Toothpaste – types, properties, composition, protection against caries

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Toothpaste is an obligatory element in everyday care, so it is worth making every effort to ensure that it is the best quality product. Then we can be sure that the toothpaste will not only clean the teeth and the spaces between them, but also take care of sensitive gums and will be gentle on the teeth. In this material, we explain what to look for when choosing a paste and what are the properties of the products in this category.

Toothpaste – composition

Product compositions are a very important factor for many consumers when shopping, and this applies not only to grocery shopping. Also, when choosing the right toothpaste, pay attention to its composition.

The best way to find out if a paste has a good composition or not is noting the small strip at the end of each tube. Its color tells a lot about the safety of the product. If the bar is green, it means that the ingredients contained in the paste are safe for the body, and the product has been made of natural substances. The blue bar indicates a large amount of natural ingredients in the paste (about 80%).

The remaining 20% ​​of the paste composition are chemical compounds. If the toothpaste strip is red in color, the chemical and natural components are present in a 50:50 ratio. Black stripe polishes should be avoided – such products are made of 100% chemical ingredients. They are certainly not the right choice for people opting for ecological solutions.

The most common ingredient, which is also known to be effective in fighting caries, is fluoride. Fluoridation treatment is also popular. Fluoride is a natural substance for humans because it is a physiological component of our body. It is located in nails, but also in bones, hair and, of course, on teeth. It is therefore natural to use toothpastes that have the right amount of fluoride in their composition.

Toothpastes with fluoride increase the tooth resistance to harmful factors, they also strengthen hard tooth tissues and enamel.

Find out more: Tooth structure

Of course, fluoride is not the only ingredient, because you should not forget about abrasive, polishing and foaming agents, which are responsible for the high effectiveness of the toothpaste. Abrasive and polishing agents account for up to 50% of the product content. Their task is to clean the teeth and the spaces between them, and additionally give the paste the right consistency. It is thanks to them that it is easy for us to squeeze the right portion of the paste from the tube onto the brush.

The most popular abrasives and polishes are calcium carbonate (this agent enhances enamel reminalization), calcium and magnesium hydroxides, as well as silicon oxide, hydroxyapatite and polymethacrylate. Proper concentration of these substances is important, because the use of toothpastes with too high RDA and REA may be counterproductive, and even cause tooth necks to be exposed, which in turn leads to tooth sensitivity.

Each toothpaste also contains detergents, i.e. substances responsible for the foaming of the toothpaste. The active ingredients lower surface tension by removing plaque effectively, but at the same time safely and gently. They are distinguished by antibacterial properties, thanks to which we counteract tooth decay.

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Toothpaste – how to choose the right one?

There are many types of toothpastes on the market, as manufacturers make every effort to respond efficiently to consumer demand. Everyone wants to have a beautiful, snow-white smile, so the popularity of whitening toothpastes is not surprising. A large group of consumers are also looking for denture pastes or products perfect for sensitive teeth or gums.

Below is the basic division of pastes by type.

  1. Universal pastes – their task is mainly to clean the teeth and the spaces between them. They do not have additional properties geared to the more demanding needs of consumers. Such toothpastes can be found in every store or drugstore. This is the standard type.  
  2. Whitening pastes – this type of toothpaste has a high RDA, so they should be used with caution. The above indicator informs about strong abrasion of the enamel. It is so for a reason, because the task of such toothpastes is to lighten the teeth by a few tones. The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed, because the treatment with the use of whitening paste lasts a certain time and should not be used continuously, as is the universal paste.  
  3. Sensitive toothpastes – such products often contain nitrate or potassium chloride. These substances help to protect sensitive teeth so that the user who uses the toothpaste on a regular basis will feel relief from discomfort and pain in the teeth area. Sensitive toothpaste closes the tubules with nerve endings, effectively penetrating the enamel. 
  4. Pastes against periodontitis – periodontitis is a common and disturbing problem, so people who want to alleviate redness, bleeding or pain should reach for a special paste. Products in this category are mainly composed of herbs, such as eucalyptus extracts. They are very gentle, safe for enamel and gums. 
  5. Denture pastes – the ingredients of such a paste are selected in such a way that the paste is not able to scratch or damage the dentures during daily oral hygiene.  
  6. Herbal pastes – as the name suggests, herbal pastes have a completely natural composition. We can recognize them mainly by the green stripe at the end of the tube. 
  7. Children’s toothpastes – toothpastes intended for children are often flavored, which may encourage children to take their first successful steps in taking care of oral hygiene on their own. Children’s toothpastes often contain very little fluoride, but they do contain xylitol – an ingredient with antibacterial properties. 

