Toothpaste and 6 more unexpected things that cause insomnia

They are in almost every home – and they all prevent you from properly resting and recovering at night.

No matter how much you go to bed, do you wake up in the morning broken and exhausted? Perhaps it’s not about the amount of sleep at all, but about its quality. And the most unexpected things can affect him – here are our TOP-7 things that kill sleep.

Warm blanket

What could be better than a warm, cozy blanket – in the middle of winter, these words sound like music. Yes, falling asleep under a heavy blanket can be much easier than under a regular blanket. But if the blanket is too warm, then the quality of sleep may suffer from this. The fact is that if the body temperature rises even slightly, sleep becomes very fragile and shallow. It’s very important to find a balance here – if the room is too cool and the blanket is too light, you will not get enough sleep either.


Suddenly, right? However, scientists warn that even if you are very fond of lemons, stay away from them in the evenings. Citrus fruits can lift your spirits, can increase mental alertness and energy levels – which is not at all what you need when trying to get a good night’s sleep. For the same reason, skip the lemon or any other citrus-scented laundry detergent: you don’t need your sheets to invigorate you.


We in no way discourage you from brushing your teeth before bed! On the contrary, even dentists say that brushing your teeth in the morning is a beauty procedure, and in the evenings – for health. But we advise you to pay attention to the taste and smell of toothpaste. The fact is that not only citrus aromas, but also the smell of peppermint act excitingly on the brain. Try a pasta with a different taste – now you can find strawberry, and with the smell of gum, and even ginger and black currant.

Wall color

In 2013, a study was conducted, as a result of which it was found out that the color of the walls in the bedroom affects the quality of sleep. The most favorable were calm blues, greens and muted yellows. The worst are gray, purple and brown, they cause too active dreams and provoke nightmares. The silvery, gold, orange and red tones turned out to be, despite the apparent brightness, not so bad options compared to purple.  

A mess

Your mother was not so wrong when she made you clean up the room. More precisely, absolutely right. It is in childhood and adolescence that we can sleep even on the bare floor and under the rumble of a disco in the next room. And when adult everyday life begins, it turns out that not only noise, but also the disorder around can interfere. On a subconscious level, we are unable to relax when there is an unkempt, untidy space around.


It can be not only a dear and beloved person, but also an equally dear and beloved pet. First, they can get too hot. Secondly, they twirl and wake you up with their movements. Third, they pull down the blanket. Fourth, they can snore. Why, they not only can, but often do it!


They say that a good book at night, on the contrary, helps you fall asleep. And they are cunning. A book is, of course, better than TV or hanging on the phone. But if the book is really good, elicits an emotional response, or makes you think, then such reading can degrade the quality of your sleep. But you can afford light reading like a women’s magazine or a passing detective.

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