Tooth implants – techniques and advantages of implantology. How much do dental implants cost?

Implantology is a still developing science that allows you to restore teeth lost as a result of injuries, damage or improper care of oral hygiene. Over the years, dental implants have become more and more popular and more and more available to a large group of patients, due to the greater interest in them and the decreasing price of implantological procedures. Dental implants are a chance for a beautiful smile that more and more patients are convinced of.

What is a dental implant?

Implant is a specially made, usually of titanium, artificial tooth root that replaces a previously removed or lost natural root. Dental implant makes it possible to fix a new tooth crown in place of a lost tooth. Dental dental implant it is inserted into the bone of the dental process by screwing it in. The crown of the artificial tooth is fixed permanently and matched with the color and texture to the remaining teeth to minimize the visibility of the cavity. Dental implants they can replace single teeth as well as entire dental arches.

Types of dental implants

There are different types dental implants. The most popular of them and the longest-used ones titanium implants.

Titanium implants were used for the first time in 1965 in Sweden, as a project of a Swedish pioneer in the field implantologists, Professor Per-Ingvara Branemarka. Dental titanium implants they are extremely durable, they can be used in most patients without side effects.

The disadvantage of titanium implants there is their aesthetics – silver-gray color titanium implant implanted in the cavity, it should not be visible, however, in some cases, the area of ​​the tooth necks where the tooth is located may be exposed. Dental Implantology.

Placement of titanium dental implants is one of the most expensive treatments in the field of dentistry.

An alternative to titanium implants are zirconium implants, also called ceramic implants. Zirconium implants increase the aesthetics of this method of replacing missing teeth, because their texture and color are deceptively similar to the natural tissue that builds teeth. Zirconium implants they show high biological compatibility with the natural tooth tissue, as well as high resistance to external factors – corrosion, the effects of very cold, hot and acid substances, as well as changes in ambient temperature.

The course of the implantation of tooth implants

Procedure implantation of implants discourages patients due to the necessity of serious surgical intervention, fear of pain and implant acceptance. These concerns are completely understandable, but modern dental techniques minimize side effects, complications and pain after the procedure.

Patient deciding on implantation tooth implants must be at least 20 or even 25 years old, because at this age the bone development of the body stops and the jaws regain their final shape. There is no age limit for implantation tooth implants: many patients decide to replace implantami removable dentures for comfort and a natural look implants.

Po implant surgery the patient goes through a recovery period during which he is implanted in the bone Dental Implantology it must be accepted by the body and the periodontal tissues heal after surgery. The process of stabilizing dental implants usually lasts up to six months, and during this period a temporary crown is used to fill in the visible missing teeth. tooth implant it is accepted and stabilized in the bone and the tissues are regenerated. Tooth crown attached with the implant it can be the tissue of your own, lost tooth or a new form created by a dental prosthetist.

Contraindications for dental implants

Dental implants are usually well accepted by the body. Tooth implant rejection can be caused by bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, weakening the bone tissue and its regenerative capacity. Oral and periodontal diseases such as periodontitis can also make it difficult for the body to receive a tooth implant. Dental implants are not performed in patients suffering from diabetes, mental diseases, bruxism – teeth grinding due to neurosis, as well as in patients suffering from diseases that destroy the body: alcoholism, AIDS, cancer, drug addiction. Dental implants are not installed in pregnant patients and people with a jaw structure that prevents the proper performance of the procedure.

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