Also check: How does toothpaste work for tooth sensitivity?

Toothpaste – does it protect against cavities?

Caries is the most common cause of toothache and is caused by damage to the enamel. It becomes thinner and thinner, which leads to cavities that need to be treated in the dentist’s office. Caries is caused by acids produced by bacteria that have their source in the plaque, which in turn damages the tooth structure.

The implementation of appropriate habits in daily oral hygiene can prevent the development of caries and then enjoy a beautiful smile and well-being. In everyday hygiene, you should take care not only about the frequency of brushing your teeth, but even the amount of a single portion of the toothpaste. Preferably it is the size of a pea. If we use too little toothpaste, they will not be washed thoroughly, and thus their protection against cavities may not be sufficient.

Proper tooth cleaning will not remove already existing diseases of the teeth or gums, but it significantly influences their progress – it often completely stops the development of ailments. It prevents the formation of caries, but to expect such an effect, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. It is imperative that you brush your teeth thoroughly before going to bed to get rid of food debris that would break down overnight.

Toothpaste should be of good quality. Therefore, its purchase should be properly considered, bearing in mind its important tasks. The function of the toothpaste is to prevent tooth decay by thorough mechanical cleaning of the teeth. Brushing teeth with its use should begin with rinsing the mouth. You can use a few drops of the mouthwash for this, mixing it with baking soda beforehand. Tooth powders are also a good addition. Toothpastes, however, are more popular because they can be easily kept clean, and their use is very simple and quick.


Keep the paste out of the reach of children. Some children eat toothpaste, which may cause them to develop spots on their teeth.

Also read: Properties of whitening paste

Effective toothpaste – how to enhance its effect?

Regular tooth brushing with the use of proven toothpaste is the most important element of oral hygiene, but it is worth including additional elements in your daily care. Good dental care and regular check-ups are of particular importance. It is recommended to visit the dentist regularly, even for children from the age of two.

It is worth remembering not to avoid the gums when brushing your teeth. It is also important to rinse the mouth after a meal, then you will be able to remove any food and sugar residues.


It is worth remembering that proper oral hygiene is not only about getting rid of food debris and plaque. It is also important to stimulate blood circulation in the periodontal tissues faster. You can take care of high-quality hygiene by eating harder food that makes you chew.

Other habits that are worth implementing in order to strengthen the effect of toothpaste and ensure that the daily oral hygiene is of high quality.

  1. Choose sugar-free chewing gum. It will allow you to clean your teeth, which significantly affects the development of caries, or rather prevents its appearance. This is because chewing gum increases the flow of saliva, which removes food debris and substances that make up bacterial plaque. 
  2. Opt for the right snacks. We already know that tooth decay occurs largely as a result of inaccurate brushing and food and sugar residues on the teeth. It is worth remembering that some snacks may contribute to the formation of tooth decay. These are candies, cookies and other snacks that leave sticky residues on the teeth. A similar effect is also associated with the consumption of fruit juices and other drinks containing high amounts of sugar. It is better to reach for cheese, fresh fruit, vegetables or popcorn. 
  3. Use straws for drinking, of course choosing organic variants, i.e. avoiding plastic. When you drink your drink through a straw, the liquid has less contact with your teeth, which leaves less sugar on them. 

Check also: Fluoride – Pros and Cons

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