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Toothache is a common condition that should not be taken lightly, especially if it occurs more often and the pain is getting worse. It is best to go to the doctor immediately, even when the toothache has passed – it is not enough to relieve the symptoms, you should first of all find out their cause.

Toothache – definition

Toothache is a very troublesome ailment that makes us unable to focus on our daily duties or sleep. Toothache should not be ignored and it is advisable to consult your dentist in any case. However, before we schedule an appointment with a doctor, we can relieve pain with painkillers. Toothache may be mild, but it may also be acute, then the patient experiences great discomfort and unpleasant throbbing. Severe toothache does not occur for nothing, it usually indicates poor dental hygiene and neglect. The developing tooth inflammation can lead to infection of the sinuses and even the heart.

  1. Are you afraid of root canal treatment? Completely wrong!

The causes of toothache

The causes of toothache are primarily tooth damage due to cracked enamel or caries. At the beginning, patients feel hypersensitive to temperature changes or sour and sweet foods. Where does hypersensitivity come from? It results from the lowering of the gums and the exposure of a sensitive tooth neck or damage to the enamel. In addition, toothache can be caused by enlarged lymph nodes or problems with the jaw. In any case, a dentist should be consulted who will assess the cause of the pain.

Toothache due to caries – occurs when gaps in the dentin reveal the pulp inside the tooth. Because it is very sensitive, it starts to ache under the influence of food and liquids consumed. Advanced caries can cause severe pain, as the pulp is irritated all the time and eventually becomes inflamed.

Abscess – appears in pulpitis, then a severe toothache is felt. Spreading inflammation within the tooth pulp may spread to the periosteum. The periosteum is the membrane that covers all bones, incl. jaw bones and mandible. Periostitis occurs in gum disease and, if left untreated, it causes decay and death of the tooth pulp. Treatment of inflammation consists of administering antibiotics followed by root canal treatment. If the tooth is badly damaged and it cannot be saved – it is removed.

Check if you should consult a doctor? Go through the initial medical interview yourself.

Do you have a toothache? These are just appearances

It happens that we come to the dentist with severe toothache, which immediately indicates inflammation of the pulp or periapical tissues. However, the performed tests and X-ray pictures do not confirm the initial diagnosis. We feel cheated then and we do not believe the dentist that our tooth is completely healthy, and the pain may be caused by another ailment that has nothing to do with dental problems. Diseases during which we feel an apparent toothache include:

1. sinusitis – causes a feeling of pressure on the trigeminal nerves, the patient feels pain that covers many teeth, especially if the nerve outlets are pressed. Teeth in the affected area often show a low threshold of sensitivity to cold. The acute form of the disease causes the patient to feel a strong pain just above the cheek, which results from the pulsation of the infected maxillary sinus. The pain in sinusitis worsens when we move our head, run downstairs, or bend over. In addition, there may be pain around the eyes and temples, high temperature and hypersensitivity to touch around the face. Make an appointment with an otolaryngologist to make sure your toothache is not caused by a sinus abnormality.

2. disorders of the temporomandibular joint – pain during this disease resembles the one that occurs in the inflamed pulp. It is usually chronic and deep, and is dull and difficult to locate. Pain is especially worsening under stress and pressure on the affected joints and muscles. However, the teeth in the area of ​​the disease respond correctly to stimuli;

3. shingles – in the first few days after catching the chickenpox virus and before the vesicles appear, the patient complains of very severe pain that resembles pulpitis. However, in herpes zoster, the pain is caused by a neurological disorder, as the virus attacks the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve;

4. trigeminal neuralgia – the pain in this condition is stabbing, sudden and severe, resembles an electric shock and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. The pain is unilateral, it occurs and passes by itself, and the patient does not feel any discomfort between attacks. It can be associated with toothache because it coincides with facial sectors innervated by the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve. Pain occurs when performing simple activities such as eating, brushing your teeth or talking. Pain in trigeminal neuralgia is confused with acute tooth hypersensitivity, but dental examination shows that the reaction of the teeth to the stimuli is completely normal. Sign up for a consultation with a neurologist who will help you implement appropriate treatment methods.

5. angina – is a form of ischemic heart disease, which manifests itself with pain during physical exertion or in stressful situations. Pain likes to radiate to the left upper limb, back and shoulder. The patient feels numbness in the fingers and hand. Some patients develop severe pain in the jaw, mistaken for a dental disease. People with angina are not able to determine where exactly they feel pain, they have the impression that their entire lower jaw is in pain. After the dental examination, the dentist refers the patient to another specialist, e.g. a neurologist or a cardiologist. Contrary to appearances, the dentist’s decision is not to ignore the patient’s problem, but to be responsible for his health.

Are dental implants for everyone? See for yourself!

Ways to relieve toothache

The following methods of relieving toothache are temporary, they are recommended before the patient goes to the dentist for an appointment.

1. Paracetamol will help with minor toothache.

2. For more severe toothache, you can take ibuprofen or cloves that have an analgesic effect (you should chew them).

3. Mouth rinses made of chamomile or sage are ideal for gingivitis.

4. If there is a hole in the aching tooth, you can put a cotton ball soaked in clove oil, fir oil or valerian drops. This method is perfect for relieving pain and inflammation.

5. If a tooth hurts while eating – there may be an abscess, so eat the other side and take ibuprofen until you visit the dentist.

6. If the pain is accompanied by swelling, go to the dentist as soon as possible! Until then, you can take ibuprofen or pyralgine suppositories. In addition, relief is provided by rinsing the mouth with a cold mint infusion and ice cream on the face.

For toothache, try the Universal Visiomed Dead Sea Mud Mud Compress, which you can buy at Medonet Market. We also recommend a rubber hot water bottle in a fluffy cover, which will also work well for small children who are just growing teeth.

Toothache – where to make an appointment to see a dentist?

To prevent toothache, you should undergo scaling regularly. It involves the removal of tartar, the excess of which can lead to gum disease and periodontitis. Polmed offers tartar removal by mechanical and ultrasonic methods.

Toothache – prevention

The most effective prophylaxis against sudden and unexpected toothache are regular actions:

  1. daily keeping the oral cavity clean,
  2. regular – at intervals of at least six months – checking the condition of the teeth at the dentist’s; it is worth asking for dental fluoridation during the visit;
  3. immediate elimination of all cavities and lesions.

The Tm-Sonic sonic toothbrush will help in everyday care for a healthy and beautiful smile. The device has a timer that makes it easy to control the time while brushing your teeth. Do you want to choose a different sonic toothbrush? See the offer of Medonet Marketu sonic toothbrushes. It is also worth reaching for a toothpaste without fluoride, which does not damage enamel and helps prevent the development of caries and periodontitis.

In the case of proper oral hygiene in children, it is worth reaching for a toothpaste suitable for babies in various flavors:

  1. banana BIO toothpaste for children;
  2. apple BIO toothpaste for children;
  3. strawberry BIO toothpaste for children.

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