Tooth fluoridation. When to perform, indications and side effects

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Dental hypersensitivity and caries are the most common dental problems faced by Poles. Experts estimate – even 70% of people struggle with caries. adults, 90 percent teenagers and even half of three-year-olds. The data is terrifying. And it would be enough to have proper oral hygiene and anti-caries prophylaxis so that the problem does not concern us. One of the ways to protect our teeth is through fluoridation. What is it and how does it work on our teeth?

What is fluoridation?

As the name suggests, the main ingredient used in fluoridation is fluoride. Fluorine is a chemical element that belongs to the group of elements characterized by high chemical activity. This means that it can be harmful in very large amounts. However, its absence leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body, especially in the form of bone diseases and teeth.

Fluoride is supplied to the body with food and water. Rich a source of fluoride are: nuts, seafood and fish, dairy products, legumes and tea. Fluoride also enters our body with oral hygiene products such as toothpaste, floss and mouthwash. How does it work on teeth?

  1. immunizes tooth enamel to harmful acids and bacteria;
  2. supports the so-called remineralization of enamel, i.e. reconstruction in places where small cavities appear;
  3. inhibits the growth of bacteria that contribute to the formation of caries;
  4. creates a barrier on the teeth that prevents the adhesion of plaque and the formation of tartar.

Since fluoride has a tremendous effect on strengthening the enamel, it has found application in dental procedures aimed at protection of teeth against caries. Fluoridation is the most commonly used treatment. It consists in applying a special gel with a high concentration of fluoride on the teeth. How is it going and when is it worth doing?

How does fluoridation work?

Fluoridation is a painless and safe procedure. It is carried out using gels, foams or varnishes with a high concentration of fluoride in the composition. Fluoridation is carried out by a dentist in the dentist’s office – it must not be done alone at home.

The first stage of fluoridation is to thoroughly clean the teeth of any dirt and food residues. Cleaning is done with a special rotating brush. It is applied only to thoroughly cleaned teeth preparation with fluoride. This sticks to the teeth, which may give the effect of dirty teeth for a few hours after the procedure.

To others fluoridation methods, used much less often, is to apply the foam to the teeth with special spoons. The preparation remains on the teeth for a few minutes, and then its excess is spit out. Sometimes fluoride iontophoresis is also used, which involves the use of a current that introduces fluoride into the tooth enamel.


Since the level of fluoride rises after the treatment, and the applied layer of the preparation releases further fluoride ions, building a protective barrier for our teeth, you should refrain from eating and drinking for at least two hours, and for 12 hours from brushing your teeth.

Teeth fluoridation at school

Certainly, each of us remembers group trips to the bathroom from the times of primary school, where a nurse or school hygienist poured a not-so-tasting liquid onto toothbrushes. Then you had to brush your teeth with a brush soaked in the liquid. It was a fluoridation procedure that was done in almost every school.

Today, Polish law says that teeth fluoridation in schoolchildren primary schools in grades 1-6 should be carried out by a school hygienist or a nurse in areas where the level of fluoride in drinking water does not exceed 6 mg / l of water. In such areas, fluoridation should be performed XNUMX times a year, every XNUMX weeks.

However, you should know that fluoridation at school requires the written consent of the parents. However, more and more often there are situations in which parents do not want their child’s teeth to undergo fluoridation, fearing the harmful effects of fluoride on their children’s bodies. They also claim that they are able to take care of their kids’ teeth by themselves.

This is not confirmed by statistics that say that caries affects up to 90 percent. adolescents, and the main reason for its development is inadequate oral hygiene, lack of prophylaxis and dental check-ups. Fluoride prophylaxis financed by the National Health Fund is an attempt to stop the constantly growing problem of tooth decay among Polish children.

Indications for the use of fluoridation

We already know that fluoridation in children is used as a prophylactic measure to protect against caries. In adults, fluoridation is performed in cases of:

  1. discoloration of plaque;
  2. hypersensitivity of the necks of the teeth;
  3. preventing caries in the places of filling cavities;
  4. enamel demineralization;
  5. prior scaling and sandblasting to reduce the rate of plaque and tartar build-up;
  6. eliminating tooth sensitivity in people wearing orthodontic appliances.

Side effects of fluoridation

Before making the decision to perform fluoridation, you should remember that improperly performed and with the use of a large amount of a strong fluorescent agent can cause serious side effects. Fluoride poisoning can cause:

  1. stomach pain,
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. watery eyes;
  4. excessive sweating;
  5. excessive salivation;
  6. weakness of the body;
  7. headaches.

Using too much fluoride can cause the development of fluorosis, a disease that occurs when developing teeth are exposed to too much fluoride. Its symptoms are easy to recognize – spots appear on the surface of the teeth whiter than tooth enamel, which then turn dark brown.

It is also worth remembering that if we brush a child’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste, we should make sure that as little as possible gets into the child’s digestive system. To prevent swallowing of the paste, it is worth collecting the excess with gauze or a nappy immediately after washing.

If we notice at home symptoms of fluoride poisoning, the first step should be reaching for a glass of milk, which will neutralize the harmful effects of fluoride. Then we should seek medical attention.

You should know that fluoridation will have a positive effect on the condition of our teeth only if it is carried out in the dental office by an experienced dentist. Therefore, when deciding on a fluoridation treatment, remember that it should be carried out by a specialist who usually deals with our teeth.

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