Tooth resection is a nightmare that many people dream about at night, but well, sometimes it is the only effective solution. Tooth resection is a dental procedure that is used when other methods of tooth treatment have simply failed. Check what is worth knowing about this topic. Although persistent treatment of inflammation has been carried out, all methods have been used, including root canal treatment, sometimes such surgery is necessary. The professional term for tooth resection is apicotomy. It is very often the only method that gives access to the source of the infection and can then be operated effectively. Failure to perform the resection may result in the formation of cysts, abscesses and granulomas.
Before the surgery
Right before tooth resection a current X-ray of a single tooth or a CBCT examination, i.e. a craniofacial tomography, is performed. If the patient suffers from any systemic diseases, the dentist may additionally order, for example, a morphology. Very often, before the resection is performed, one more attempt at endodontic, i.e. root canal, treatment is made. However, if a decision is made to perform the procedure, the doctor will often recommend antibiotic therapy before the procedure is performed resection.
During the procedure, the patient is anesthetized locally, and the anesthetic is the same as in the case of other dental procedures.
Tooth resection – what is it?
Root apex resection is a procedure that is performed using an incision in the mucosa in the vicinity of the root itself. The next step is to cut the so-called bone window, which must be at least 4 mm in diameter, and this can be done with a specialized bone drill or dental chisel. The next step is to cut the apex of the tooth root that has not succumbed to other treatments. In this way, inflammatory lesions causing problems in this area are removed.
After completing this task, the surgeon aligns the edges of the bone, cleans the defect, and then tightly fills the root canal from its apex, which is called back filling. Then the wound should be sutured and allowed to heal.
Sometimes the removed bone fragment is also replaced, and this is done with the help of a special one bone substitute material – this procedure greatly speeds up bone healing. The entire procedure takes no more than 60 minutes. The main thing is to ensure complete root canal tightnesso, because only thanks to this it will be possible to talk about the success of the entire procedure. Tooth apex resection most often it eliminates the excruciating pain that the patient must experience, and also allows you to avoid tooth extraction.
Tooth resection – indications
Tooth resection is most often performed after unsuccessful endodontic treatment, when complications have occurred, which, unfortunately, can always happen. The most common reasons for the need to perform such a procedure are incomplete root canal filling or poor quality materials. This, unfortunately, gives rise to various inflammatory processes.
Often tooth resection is performed in complications after tooth treatment with a prosthetic restoration, in particular, it concerns crown-root inlays. There are also patients whose teeth have curved or very thin root canals, and this hinders or prevents effective root canal treatment.
Rarely, but sometimes, a dental tool that happens to be in the root canal is broken. Unfortunately, such cases cannot be ruled out, even despite the dentist’s best efforts. An indication for tooth resection there is also a fracture of the root in the area of its apex or its perforation during endodontic treatment.
Root resection It is also performed when the tooth withers spontaneously and the inflammatory changes around the root persist.
Tooth resection – contraindications
Evident contraindications for tooth resection is the size of the lesions. If it exceeds 1/3 of the apical part of the tooth, the procedure is not performed. The same happens when the bone surrounding the tooth is lost or a longitudinal tooth breaks. Sometimes inflammatory changes in the periodontium and in the oral cavity prevent the implementation of such a procedure.
Resection It is not performed in people with diabetes, thyroid disease or with hypertension. A contraindication there is also pregnancy. For the record, it is worth mentioning that the procedure is not performed on deciduous teeth.
Possible complications and indications
After this quite invasive procedure, local swelling, bleeding and pain may appear. Sometimes there is an unpleasant tingling sensation. It is very rare that a nerve is paralyzed or an adjacent tooth is damaged.
Everything should heal within a few days. Normal oral hygiene should be maintained, omitting the treatment site. During the period convalescence Foods that are too hot or too cold must not be eaten, and it is best that they should be crumbled to avoid unnecessary irritation. Physical exertion should be avoided for several days after the procedure.
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