Tooth growth. Everything you need to know about it

“Our baby is a critter!”, “My son has his first tooth!” – this is how mothers share their emotions on social networks. Indeed, all parents look forward to the appearance of the first teeth. On the one hand, this is an important stage in the development of the child, on the other hand, it is a long-awaited relief of unpleasant symptoms that the whole family goes through.

The question of when teeth begin to grow in newborns cannot be answered unambiguously.. The first teeth appear at the age of 4 to 7 months. The sequence of teething in children is approximately the same, but the timing is often different. Some children go toothless up to a year, others – already in six months they “shine” with 2-4 teeth.

How do children’s teeth grow? Signs and symptoms.

Tooth growth. Everything you need to know about it

Profuse salivation can begin 1-2 months before the appearance of teeth. Together with him, an obsessive desire to bite, gnaw at everything that comes to hand will come to the baby. Make sure these are safe items. A large amount of saliva saves the baby from discomfort during teething. It has been proven that saliva has an antibacterial, analgesic effect.

Tearfulness, restlessness, disturbed sleep and appetite. New sensations are alien to the child, especially such unpleasant ones as constant itching and pain, albeit not always strong. Growing teeth in children can cause them to wake up frequently and cry. Parents can only arm themselves with patience and … knowledge.

Swelling of the gums. The tooth breaks through to the surface and must break through the bone and muscle tissue. Hence the change in the structure of the gums.

Hyperthermia, or an increase in body temperature. Changes in temperature can be both minor and worrisome to parents. Notice how long the temperature stays. If the fever persists for more than three days, you should call a doctor. Only a doctor will determine what caused hyperthermia: tooth growth or infection.

Runny nose and loose cough. These symptoms are due to copious saliva.

Causes of delayed tooth growth

Tooth growth. Everything you need to know about it

If the baby is already a year old, and there are still no teeth, then the parents begin to sound the alarm. Doctors call the following factors that affect the formation of the chewing apparatus:

  1. calcium deficiency in the child’s body;

  2. heredity;

  3. adentia;

  4. hormonal disorders;

  5. infectious diseases;

  6. prematurity.

The process of formation of milk teeth ends by 3 years. By this age, the child should have 20 teeth. If by the age of 1,5 you do not observe any signs of tooth growth, consult a doctor.

The order of teething. Table of tooth growth in children



Central incisors:


— 2 lower ones

6-10 months

– 2 upper

7-12 months

Side cutters:


— 2 lower ones

7-16 months

– 2 upper

9-12 months

Fangs (4 teeth)

16-23 months



— 2 lower ones

12-18 months

– 2 upper

13-19 months

Second molars:


— 2 lower ones

24-31 month

– 2 upper

25-31 month

The first teeth erupt in all children in different ways. If your baby is lucky, the first incisor will come out asymptomatically. Some children endure this process very hard, and parents are forced to use medicines.

How to deal with teething symptoms?

Tooth growth. Everything you need to know about it

Pharmacies today sell a huge amount of funds to help with teething. It can be anesthetic gels, ointments, drops. Their action is aimed at relieving inflammation, reducing pain, alleviating itching and burning sensations. When new teeth grow, it is rarely possible to endure the pain, and then anesthetic gels are used. Pediatricians insist on the need for consultation as a maximum, at least – on reading the instructions. Many drugs are not recommended for use up to a year, they can cause unwanted reactions in a child. However, they have a temporary effect.

“Dantinorm Baby” helps to cope with all the main symptoms that occur in children during teething: inflammation of the gums, fever, runny nose, indigestion and tearfulness. The solution is distinguished by convenient dosage packaging. The action of one dose lasts up to 8 hours, which, when taken three times, provides reliable protection against unpleasant symptoms 24 hours a day.

Where can I buy?

  • Pharmacy

  • Pharmacy

When babies’ teeth grow too painfully, some parents resort to homemade recipes:

  • gums with a gauze pad;

  • Minimal cooling of the painful area of ​​the gums with a spoon or pacifier;

  • Decoctions of herbs (require a doctor’s consultation);

  • Special cutters, etc.

Baby teeth care

Cleaning and grooming should begin as soon as the teeth begin to grow. Caries can easily move from milk teeth to permanent ones. It is important to visit the dentist 2-3 times a year. A pediatric dentist will notice changes at an early stage, tell you how children’s teeth grow, in what sequence, and help you choose a paste. The teeth will benefit from the restriction of sweets in the diet, but it is better to add foods rich in vitamins and minerals: fish, seaweed, cottage cheese.

It is very simple to teach your child how to care for their teeth: brush your teeth together, rinse your mouth with water after eating. These simple routines are easy to make fun for kids. And let the appearance of the first teeth bring only joy to your home!

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