epidemic (in 2003). In China, clinical studies have been conducted that have proven the effectiveness of chloroquine.

Interesting fact: There is information on the Web that Trump is taking chloroquine.

8. Hydroxychloroquine

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 350 rubles.

The drug, which used to be in demand in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and malaria, is now on everyone’s lips. All because, as people assure, hydroxychloroquine helps with coronavirus. For the first time, a French doctor revealed the effectiveness of a drug in coronavirus. In order not to be unfounded, he conducted a study.

The study showed a number of open:

  • the drug reduces the viral load;
  • accelerates the recovery of patients with covid;
  • on the 6th day of treatment, 70% of patients were cured of covid;
  • rapid normalization of temperature.

Today, all patients are prescribed hydroxychloroquine along with an antibiotic. Its effectiveness is not 100% proven, whether to accept it or not is everyone’s business. The drug has a lot of side effects, do not forget to read them before use.

7. Dexamethasone

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 121 rubles.

It is worth noting immediately that dexamethasone – a hormonal drug, but in order not to harm yourself, it is enough to follow simple rules: do not abuse it and do not use it if there are hormonal diseases or problems with the adrenal glands.

The drug is officially approved by WHO for the treatment of covid, but it is prescribed only for treatment in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. There are no unequivocal conclusions about the effectiveness of the drug, but doctors are actively using it, and the results show a positive effect of the hormone on patients with severe covid. The hormonal medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is prescribed for covid.

6. Genferon

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 417 rubles.

Preparation genferon can be used by children and adults, and even pregnant women. It has excellent antiviral properties. They say that with a coronavirus infection, it is necessary to drink antiviral drugs, and for bacterial infections, antibiotics. Having recognized the virus in yourself, you need to help the body cope with it.

the main purpose of the drug is the treatment of SARS, but in our case it is a viral infection. It does not hurt to add another antiviral agent to geneferon. Their actions will be reinforced at the expense of each other. The product should be used rectally: 2 times a day after 12 hours. Course of treatment: 7-10 days.

5. Areplivir

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 5 060 rubles.

Coronavirus in its early stages is similar to the common cold. This is where it all starts: first there is a temperature and weakness, and then the sense of smell disappears. In this case, it is necessary to take a swab for the virus. For self-treatment, it comes in handy areplivir – the dosage is selected by weight.

For example, if a man weighs 84 kg, his daily allowance will be 1800 g twice a day. Later, the dosage can be reduced. According to those who have been ill, areplivir does not cause side effects. Thanks to this remedy, you can quickly cope with the disease; without it, the disease will proceed longer and more severely.

4. ribaverin

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: from 151 rubles.

These pills are known as a remedy for viral hepatitis, but in many countries it is also used for influenza. The drug should not be used during pregnancy and also for couples planning to have children. It is very toxic. May impair kidney and heart function. But why is he on this list?

The whole point is that ribaverin was recommended by the Ministry of Health for covid, but due to side effects it was canceled. But ribaverin is an excellent remedy, which is difficult to find analogues, the main thing is not to abuse it and follow the instructions. By the way, it describes in detail how to use the drug and talks about all the side effects.

3. Avifavir

Top 10 Antivirals for CoronavirusPrice: from 5 060 rubles.

Avifavir prescribed by doctors with a positive test result for covid infection. But in order to get it, you need to undergo a CT scan confirming lung damage. In pharmacies, the drug is unlikely to be found.

Avifavir treatment really has an effect – already on the second day, the temperature of the patients returns to normal, and the sense of smell returns. The taste buds also become active, and the fatigue felt in the muscles disappears after a few days.

For your information: Avifavir is produced under mandatory serial quality control.

2. Coronavir

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

Price: 5 rupees.

Round tablets coronavir have antiviral activity, judging by the recall, they help immediately. The drug was developed in 1998 in Japan, and it showed itself unexpectedly well in the treatment of coronavirus. In Russia, they bought a license for its manufacture. But the Japanese asked for a lot of money for the medicine.

The main thing for a person is to recover, so he is ready to donate hard-earned money for high-quality medicines. The manufacturer, of course, did not hesitate to set the price, but, as those who have been ill note, the drug helps immediately – during the day. If you are overtaken by a virus – do not even hesitate, take coronavir.

1. Satellite V

Top 10 Antivirals for Coronavirus

The price of one dose: about 730 p.

The cost of the Russian vaccine Satellite V for international markets from February 2021 will be less than 730 rubles per dose. In addition, vaccination will be free for Russian citizens. Currently, Sputnik V is available as a powder, which is diluted before the administration of the drug.

The first foreign deliveries of the product will begin in January 2021. The vaccine is made on the Ebola vaccine matrix. Vaccination is done in two passes, many note a severe reaction of the drug in the form of an exacerbation of chronic diseases. But not everyone is like that. After the introduction, the body may feel withdrawal closer to the night, in general weakness, the temperature rises, but 43 days after the start of treatment, the analysis shows that there are no antibodies.

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